THE CONTEXT: Recently, the concept of meritocracy where individuals are rewarded based on their abilities and hard work rather than their social status is being extensively debated. Once seen as a fair system for rewarding individuals based on their abilities and efforts, is facing significant challenges in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI).


  • It is a political, social, or economic system in which individuals are assigned to positions of power, influence, or reward solely on the basis of their abilities, hard work, and achievements rather than their social status or background. It represents a rejection of hereditary aristocracy and nepotism.
  • The theory of meritocracy presupposes the possibility of equality of opportunity. The evolution of meritocracy has witnessed significant transformations, influenced by the critiques and analyses of thinkers such as Michael Young, Michael Sandel, and Adrian Wooldridge.
  • Proponents and critics of meritocracy offer compelling arguments about its impacts on society, highlighting its virtues and shortcomings.


  • Michael Young’s View: Young, a British sociologist, foresaw a dystopian meritocratic world in his satirical book, The Rise of the Meritocracy (1958). He envisioned a future, specifically 2034, as a society where social class and mobility were determined solely by intelligence and effort, as measured through standardised testing and educational achievement. It was a critique of the then-emerging trend towards a merit-based system, which he feared would lead to a new form of social stratification.
  • Michael Sandel’s Stand: Sandel’s critique focuses on the divisive consequences, arguing that meritocracy fosters a sense of entitlement among the successful and resentment among those left behind, thereby eroding social cohesion. Critical theorists also argue on similar lines by critiquing meritocracy for masking deeper power dynamics and inequalities. They say that meritocracy can perpetuate social hierarchies by legitimising the status of the elite under the guise of fairness and neutrality.
  • Post-Structuralists Views: Post-structuralists challenge the notion of merit, questioning who defines merit and how it is measured. They argue that concepts of merit are socially constructed and reflect the biases and interests of those in power. Post-structuralism highlights the fluidity and contingency of merit, suggesting that meritocratic systems are inherently subjective and can reinforce existing inequalities.
  • Adrian Wooldridge: Wooldridge lays stress on the practical evolution of meritocracy and its potential for reform. In his book, The Aristocracy of Talent, he explores how meritocracy, initially a force for progress and social mobility, has inadvertently fostered new inequalities by becoming somewhat hereditary, with privileges being passed down generations. Despite recognising the potential for meritocracy to create a new elite, Wooldridge believes in its intuitive fairness and proposes reforms that include making selective schools as “escalators into the elite” while improving access for underprivileged students and advocating better technical education.


  • The introduction of AI complicates the notion of meritocracy by questioning traditional metrics of merit, worsening biases, and polarizing the workforce.
  • Recalibrating meritocracy in the age of AI requires a nuanced understanding of its impact on societal structures and a deliberate rethinking of how merit is defined and rewarded.
  • AI, with its rapidly evolving capabilities, will be reshaping merit and the idea of meritocracy in six ways.
    1. AI questions the basis of human merit by introducing a non-human entity capable of performing tasks, making decisions, and even ‘creating’ at levels that can surpass human abilities. OpenAI’s Sora is the evidence that creativity is not an exclusive human trait anymore.
    2. The advent of AI challenges the traditional notion of individual merit by prioritising access to technology. Individuals with access to AI tools gain a significant advantage, not necessarily due to their personal abilities, but because of the enhanced capabilities of these tools.
    3. AI systems trained on historical data can perpetuate and even worsen biases present in that data, leading to discriminatory outcomes in areas such as hiring, law enforcement, and lending. These biases can disadvantage groups which are already marginalised.
    4. AI would push the workforce towards either high-skill, high-wage jobs involving complex problem-solving and creativity or low-skill, low-wage jobs requiring physical presence which AI cannot replicate yet. This polarisation will lead to socioeconomic disparities, as individuals without access to high-level education and training are pushed towards lower-wage roles.
    5. The opaque nature of many AI algorithms, coupled with the concentration of power in a few tech giants, poses significant challenges to accountability. In a meritocratic society, individuals must understand the criteria by which their efforts and talents are evaluated. However, the ‘black box’ nature of many AI systems can obscure these criteria, making it difficult for individuals to know how to advance or challenge decisions made by AI, thus eroding the meritocratic ideal.
    6. At the organisational level, the core of AI’s power lies in data and algorithms that process this data. Tech giants with access to unprecedented volumes of data have a distinct advantage in training more sophisticated and accurate AI models. This data hegemony means that these entities can set the standards for what constitutes ‘merit’ in the digital age, potentially sidelining smaller players who may have innovative ideas but need access to similar datasets.


  • Understanding the criteria: In a meritocratic society, individuals must understand the criteria by which their efforts and talents are evaluated. There needs to be a sophisticated understanding of the interplay between technology and societal structures.
  • Rethinking of merit in age of AI: Meritocracy in the age of Artificial Intelligence calls for a deliberate rethinking of how merit is defined and rewarded when AI tools can both augment human capabilities and deepen existing inequalities.
  • Strategies for AI potential in India: India, being the fastest growing economy with the second largest population in the world, has a significant stake in the AI revolution. Recognising AI’s potential to transform economies, Indian needs to strategies its approach.
  • Establishing standards: Together, the public and private sectors can work to establish standards and policies that ensure new technologies, such as AI and ML. It will help drive human progress and create job opportunities for future workforce and grow our economies.


The concept of meritocracy has sparked intense debate, with proponents highlighting its virtues in rewarding abilities and achievements, while critics point to its potential for fostering entitlement and worsening social divides. With the advent of AI, the idea of merit is further complicated, raising questions about human versus machine merit. Addressing these complexities requires a nuanced approach to redefine merit and ensure fairness in the digital age.


Q. Discuss how Artificial Intelligence can be used to meet India’s socio-economic needs. (2020)


Q. Recently, the concept of meritocracy has been extensively debated. Discuss the implications of Artificial Intelligence on the concept of meritocracy, considering its impact on social stratification, biases, and workforce dynamics. Suggest potential reforms in this context.



THE CONTEXT: A few months ago, India’s drug regulator Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO), approved the market authorisation for NexCAR19, India’s first indigenously-developed CAR-T cell therapy. This paves the way for the commercial launch of this therapy in India, where it is expected to be available to cancer patients at a tenth of the cost abroad. Recently, a 64-year-old former army doctor has become the first patient in the country to be free of cancer cells after being administered this therapy.


  • For decades, oncologists have relied on chemotherapy, radiation and surgery to treat cancer patients which the primary methods to treat the dreaded disease. In the past two decades, however, research has extended the frontiers of anti-cancer interventions.
  • Drugs have been developed to home in on the molecules cancer cells require to survive and spread. Immune system-boosting drugs have shown the ability to shrink tumours in some patients with advanced malignancy.
  • CAR T-cell therapy is among the most promising recent developments, especially because it has shown the ability to eradicate advanced leukemias and lymphomas. Most of the early research in this field was conducted in laboratories in the US, Europe and China.
  • In October, 2023, India joined this elite list after the country’s drug regulator approved a CAR T-cell therapy incubated at Tata Memorial Centre and IIT Bombay laboratories.


  • CAR-T is a revolutionary therapy that modifies immune cells, specifically T-cells, by turning them into potent cancer fighters known as CAR-T cells.
  • T-cells are special cells (white blood cells) whose primary function is cytotoxic, meaning it can kill other cells.
  • T-cells are then put back into the body, and they go after cancer cells especially in blood cancers like leukaemia and lymphomas.
  • CAR T-cell therapies are customised for each patient. The treatment is far less difficult for the patient compared to several sessions of chemotherapy.
  • Laboratory and animal studies have shown that India’s homegrown therapy has significantly fewer side effects compared to those developed in the West.

