(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)
Prelim and Main
- India sees 6.2% rise in goods exports in October READ MORE
- PM launches Rs 24,000-cr scheme for vulnerable tribal groups’ welfare READ MORE
- NASA, ISRO gearing up to launch joint space mission to map globe every 12 days READ MORE
- Gold pushed trade deficit to new high of $31.46 billion in October READ MORE
- Greenhouse gases hit record high in 2022: UN READ MORE
- FATF team in India to hold on-site review meetings READ MORE
- Tribal body declares ‘self-rule’ in a few districts of Manipur READ MORE
- India to host 2nd Voice of Global South Summit on November 17 READ MORE
- WHO roadmap to end TB in children focuses for 1st time on pregnant, post-partum women affected by disease READ MORE
- CBD’s Geneva meetings: Benefit sharing on traditional knowledge & digital sequence information on agenda READ MORE
- Why adultery was struck off IPC, and why a House panel wants to make it a crime again READ MORE
GS Paper- 1
- Let society evolve; resist return of regressive laws READ MORE
- Challenges to curbing community-based prostitution READ MORE
- Does It Work To Pay People Not To Cut the Forest? READ MORE
GS Paper- 2
- The growing wave of decentralisation: Comparative evidence from developing countries READ MORE
- The price of persistent federal frictions READ MORE
- Life over death: On death penalty abolition and parliamentary panel report READ MORE
- Regulating OTT: Draft Broadcasting Regulation Bill may be an attempt to control digital infrastructure READ MORE
- A grave error in the law READ MORE
- Improve teacher quality to raise school standards READ MORE
- Extend political discourse on poverty to redistributive justice READ MORE
- India Once Was a Strong Ally of Palestine. What Changed? READ MORE
GS Paper- 3
- Food flux: On food costs and the October tidings READ MORE
- IPEF supply chain pact is unfair READ MORE
- Is there more room for competitive populism? READ MORE
- Electrification of last-mile mobility and logistics READ MORE
- RBI, Narendra Modi and the Subtle Art of Ignoring Concerns READ MORE
- How a gendered digital divide, low quality of jobs keeps Indian women out of the workforce READ MORE
- Climate pledges lacking: 87% of remaining global carbon budget to limit warming may be depleted by 2030, finds UN READ MORE
- Global emissions: UN report exposes inadequacy of efforts READ MORE
- Climate concerns or trade barriers? READ MORE
- AI can play the sleuth to expose scientific fraud READ MORE
- MHA extends UAPA ban against eight Meitei extremist organisations READ MORE
- Realism, not machismo, to counter terror READ MORE
- Another warning in the Himalayas READ MORE
- Tunnel tragedy is another eco-warning we need to heed READ MORE
GS Paper- 4
- In the age of Kalyug, it is time to leverage the power of the collective READ MORE
- Does Philosophical Reflection Still Hold Value? READ MORE
- Tolerance is the key to achieving peace READ MORE
Questions for the MAIN exam
- AI is one of the most significant technical advancements in recent times, but it is posing a great danger to humanity by unleashing misinformation and deepfakes. Justify with recent examples.
- The cause of poverty in the country is not only economic but the issue of caste plays a substantial role. Argue and justify.
- We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator.
- Improving teacher quality and pedagogical innovation to enhance the overall rigour of education in the country, must be an immediate and urgent priority.
- Higher than expected tax revenues provide a cushion for the government. However, concerns remain about the medium-term fiscal deficit
- For an economy whose resilience relies on its domestic demand buffer against global shocks, reluctant or budget-cramped consumers are the biggest headwind for policymakers to strive to address.
- Any interest rate hike over and above the 2.5 percentage points already administered in this rate hike cycle would have hurt growth significantly.
- The agreement on Supply Chain Resilience will enhance the resilience of the US, while deepening the vulnerability of India and other developing countries.
- AI is one of the biggest technical advancements in recent times but it can pose a great danger to humanity by unleashing misinformation and deepfakes.
- Ensuring AI safety would require the convergence of multiple branches of activity, including skills, talent, and physical infrastructure.
- Transitioning to low-carbon cities can significantly reduce CO2 levels.
- The future will either be green or not at all.
- Energy justice and social equity issues can have severe implications for the economic well-being of people, livelihoods, and economic development.
- A beginning can be made by providing gig workers with EVs. The Govt must support them and acknowledge their contribution to the economy.
- As the demand for reservation reaches a crescendo, the original justification for this departure from formal equality has become more difficult.
- The cause of poverty in the country is not only economic. A substantial number of the poor belong to the Scheduled and Backward Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
- If background inequalities force certain people to live below the poverty line, this should be seen as a serious infringement of the right to equality granted by our Constitution.
- The idea of caste is the greatest dividing factor… all caste either on the principle of birth or of merit is bondage.
- India this time around has taken a much stronger pro-Israel stand than is typical during Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.
- The state and central governments also need to acknowledge the contributions and the critical nature of these gig workers.
- COP28 presents an opportunity to India and other nations to hold the West accountable and liable for the environmental crisis.
- The future will either be green or not at all.
- Irrational and unscientific fixed-dose combination drugs ruling the Indian pharma market is a menace that has gone on unchecked for too long. A study shows 70% of antibiotic FDC drugs in the market are banned or unapproved. This is a public health hazard; convoluted and inefficient regulations are bad medicine.
- The ordeal of 40 men trapped inside a collapsed tunnel in Uttarakhand is a reminder of the tightrope walk infrastructure development is in Garhwal Himalayas. Aggressive construction without mountain-appropriate plans is a slippery slope. We hope they are rescued soon, but disregarding the region’s vulnerability will only endanger more lives.
Things to Remember:
- For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
- Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
- For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
- For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
- Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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