How effective and different is this from other cancer treatments like, say, chemotherapy?

  • While chemotherapy and immunotherapy may add a few months or years to a cancer patient’s life, cell-and-gene therapy is designed to cure and provide lifelong benefit.
  • It makes treatment easier with a one-time therapy unlike several sessions of chemotherapy. It is a lifeline for non-responsive cancer patients.


  • NexCar19 is a type of CAR-T and gene therapy developed indigenously in India by ImmunoACT, which is a company incubated at IIT Bombay.
  • The therapy is designed to target cancer cells that carry the CD19 protein. This protein acts like a flag on cancer cells, which allows CAR-T cells to recognise and attach themselves to the cancer cells and start the process of elimination.
  • India is now one of the first developing countries to have its indigenous CAR-T and gene therapy platform.
  • The therapy is for people with B-cell lymphomas who didn’t respond to standard treatments like chemotherapy, leading to relapse or recurrence of the cancer.
  • Recovery typically occurs within two weeks after one cycle of the treatment. Approximately 70% of patients respond to the treatment, with variations between leukaemia and lymphoma cases. About 50% of these responsive patients achieve a complete response.


  • Lower drug-related toxicities: Laboratory and animal studies have shown that it leads to significantly lower drug-related toxicities.
  • Minimal damage to neurons: It causes minimal damage to neurons and the central nervous system, a condition known as neurotoxicity. However, neurotoxicity can sometimes occur when CAR-T cells recognise the CD19 protein and enter the brain, potentially leading to life-threatening situations.
  • Minimal Cytokine Release syndromes: The therapy also results in minimal Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS), which is characterised by inflammation and hyperinflammation in the body. Inflammation are caused due to the death of a significant number of tumour cells, as CAR-T cells are designed to target and eliminate cancer cells.


  • Affordability: Cancer incidence and mortality continue to rise driven by spikes in the Global South. In India, where the disease claims about 8 lakh people every year, treatment is expensive for an overwhelming section of the population. Critics argue that developing CAR T-cell therapy in India may not be as cost-effective as it will still be unaffordable for most people.
  • Accessibility: High costs and the need for specialized infrastructure for production and administration remain significant barriers to widespread adoption and accessibility.
  • Preparation: One of the issue faced by CAR T-cell therapies is its preparation that has been major hindrance to their widespread use. CAR T-cell therapy requires technical and human resources, making it challenging to administer.
  • Side Effects: The potential side-effects of CAR T-cell therapy is also significant which are associated with cytokine release syndrome and neurological symptoms.


The development of indigenous CAR-T cell therapy in India marks a significant advancement in the country’s healthcare landscape. Researchers and planners must work to cut costs of the therapy to lower the cancer mortality rates in the coming decades.


Q.1 What are the research and developmental achievements in applied biotechnology? How will these achievements help to uplift the poorer sections of society? (2021)

Q.2 COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented devastation worldwide. However, technological advancements are being availed readily to win over the crisis. Give an account of how technology was sought to aid the management of the pandemic. (2020)


Q.1 Highlight the significance of the development of indigenous CAR-T cell therapy in India. Discuss the challenges in terms of its accessibility and affordability for cancer treatments in the country.



THE CONTEXT: The government is overhauling India’s science establishment, which includes setting up the new National Research Foundation (NRF) and restructuring the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). In this scenario, a comprehensive assessment of the current administrative ability to optimise Indian science’s efficiency and resilience is necessary.


  • Low expenditure on research: One of the major issues constraining scientific outcomes in India is its low expenditure on research and development which is around 0.7% of GDP, compared to 3.5% for US and 2.4% for China. Added concern is inability to commit to long-term steady funding of critical projects when faced with the inevitable occasional failures.
  • Failure of scientific administration: The scientific administration is failing in India, for example, even the space programmes is witnessing narrowing leads. As in 2022, ISRO stood a very behind on launch numbers, with foreign startups racing ahead on key technologies such as reusable rockets. Likewise, the lead in nuclear energy has been fading away from being latecomers to small modular reactors to unutilisation of thorium ambition. On critical science and technology themes such as genomics, robotics, and artificial intelligence, the situation is even more alarming.
  • Domination of public sector: India’s science sector is dominated by the public sector. There are generic irritants associated with governmental bureaucracy, such as delay in approval of crucial time-dependent funding, or equitable decision making across different funding levels.The direction and organisation of science is inconsistent and unfit for the vital role which science must play going ahead.
  • Outsized role played by scientists: The defining feature of India’s science administration is the centrality of its senior scientists. However, there is another race going on there, with scientist trying to fit in the role of administrator as many try to become directors, vice-chancellors and secretaries to the Government of India. Therefore, top scientists rather than government bureaucrats are at the helm of India’s science administration.
  • Administrative efficiency: There is an argument that only scientists can appropriately run scientific institutions, considering the importance and technical rigours of the science that is supposed to go on in these places. The actual performance of these institutions is proof enough that this paradigm is faulty. This leads to shelved projects, loss of time and financial resources.
  • Lack of training: The lack of comprehensive training in selecting which particular metrics are appropriate under what circumstances leads to absurdities such as an entire project getting derailed due to a single invoice or acquisition. Administration is the art of translating policy into outcomes and scientists are simply not trained to prioritise between time, cost, or precision.
  • Conflict of interest: The scope for conflicts of interest in the present scenario and system is huge. Being an academic within the same institution in which one wields administrative control does not go well. Thus, scandals such as high plagiarism rates, paid publications in disreputable journals, and under-the-table dealings to garner government funding have become normalised.
  • Institutional capture and Factionalism: The culture of Indian science has descended into shoddy quality control and projects of scientific and strategic importance have been devastated due to reasons that range from competition to egotism. The fact that there is no system of all-India transfers of both scientists and science administrators only magnifies institutional capture and factionalism. Only few institutions have exclusive access to certain equipment which lead to emergence of system of gatekeepers. Many bright scientists’ careers and lives have been destroyed due to their conflicts with this oppressive network of gatekeepers.


  • Focussing on positive funding balance: Considering such a low expenditure, there is a need to focus on allocating money wisely by emphasising on high-impact projects. Proper funding exhibit a significant drive towards supporting initiatives with the potential for commercial translation of products or services.
  • Freeing up scientist from administration: Administering an organisation as complex as a national lab or a university cannot be relegated to becoming a side-project of a ‘working’ scientist doubling up as a director or vice-chancellor. In this scenario, there is a need to free up scientist from administration, this will lessen the burden of scientists and will help use their expertise in research.
  • Separation of administration and scientific management: There is a need for separation between administration and scientific management. The separation of administrators and scientists is something which most robust science establishments generally embrace. Administration requires a particular skill set, most importantly, the allocation of money, resources and time. Indeed, attributes associated with good scientists, such as individuality, constructive ego, and erudition, have little congruence with the demands of administration tact, realism, flexibility and firmness.
  • International experience: An American middle-way arrangement can be adopted in this regard, where scientists are selected and trained in an all-India pool of a science administration central service. In U.S., with labs being embedded in the university ecosystem and run by scientists, selects scientists for an administrative role quite early on in their careers. Such selected science administrators only carry out administrative tasks thereon, and are groomed for the task, with very few of them ever going back to active science.
  • Cultivating a supportive ecosystem: A flourishing research ecosystem thrives on funding, infrastructure and a critical mass of expertise. Enhancing the quantum of allocation of research funds through government grants, which are the primary support for Indian researchers can result in more ideas coming to life. Enabling research exposure at the undergraduate level can motivate more youngsters to pursue research as a career.
  • Building trust: Scientists often prioritise delving into the fundamental aspects of a problem, and publishing their observations, sometimes sidelining the application of their findings. However, recognising the value of impactful outcomes, researchers can make significant contributions by formulating research proposals that address pressing societal needs. By bridging this gap between fundamental exploration and real-world innovation, the innovation pipeline gains momentum.


Administration is something which has to be taught and practised separately from the subject matter being administered. Without addressing these core concerns, India’s science establishment will continue to do injustice to its economic and strategic aspirations. Research thrives when scientists can devote their time and energy to solving problems in science rather than administration. India presents a promising landscape of research and scientist need to strike the delicate balance between administrative tasks and their core research to achieve outstanding scientific outcomes.


Q.1 How is science interwoven deeply with our lives? What are the striking changes in agriculture triggered off by science-based technologies? (2020)

Q.2 Scientific research in Indian universities is declining, because a career in science is not as attractive as our business operations, engineering or administration, and the universities are becoming consumer-oriented. Critically comment. (2014)


Q.1 The administrative setup of any complex organisation is its central nervous system, and the same is true for science establishments. Examine the statement in light of challenges of administration in the arena of science and technology in India.





THE CONTEXT: Air pollution is a big menace for the city of Delhi which faces this issue annually. The problems with poor air quality usually attract attention during late autumn when stubble burning is at its peak in the states neighbouring the NCR. However, data shows that good or even moderately satisfactory air evades the capital’s residents for most parts of the year, especially in winter.


  • Crop Burning:Farmers of the states around Delhi carry out stubble burning which leads to generation of pollution and these pollutants are carried towards Delhi.
  • Vehicular Emissions: Vehicle emissions contribute to the dangerous impacts of smog and air pollution. Due to the sheer volume of automobiles on the road, this is a significant source of pollution.
  • Construction Dust: Increase in construction and other infrastructure work in the region has led to generation of construction dust, which acts as a pollutant.
  • Industrial Pollution: Delhi-NCR’s industries have not embraced environmentally friendly fuels and methods. They emit harmful gases which cause pollution.
  • Stagnant Winds: During winter months, the upward movement of air from the layers below is stopped which causes polluted air to be stagnant over the region. Due to stagnant winds, the pollutants generated in the area get trapped over the region which increases the chances of pollution to a great extent.
  • Geographical Reason: As Delhi is land-locked from all sides, the north-westerly winds coming from Pakistan and Afghanistan bring in large amounts of dust particles to the region. Due to the presence of Himalayas, which block the escape route of the air, the dust and pollutants settle in the region.
  • Lack in programme implementation: There is lack of effectiveness in programme implementation to tackle air pollution. For example, CAQM has not developed a synergy between the different bodies whose work is crucial to ensure clean air pollution. In 2019, the government launched the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) to reduce pollution by 20-30% by 2024 compared to 2017. In 2022, the programme’s goalposts were shifted 40% reduction in pollution by 2026. Most independent studies show that progress under NCAP has been slow.
  • Unutilised funds: Recently, Centre told Parliament that cities in Delhi-NCR have utilised less than 40 per cent of the funds allocated to curb air pollution.


  • Commission for Air Quality Management is monitoring agency set up in 2021 and it has imposed restrictions under phase III of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP).
  • GRAP is a set of incremental anti-pollution measures that are triggered to prevent further worsening of air quality once it reaches a certain threshold in the Delhi-NCR region.
  • The implementation of Stage-III GRAP mandates immediate action on multiple fronts. The Sub-Committee decides to invoke 8 point action plan as per Stage-III of revised GRAP in the entire NCR with immediate effect.
  • The anti-pollution steps under the 8-point action plan by the central commission are:
  1. Intensify the frequency of mechanised and vacuum-based sweeping of roads.
  2. Ensure daily water sprinkling, along with dust suppressants, before peak traffic hours on roads and pollution hotspots.
  3. Intensify public transport services and introduce differential rates to encourage off-peak travel.
  4. Enforce a strict ban on construction and demolition activities in the entire NCR, except essential projects.
  5. Close down operations of stone crushers.
  6. Close down all mining and associated activities in NCR.
  7. Impose strict restrictions on the operation of BS III petrol and BS IV diesel LMVs.
  8. Make a decision on discontinuing physical classes in schools for children up to class 4 and conduct classes in an online mode.


  • Address Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) burning: A study found that Delhi burns 190 to 246 tons of MSW every day, which severely pollutes the air. Therefore, any form of garbage burning must be stopped and authorities need to develop infrastructure for effective collection and disposal of MSW.
  • Promote the use of electric and BS-VI vehicles: On an average vehicle can contribute up to 25% to PM 2.5 levels and at some locations, it can spike to 35%. Using Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) can significantly reduce emissions from diesel vehicles. The introduction of more electric, hybrid and BS-VI vehicles can also help reduce the pollution. Improvement of public transport is also necessary to address the problem.
  • Limit biomass burning: Burning of crop residue in Haryana and Punjab needs to stop on urgent basis. Instead of burning, the residue can be used for energy production, biogas generation and feeding cattle.
  • Tackle fly ash: During summers, fly ash is one of the biggest contributors to PM 10 in Delhi. To deal with the pollutants, water spraying, installation of windbreakers and plantations should be done.
  • Need of long-term plan: There are several measures that are being taken from spraying water to implementing GRAP to odd even solution. However, these measures provide temporary relief, therefore, the persistent problem of air pollution needs a long-term solution like drafting out an all-year action plan to improve air quality.
  • Enhanced powers to the authorities: Though CAQM has taken various steps, but the agency has functioned more like a regulator whose primary responsibility is to implement the Graded Action Response Plan. There is a need for more independent power to authorities to take pre-emptive actions and allow denser monitoring.

THE CONCLUSION: Despite several steps taken for combating air pollution in Delhi, it continues to be a much more serious problem. To significantly improve air quality in Delhi, a host of preventive steps need to be taken to provide a long-term solution to this problem.


  1. Describe the key points of the revised Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) recently released by the World Health Organisation (WHO). How are these different from its last update in 2005? What changes in India’s National Clean Air Programme are required to achieve revised standards? (2021)
  2. What are the key features of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) initiated by the Government of India? (2020)


Delhi registered severe air pollution on the Air Quality Index (AQI) recently. In this context, analyse the major factors contributing to Delhi’s pollution and suggest measures that need to be taken to address the persistent problem of air pollution in Delhi.



THE CONTEXT: On January 6, 2024, a line of commands transmitted by scientists and engineers of the ISRO which initiated onboarding operation of Aditya-L1 spacecraft that guided it into orbit around an imaginary point in space. Thus, Aditya-L1 reached its destination, around the L1 Lagrange point, from where it will have an unrestricted view of the sun for its expected lifetime of five years.


  • Aditya-L1 is an observatory-class solar mission that will study the sun with seven instruments:
  • VELC, a coronagraph to study the uppermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere
  • SUIT, an ultraviolet imaging telescope
  • SoLEXS and HEL1OS, to study solar flares and coronal mass ejections
  • ASPEX and PAPA, to study the solar wind and plasma
  • A set of digital magnetometers to measure properties of the magnetic field around the spacecraft.
  • ISRO picked the L1 Lagrange point 1.5 million km from the earth in the earth-sun direction and one of five Lagrange points in the earth-sun system. It is because the gravitational influences of the two bodies interact such that a smaller body here will not experience a net tug towards either. So, Aditya-L1 can stay at L1 while expending little fuel.
  • Aditya-L1 supplements India’s history of observing the sun dating back to the Kodaikanal Solar Observatory, which commenced operations in 1901 by lofting it into space.
  • There arises issue of public perception on this mission. Many continue to expect the Indian spacecraft to capture hi-resolution photographs of the cosmos without much capacity and instrument. For example, while Aditya-L1 and AstroSat are big strides from India’s point of view, they pale in comparison to the imaging abilities of the James Webb Space Telescope, which is operated by three space agencies.


  • Solar Observation:Aditya-L1 is designed to observe the Sun and its dynamics closely. It will provide valuable data on various aspects of the Sun, including its surface, corona, and the solar wind.
  • Understanding the Solar Corona: One of the key mysteries it aims to address is the high temperature of the solar corona, which is much hotter than the Sun’s surface. Scientists want to better understand the reasons behind this temperature disparity.
  • Space Weather MonitoringAditya-L1 serves as a space weather station. It monitors and collects data on space weather conditions near the Earth. This information is crucial for understanding how solar variability impacts the Earth’s climate and space weather, which can affect communication systems, power grids, and satellite operations.
  • Studying Solar Activity:The mission aims to monitor solar activity, such as sunspots and solar flares which can have a significant impact on space weather and Earth’s climate.
  • Space Weather Prediction: By constantly monitoring space weather parameters and collecting data, Aditya-L1 contributes to improving space weather prediction models. This is important for protecting satellites and infrastructure in space.


  • Collaboration: ISRO needs to expand its own and its collaborating institute’s public outreach efforts. It can be done by hosting open days focused on specific missions and commissioning science communication on new results at regular intervals.
  • Including Public interest: ISRO should consider including components on missions that feed public interest. All these efforts will require funds, and ISRO should consider getting the funds from the government and private sector.
  • Improving Satellite Operations: There is a need to improve satellite operations to allow for better spacecraft design and operation.
  • Enhancing Research: Exploring the Sun’s complex behaviour, including its magnetic fields and plasma dynamics contributes to advances in fundamental physics and astrophysics. Insights gained from studying this experiment can enhance our research to understand the various solar processes.


Aditya-L1 is an Indian space mission focused on solar observation, studying the Sun’s corona, monitoring space weather, and providing critical data for understanding the Sun’s influence on Earth’s climate and space environment. It aims to unravel the mysteries of the Sun while helping to predict and mitigate the impacts of space weather events on Earth and in space.


Q. What is India’s plan to have its own space station and how will it benefit our space programme? (2019)

Q. Discuss India’s achievements in the field of Space Science and Technology. How the application of this technology has helped India in its socio-economic development? (2016)


Q. Discuss the objectives of Aditya L1 mission. How the success of this mission can help India to become a major global space power? Explain.




THE CONTEXT: Recently, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) put its first polarimetry mission X-ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPoSat) in a precise circular orbit of 650 km after a 21-minute flight.


  • ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) has launched XPoSat, India’s pioneering satellite-based mission exclusively dedicated to conducting X-ray polarimetry measurements.
  • This mission holds global significance as the second such satellite-based initiative worldwide.

Objectives and Payloads:

  • XPoSat aims to analyze the polarization of X-rays emitted from celestial sources within the medium frequency band.
  • The satellite comprises two primary payloads:
  • Payloads were developed by the Raman Research Institute and UR Rao Satellite Centre, both located in Bengaluru.
  • Satellite has been positioned in a low earth orbit of approximately 650 km with a low inclination of about 6 degrees, XPoSat anticipates a mission life of around five years.
  • The satellite’s observations primarily focus on polarized X-rays emitted from magnetars or neutron stars while transiting Earth’s shadow, especially during eclipse periods.

Scientific Significance of XPoSat:

  • This mission marks a significant advancement in space-based X-ray polarimetry, an area less explored compared to other spectrums of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Unlike traditional methods using spectroscopy, imaging, and timing data, XPoSat enables the measurement of polarized X-rays emitted from various celestial sources, providing a deeper understanding of magnetars, black holes, and neutron stars.

Role of POLIX and XSPECT Payloads:

  • POLIX:
    • World’s first instrument designed for operation in the medium X-ray energy band (8 to 30 keV).
    • It utilizes a collimator and four X-ray proportional counter detectors to observe selected astronomical sources, particularly those surrounded by bright sources in the field of view.
    • Engineered for fast timing and high spectroscopic resolution within the soft X-ray energy band (0.8-15 keV).
    • It observes a diverse range of celestial sources, including X-ray pulsars, black hole binaries, and active galactic nuclei.

Importance of X-ray Polarization Studies:

  • Studying polarized X-rays from cosmic sources offers insights into the nature of radiations and the underlying processes contributing to their generation.
  • For instance, interactions with strong magnetic fields or materials around black holes can polarize X-rays.
  • Investigating polarized X-rays can unlock mysteries surrounding the behaviour and composition of celestial bodies.

Comparison with Global X-ray Missions:

  • XPoSat joins a limited number of missions dedicated to X-ray polarimetry measurements.
  • While NASA launched balloon-based experiments like HX-POL and XL-Calibur, the Indian AstroSat mission previously conducted timing and spectroscopy of X-ray sources but did not include polarisation studies.
  • In 2021, NASA introduced the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) focusing on soft X-ray band measurements (2 to 8 keV), while XPoSat extends the observational energy band into the medium X-ray range (8 to 30 keV).


  • ISRO’s XPoSat mission signifies a groundbreaking leap in X-ray polarimetry studies, enhancing our understanding of celestial phenomena emitting X-rays.
  • By probing the polarization of X-rays from magnetars, black holes, and neutron stars, XPoSat’s POLIX and XSPECT payloads aim to unravel mysteries and contribute significantly to the broader understanding of the Universe’s enigmatic cosmic bodies.
  • The innovative capabilities of XPoSat’s payloads pave the way for new avenues in space research, enabling detailed investigations and potentially reshaping existing paradigms in the study of high-energy astrophysics.




THE CONTEXT: Radiocarbon dating brought the first verifiable way to keep time to many fields of science, significantly transforming them.


Radiocarbon Dating:

  • Radiocarbon dating stands as a pivotal method in determining the age of organic materials.
  • It revolves around the decay of carbon-14, an isotope formed in the Earth’s atmosphere due to cosmic rays colliding with atmospheric gases.
  • The inception of radiocarbon dating stemmed from the work of scientists like Martin Kamen, Sam Ruben, Serge Korff, and Willard Libby.
  • Libby’s innovative idea of utilizing carbon-14 to date organic materials, published in 1946, was based on assumptions later validated through subsequent scientific studies.

Principles of Radiocarbon Dating:

  • Living organisms maintain a balance of carbon-14 in their bodies while alive by exchanging it with their surroundings.
  • Upon death, this balance ceases, and carbon-14 begins to decay at a predictable rate.
  • By measuring the remaining carbon-14, scientists can calculate the approximate time elapsed since the organism’s demise.

Instruments and Techniques:

  • Early tests by Libby and James Arnold in the late 1940s affirmed the accuracy of radiocarbon dating by successfully dating known-age objects like redwood trees and artifacts.
  • This validation solidified the technique’s reliability in estimating ages up to around 60,000 years due to carbon-14’s half-life.
  • Initially utilizing Geiger counters to detect radiation from decaying carbon-14, modern advancements have led to sophisticated methods like accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS).
  • AMS, significantly more sensitive, allows for precise dating using minute organic samples by isolating and analysing carbon-14 ions.

Modern Advancements and Refinements:

  • Scientists continue to refine radiocarbon dating techniques, addressing limitations and enhancing precision.
  • Recent studies in atmospheric science have improved the dating resolution, enabling researchers to narrow down dating accuracy to specific points within a year.

Impact on Science and Society:

  • Radiocarbon dating has revolutionized various fields, especially archaeology and geology, by providing a reliable method to date organic remains.
  • It has facilitated the understanding of human history, migration patterns, cultural evolution, and environmental changes, impacting scholarly research and historical narratives.

Ongoing Developments and Challenges:

  • Despite its revolutionary impact, ongoing research aims to address potential anomalies and refine the technique further.
  • Studies have highlighted deviations in the radiocarbon cycle during specific historical periods, suggesting potential inaccuracies in dating certain objects.

Significance in Contemporary Context:

  • Radiocarbon dating holds political and cultural significance in regions like India.
  • It has been instrumental in dating objects of historical and religious importance, contributing to public discourse and archaeological investigations.


  • Radiocarbon dating stands as a cornerstone in scientific methods, offering a reliable tool to unravel the mysteries of our past.
  • Its evolution continues to shape our understanding of history, civilizations, and the natural world, while ongoing research endeavours strive to enhance its precision and applicability.



THE CONTEXT: The ISRO has launched two missions in the five months since its success with Chandrayaan-3. The Aditya L-1 space probe to study the sun and the XPoSat to study polarised X-rays emitted in astrophysical phenomena. XPoSat has been launched in a two-part mission, onboard a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) on its C58 flight.


  • It aims to analyse the polarisation of X-rays emanating from bright celestial sources in the medium frequency band.
  • XPoSat comprises two payloads, including Indian X-ray Polarimeter (POLIX) and X-ray Spectroscopy and Timing (XSPECT). They have been built by Raman Research Institute and UR Rao Satellite Centre respectively, both located in Bengaluru. The spacecraft is designated for observation from low earth orbit.
  • Together, they are expected to shed light on intense X-ray sources such as pulsars and black holes.
  • The observations will be done when the magnetars or neutron stars are in transit through the Earth’s shadow during the eclipse period.


  • POLIX: It is the world’s first instrument designed to operate in the medium X-ray of 8 to 30 kilo electron Volt (keV) energy band. It comprises a collimator, which is the key component to filter light originating from bright sources in the field of view. Moreover, there is a scatterer consisting of four X-ray proportional counter detectors that prevent the trapped light from escaping. It will observe a few tens of astronomical sources.
  • XSPECT: It is designed to conduct fast timing and high spectroscopic resolution in a soft X-ray energy band (0.8-15 keV). It will observe a variety of sources like X-ray pulsars, black hole binaries, low-magnetic field neutron stars, active galactic nuclei and magnetars.


  • Significance of PSLV: This is only the third time ISRO has operated the PSLV fourth stage in this way. The PSLV C58 mission represents a union of the aspirations of professional scientists, aspiring students of science, and India’s private spaceflight sector.
  • Increasing demands: This mission is an illustration of the increasing demands of ISRO itself as it shows increasing technological capabilities based on scientific missions. The PSLV C58 mission is a symbol of the demands being made of
  • Research oriented: It is being observed that the ratio of scientific to technological missions that ISRO has launched is skewed in favour of the latter, at the expense of research in the sense of discovery. Those science-oriented missions have all been exceptional.
  • Cost effective mission: ISRO has been successful in cost effective missions. Through a strategic blend of innovation and planning, ISRO consistently executes missions that meet its objectives while maintaining affordability.
  • Collaborations: There is enduring partnership of ISRO with educational institutions, research organizations, and private industry to leverage diverse expertise and resources leading to innovation.


  • Unique needs and priorities: The science-technology skew is a reminder that ISRO is among one of the world’s spacefaring organisations with its unique needs and priorities. This is exemplified by the second part of the C58 mission.
  • Striking a balance: India faces competition with established space powers like the US, Russia, and China, who have made significant strides in space exploration. There is a need of striking a balance between collaborating with international space agencies to compete on global stage.
  • Enhancing capabilities of state: There is a need for enhancing capabilities of the state to establish frameworks and procedures that can overcome financial constraints and enable the harnessing of important resources.
  • Promote Indigenous Technologies: There is a need to encourage the development of indigenous technologies that ensures self-reliance and reduces dependence on external sources for space technologies.


India’s space missions are full of promises and upcoming missions hold the potential to reshape our understanding of space. There is a need for constant enhancing of our technological capabilities to solidify India’s position as a prominent player in the realm of space exploration.


Q.1 What is India’s plan to have its own space station and how will it benefit our space programme? (2019)

Q.2 Discuss India’s achievements in the field of Space Science and Technology. How the application of this technology has helped India in its socio-economic development? (2016)


Q.1 India has achieved remarkable successes in space missions in recent years. In this regard, discuss the challenges and opportunities for Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).




THE CONTEXT: Recently, Japan’s Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) spacecraft entered into orbit around the moon after a months-long journey, and ahead of its planned moon-landing attempt on January 19.


  • Japan’s Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) spacecraft represents a significant advancement in lunar exploration.
  • It entered the moon’s orbit, marking Japan’s endeavour to soft-land a robotic craft on the lunar surface.
  • SLIM’s success or failure is poised to impact not only Japan’s lunar exploration initiatives but also India’s Chandrayaan missions, notably Chandrayaan-4.

Factors Contributing to SLIM’s Lower Weight and Impact on Mission Objectives

  • SLIM’s remarkable attribute lies in its significantly lower weight compared to other lunar exploration missions.
  • Weighing a mere 590 kg at launch, approximately one-seventh of the Chandrayaan-3 mission’s weight, SLIM’s lighter design stems from carrying much less fuel.
  • This weight reduction allows SLIM to follow a more fuel-efficient trajectory, taking four months to reach the moon compared to Chandrayaan-3’s quicker journey.
  • The spacecraft’s fuel-thrifty route, based on weak-stability boundary theory, involved swinging around Earth multiple times to build kinetic energy before shooting toward the moon’s orbit.
  • Upon nearing the moon, instead of slowing down to be captured by lunar gravity, SLIM allowed itself to be deflected by the combined forces of Earth and the moon, resulting in an elongated trajectory.

SLIM’s Lunar Objectives and Precision Landing

  • SLIM’s distinctive feature, termed the “moon sniper,” is its planned landing attempt on January 19, aiming to land within a remarkably tight limit of 100 meters from its chosen site near the Shioli Crater.
  • This precision far exceeds previous moon-landing missions’ accuracy. SLIM’s maneuverability, owing to its lower mass of 120 kg (excluding fuel), and small size will be tested during this endeavour.
  • Additionally, two small rovers, LEV-1 and LEV-2, will be deployed to study the lunar surface, collect data on temperature, radiation, and explore the moon’s mantle.

Impact on Chandrayaan-4 and India-Japan Lunar Exploration

  • SLIM’s success or failure holds implications for India’s Chandrayaan missions.
  • Chandrayaan-4, part of the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) lunar exploration program, is slated as an Indian-Japan joint enterprise, although India’s final approval is pending.
  • Scheduled for a potential launch in 2026, Chandrayaan-4 aims to explore the moon’s South Pole region, focusing on areas perpetually shadowed that likely contain water-ice deposits.
  • The technologies tested by JAXA through SLIM, particularly the feature-matching algorithm and navigation systems, will be critical for Chandrayaan-4’s success.
  • This joint mission will involve Japan providing the launch vehicle and lunar rover, while India contributes the lander module.
  • The mission’s landing site, potentially closer to the moon’s South Pole, poses challenges due to rocky terrain and steep slopes, demanding precision in landing.
  • SLIM’s pioneering precision landing attempt influences the design and approach of Chandrayaan-4, shaping the future of India-Japan lunar exploration.


  • SLIM’s innovative approach to lunar landings and its precision-oriented mission signify a significant leap in space exploration.
  • Its success not only expands Japan’s achievements in lunar missions but also impacts the trajectory and technological advancements in India-Japan collaborative lunar exploration, notably influencing the forthcoming Chandrayaan-4 mission’s strategies and objectives.




THE CONTEXT: The emergence of the omicron subvariant JN.1 has raised concerns due to its unique mutation in the spike protein, specifically the L455S, referred to as a “FLip” mutation.


  • Researchers at the University of Tokyo have indicated that this mutation might facilitate evading immunity and contribute to a surge in COVID-19 cases.

Evolution from BA.2.86 Lineage to JN.1

  • 1, an offshoot of the BA.2.86 lineage, swiftly gained dominance globally, characterized by its spike protein mutation and surpassing other omicron sublineages like EG.5.1 and HK.3.
  • It’s noteworthy that JN.1’s rise doesn’t inherently denote increased danger but rather reflects the virus’s natural propensity to mutate.

Understanding “FLip” Mutations and Impact on Transmissibility

  • The “FLip” mutations – L455S, L455F, and F456L – significantly alter the spike protein’s structure, enhancing the virus’s binding affinity to ACE2 receptors.
  • This elevated binding potentially leads to increased transmissibility, as observed in the JN.1 lineage, outcompeting other variants.

Virological Insights and Transmissibility

  • Research from Peking University in The Lancet Infectious Diseases revealed that JN.1, with the L455S mutation, rapidly dominated over its predecessor 2.86.
    • It strains with the “FLip” mutations, showcasing a higher effective reproductive number (Re), indicating increased transmissibility.

Implications on Immunity and Vaccination

  • Studies from Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center (BIOPIC) suggest that JN.1 exhibits a heightened ability to evade immunity.
  • It is evident from individuals experiencing breakthrough infections post-vaccination or reinfections after prior omicron lineage infections.
  • This raises concerns about potential vaccine evasion and the need for further vigilance.

Global Scenario and Public Health Concerns

  • Globally, an increase in COVID-19 cases and a decrease in deaths have been reported.
  • However, the accuracy of reported cases is affected by reduced testing and integrated reporting methods.
  • This situation underscores the importance of continued vigilance and improved surveillance.

Regional Impact and Response

  • Specifically, India observed a notable rise in cases within the Southeast Asia region, emphasizing the necessity for targeted responses, especially for vulnerable populations such as the elderly, those with comorbidities, and immunocompromised individuals.

CDC’s Assessment and Cautionary Measures

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States flagged the escalating prevalence of JN.1 globally.
  • While acknowledging its potential for increased transmissibility or immune evasion, the CDC cautioned that it’s premature to gauge the extent of its impact on infections or hospitalizations.

Future Trends and Emerging Concerns

  • Despite JN.1’s surge, EG.5 remains the most reported Variant of Interest (VOI) globally.
  • However, it has exhibited declining trends in recent weeks, signalling a dynamic landscape of emerging variants and the necessity for ongoing monitoring and analysis.


  • The emergence and dominance of omicron subvariant JN.1, characterized by the “FLip” mutation, pose potential challenges related to transmissibility, immune evasion, and vaccine efficacy.
  • Vigilant surveillance, robust research, and targeted interventions are crucial to mitigate the impact and better understand the evolving landscape of SARS-CoV-2 variants.




THE CONTEXT: NASA’s Perseverance rover, actively conducting essential investigations on Mars’ surface, made a significant discovery.


  • Captured by its Mastcam-Z camera, an image revealed an intriguing assortment of rocks and pebbles within Mars’ Jezero Crater, specifically identified as ‘Castell Henllys.’
  • Analysis suggests that these formations were transported by robust floodwaters billions of years ago, indicating a dynamic aqueous history on the Martian surface.

Ancient Mysteries of Mars: Water and Potential for Life

  • Mars, the enigmatic red planet, has captivated human imagination for centuries, often portrayed in various narratives as a celestial body of mystery and possibility.
  • Over decades of scientific exploration and study, compelling evidence has emerged, indicating that Mars once hosted rivers, lakes, and potentially oceans of liquid water.
  • This revelation fuels the tantalizing prospect of the red planet having supported life in its distant past.
  • While conclusive evidence of life on Mars remains elusive, the consensus among scientists is strong regarding Mars’ watery history.
  • This understanding stems from observations, including recent findings from NASA’s Perseverance rover.

Astrobiology Goals: Seeking Life Beyond Earth

  • The Perseverance mission encompasses pivotal objectives in astrobiology, aiming to ascertain definitive evidence of extraterrestrial life.
  • While this life may not mirror the alien depictions often seen in popular culture, the discovery of microorganisms or their fossils on Mars would mark a groundbreaking scientific achievement.

Significance of Water in the Search for Life Beyond Earth

  • Why the persistent quest for water on other planets?
  • Earth’s own evolutionary history holds the key.
  • After an initial lifeless phase, Earth witnessed the emergence of life within aquatic environments, starting with microorganisms and gradually evolving into complex aquatic organisms.
  • This progression further led to the development of terrestrial life forms.
  • Scientists emphasize that the presence of water significantly enhances the probability of a planet fostering life.
  • Beyond Mars, another celestial candidate of immense interest is Europa, Jupiter’s moon.
  • Europa, a frozen world, holds the tantalizing possibility of a vast liquid ocean beneath its icy exterior, potentially harbouring life.

Conclusion: Continual Exploration and the Pursuit of Extraterrestrial Life

  • The exploration of Mars, with its historical evidence of water and ongoing discoveries by missions like Perseverance, stands as a testament to humanity’s relentless pursuit of understanding our place in the cosmos.
  • Unravelling the mysteries of distant planets not only deepens scientific knowledge but also fuels the enduring fascination with the potential for life beyond Earth, beckoning us to explore further into the depths of our celestial neighbourhood.


The eBse MODEL


THE CONTEXT: A recent study published in Scientific Reports introduces the electron Born self-energy (eBse) model as an innovative extension challenging conventional cosmological perceptions.


  • It is proposed by Dr. Bruce Law from Kansas State University.
  • This model presents a unique mechanism attributing cosmic inflation to a constant potential energy density, offering an alternative explanation for dark energy.

Understanding Dark Energy and Its Enigma

  • Dark energy, accounting for approximately 68% of the universe’s total energy content, remains an enigmatic force fuelling the universe’s accelerated expansion.
  • Unlike dark matter, dark energy displays uniform distribution and is often associated with the cosmological constant (Λ), initially posited by Einstein to explain cosmic expansion.

Conventional Models and the ΛCDM Paradigm

  • Traditional cosmological models, notably ΛCDM, link dark energy to the intrinsic energy of space’s vacuum, contributing to the observed accelerated expansion.
  • However, the eBse model introduces a departure from this concept by proposing that the energy associated with the electric field surrounding a finite-sized electron contributes significantly to dark energy.

Mechanisms of Cosmic Inflation and Transition Models

  • Law highlights two distinct cosmological theories: cosmic inflation and the ΛCDM model.
  • Cosmic inflation hypothesizes a rapid, exponential expansion of the universe in its early stages.
  • This phase addresses foundational issues of the Big Bang theory, explaining large-scale uniformity and isotropy.
  • The eBse model delineates a critical glass transition temperature (TG = 1.06 × 10^17K) when the universe moves out of equilibrium.
  • Beyond this threshold, exponential acceleration ensues, driven by a constant potential energy density.

The eBse Model: Core Principles and Unique Perspectives

  • The eBse model’s foundation lies in viewing intergalactic space akin to a single hydrogen atom, with ionization accounting for an electron’s electric field.
  • Law’s premise stems from contemplating the physics of finite-sized electrons and positrons, expanding the model’s scope to dense scenarios for consistency with astrophysical observations.
  • In this model, temperature (T) acts as the inflation while potential energy density ψ(T) represents a plateau potential.
  • Temperature fluctuations influence system behaviour, maintaining relative stability within certain ranges.
  • This model introduces a seamless transition between cosmic inflation and the later ΛCDM model, forging a connection between early and later evolutionary stages of the universe.

Validation and Future Prospects

  • Law underscores consistency between his model and Planck collaboration 2013 findings on cosmic inflation, validated through detailed analyses of temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB).
  • Future endeavours aim to validate the eBse model through comparisons with astrophysical measurements, particularly focusing on CMB temperature fluctuations.
  • However, the model’s current limitations in addressing photonic transport and quantum fluctuations necessitate further exploration and refinement.

Conclusion: The Evolutionary Trajectory of the eBse Model

  • The eBse model represents a paradigm shift, challenging established cosmological norms by providing a distinct mechanism for cosmic inflation and dark energy.
  • Its potential to bridge gaps between early universe dynamics and later-stage evolution underscores its significance in reshaping cosmological paradigms, urging continual refinement and exploration for a comprehensive understanding of the universe’s expansion history.




THE CONTEXT: The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) announced a significant achievement in India’s defence capabilities, revealing the successful demonstration of the Akash missile system’s capability to engage four aerial targets simultaneously.


  • This feat was accomplished at a range of 25 kilometers, marking a global first in the realm of missile technology.

Unprecedented Capability

  • India’s successful demonstration positions it as the first country globally to achieve such a capability, utilizing a single firing unit to engage multiple aerial targets.
  • The DRDO highlighted this achievement as a milestone, showcasing India’s advancement in missile technology and command guidance systems.

Test Conduct and Military Exercise

  • The Indian Air Force (IAF), in collaboration with the DRDO, conducted the test, which took place during the ‘Astrashakti’ military exercise on December 12.
  • The exercise was specifically organized by the Indian Air Force to showcase and validate various military capabilities.

Akash Missile System: Key Features

  • The Akash missile system, designed for short-range surface-to-air defense, boasts a range of up to 25 kilometers.
  • Its primary function involves safeguarding vulnerable areas and critical points from potential air attacks, making it a crucial component of India’s defense arsenal.

Export of Indian Defence Platforms

  • India’s increasing prowess in defense technology is evident in its export of key platforms to friendly foreign nations.
  • Alongside the Akash missile system, other notable defense platforms exported by India include the Dornier-228 aircraft, 155 mm Advanced Towed Artillery Guns (ATAGs), Brahmos missiles, mine-protected vehicles, armored vehicles, ammunition, thermal imagers, avionics components, and small arms.

Significance of the Akash Missile System

  • The successful demonstration of the Akash missile system’s enhanced capability underlines India’s commitment to advancing indigenous defense technologies.
  • The system’s capacity to engage multiple aerial targets simultaneously significantly bolsters India’s defense preparedness and strengthens its position as a key player in the global defense arena.

Implications for India’s Defense Strategy

  • The Akash missile system’s successful test not only showcases technological advancements but also signifies India’s strategic focus on fortifying its defense mechanisms.
  • With increased capabilities in missile technology and air defense systems, India aims to bolster its defense infrastructure and enhance its ability to counter potential threats effectively.


  • The Akash (sky) is a mid-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) system built by India’s state-owned Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
  • The missile was developed under the integrated guided-missile development programme (IGMDP).
  • The programme also involved the development of the Nag, Agni and Trishul missiles, as well as the Prithvi ballistic missile.
  • Two versions of the missile have been built for the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Indian Army (IA).
  • The first batch of the Akash missiles was inducted by the IA in May 2015. The first Akash missile was delivered to the IAF in March 2012. The missile was formally inducted into the IAF in July 2015.


  • India’s achievement in demonstrating the Akash missile system’s capability to engage multiple aerial targets simultaneously marks a significant milestone in its defense capabilities.
  • The successful test not only highlights technological prowess but also underscores India’s commitment to advancing indigenous defense systems and contributing to global defense solutions.




THE CONTEXT: The Raman Research Institute (RRI) is set to embark on its first winter Indian expedition to the Arctic region, specifically focusing on examining the radio frequency environment in the Svalbard region.


  • This landmark initiative aims to provide insights into the suitability of this Arctic location for conducting precise astronomy measurements, particularly in the field of radio astronomy.

Purpose and Objectives

  • The primary goal of this scientific endeavour is to characterize the radio frequency environment in the Svalbard region.
  • Researchers from RRI will assess the potential of this uniquely positioned area for carrying out precision astronomy measurements.
  • The survey’s findings are anticipated to aid astronomers in evaluating the site’s suitability for deploying low-frequency radio telescopes, enabling them to conduct precise astronomical observations.

RRI’s Contribution and Research Focus

  • RRI’s team from the Electronics Engineering Group, will spearhead the examination of the radio frequency environment in Svalbard.
  • This survey, a first of its kind at this site, holds promise in potentially paving the way for the establishment of low-frequency radio telescopes in the region.
  • The expedition, supported by the Ministry of Earth Sciences and coordinated by the National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), Goa, is scheduled to take place from December 19, 2023, to January 15, 2024.

Significance of the Survey

  • RRI’s focus extends beyond conventional astronomical observations.
  • It aims to study the faint cosmological signals emitted from hydrogen during the Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Reionization.
  • These critical phases in the universe’s early evolution lack substantial observations due to their faintness and interference from various radio frequency sources, including urban infrastructures like cell phone towers and FM/television stations.

SARAS Experiment and Objectives

  • The RRI team has been engaged in the development of the Shaped Antenna measurement of the background Radio Spectrum (SARAS) series of experiments for nearly a decade.
  • SARAS seeks to detect the faint cosmological 21-cm signal from the Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Reionization, shedding light on the universe’s early stages.

Importance of Radio-Quiet Locations

  • The success of SARAS experiments in India, conducted in radio-quiet locations like Ladakh and western Karnataka, underscores the significance of such environments for precision cosmological studies.
  • However, the expansion of urbanization has limited these locations, necessitating the exploration of new, radio-quiet regions like Svalbard for deploying sensitive radio telescopes.

Technical Approach

  • The expedition will utilize sensitive electronic instruments to analyse radio signals in the frequency range of 5 – 500 megahertz (MHz) at accessible sites near Himadri, India’s research station in the Arctic.
  • The outcomes will provide critical insights into the radio quietness of the Arctic location, determining its suitability for the deployment of the SARAS radio telescope.
  • It is anticipated that this survey will furnish essential information regarding the radio quietness of the Svalbard location, pivotal for deploying sensitive radio telescopes and conducting precise astronomical observations.


  • RRI’s participation in the first winter Indian expedition to the Arctic signifies a crucial step in the pursuit of understanding the universe’s early stages.
  • Through characterizing the radio frequency environment in the Arctic region, RRI aims to contribute significantly to the advancement of precision astronomy and cosmological studies, potentially unlocking new avenues for groundbreaking discoveries in the field.




THE CONTEXT: mRNA which has the capability to act as a versatile and customizable tool in protein production has revolutionized medicine.


  • From vaccines to potential therapies for various diseases, its adaptability, ease of customization, and potential for personalized treatments present a promising frontier in healthcare.
  • It marks a paradigm shift toward more effective, tailored, and potentially low-risk treatments for a myriad of conditions.

Understanding mRNA and Its Role in Cells

  • DNA and Protein Production:
    • DNA acts like a comprehensive cookbook containing various recipes (genes) to produce proteins, crucial for normal cellular functions.
    • When cells need to produce a protein, they don’t directly utilize the DNA; instead, they create a messenger RNA (mRNA), serving as a copy of the recipe.
    • This mRNA carries the instructions (coded in a language made of four nucleotide building blocks – A, U, C, G) necessary for protein synthesis.
    • Cells dedicate a significant amount of energy to maintain and utilize these proteins, recognizing, employing, and subsequently degrading mRNA once its function is fulfilled.
  • Mutations and Disease:
    • Mutations in DNA can distort or eliminate specific mRNA recipes, resulting in errors in critical proteins, thereby causing diseases or disorders.

The Potential of mRNA as Medicine

  • Customization:
    • Scientists can easily craft mRNA recipes for various proteins, either by creating entirely new recipes or modifying existing ones to produce slight protein variations, catering to individual patient needs.
  • Scalability:
    • The process of producing mRNA in laboratories is scalable.
    • Once scientists understand the basic recipe creation, they can generate numerous variations efficiently.
  • Adaptability and Adjustability:
    • mRNA drugs offer flexibility in dosing as they’re not permanent within cells, allowing for easy alterations in dosage according to the patient’s requirements.

mRNA Vaccines: Revolutionizing Disease Prevention

  • COVID-19 Vaccines and Beyond:
    • The mRNA vaccines for COVID-19, such as those by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech, marked a groundbreaking milestone.
    • These vaccines instruct cells to produce a spike protein from the virus, prompting the immune system to recognize and create antibodies against it.
    • The adaptability of mRNA allowed for swift adjustments in vaccine recipes to combat new viral variants.
  • Expanding Vaccine Applications:
    • Ongoing clinical trials explore mRNA-based vaccines for various illnesses like seasonal flu, herpes, respiratory syncytial virus, norovirus, Lyme disease, Zika, and shingles.

mRNA Therapies in Disease Treatment

  • Targeting Cancer:
    • mRNA treatments for cancer function akin to vaccines, training the immune system to identify and attack cancer cells.
    • These treatments involve mRNA recipes designed based on mutations commonly found in certain tumours.
    • Personalized medicine approaches involve tailoring mRNA treatments by sequencing a patient’s tumour genes, aiming for specificity and effectiveness.

The Future Potential of mRNA-Based Medicine

  • Diverse Therapeutic Applications:
    • Scientists are investigating mRNA’s potential in treating a wide array of diseases beyond infectious illnesses and cancer.
    • These include heart disease, neurodegenerative conditions, bone loss, and others.
    • The ability to deliver corrected mRNA recipes to cells offers promise in correcting protein-related issues causing various diseases.
  • Promising Applications:
    • Early-stage studies hint at potential mRNA treatments for conditions like propionic acidaemia and diabetic wound healing, showing the capacity for mRNA to serve as a foundation for personalized, effective, and low side-effect therapies.




THE CONTEXT: Despite reaching an all-time high in production this year, global coal demand is expected to decline by 2026 as per a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA).


  • Production vs. Projected Decline in Demand
    • Despite reaching an all-time high in production, the International Energy Agency (IEA) projects a decline in global coal demand by 2026.
    • The report attributes this anticipated reduction to a shift towards renewable energy sources and a saturation of demand from China, while highlighting India’s pivotal role in sustaining coal demand until 2026.
  • Regional Disparities in Demand
    • The forecasted decline in coal demand conceals regional differences.
    • While the European Union and the United States are expected to witness a significant drop in demand by 20% each, India and China are projected to experience an increase in demand by 8% and 5%, respectively.
    • It is primarily due to electricity needs and reduced hydropower generation.


  • Renewable Energy Expansion
    • The anticipated decrease in coal demand is underpinned by the burgeoning capacity of renewable energy sources.
    • The report emphasizes the substantial deployment of low-cost solar photovoltaic systems and the projected increase in nuclear energy generation, especially in China, India, and the European Union.
  • Climate and Weather Conditions
    • The IEA report correlates the decline in coal demand with climate factors.
    • It anticipates the transition from El Nino to La Nina, potentially leading to improved rainfall in Asia during 2024-2026, thereby augmenting hydropower generation and reducing the reliance on coal.


  • CO2 Emissions and Climate Targets
    • Coal remains a dominant energy source but is also the largest contributor to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
    • The report highlights the necessity of reducing ‘unabated’ coal use to meet international climate targets, emphasizing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s agreement to decrease coal emissions by nearly 95% between 2020-2050 to limit global temperature rise.
  • Shift in Climate Policy
    • The IEA underscores the significance of global climate policy in steering away from unabated coal usage.
    • Efforts to limit temperature increases to 1.5°C by the end of the century mandate a substantial reduction in coal emissions, signalling a pivotal moment for renewable energy expansion.


  • Production Records and Major Producers
    • China, India, and Indonesia, the world’s three largest coal producers, are expected to set production records in 2023, collectively contributing over 70% of global coal production.
    • Despite rising production levels, the report highlights the divergence between production surges and the projected decline in demand.


  • It is an autonomous inter-governmental organisation within the OECD framework.
  • It works with governments and industry to shape a secure and sustainable energy future for all.
  • It was founded in 1974 to ensure the security of oil supplies.
  • It was created in response to the 1973-1974 oil crisis when an oil embargo by major producers pushed prices to historic levels and exposed the vulnerability of industrialised countries to dependency on oil imports.
  • It consists of 31 member countries and eleven association countries.
  • A candidate country to the IEA must be a member country of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
  • India joined this organization in 2017 as an Associate member.


  • The IEA report points to a transformative period marked by a structural decline in coal demand, driven by sustained expansion in renewable energy technologies.
  • It emphasizes the pivotal role of Asia’s renewable energy expansion in determining the pace of coal’s phase-out.
  • However, meeting international climate targets necessitates accelerated efforts towards reducing coal emissions.




THE CONTEXT: The recent approvals by regulatory agencies in the UK and the US for CRISPR-based therapies targeting sickle-cell disease and β-thalassemia mark a transformative era in medicine.


  • These inherited blood disorders affect millions globally, and the approvals signify a shift towards addressing their molecular basis rather than just symptom management.


  • Origins of CRISPR
    • CRISPR, an acronym for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, originated from the discovery of DNA elements in 1993 by Spanish researchers.
    • These elements were found in archaea and later in bacterial genomes.
    • Initially thought to be a part of the bacterial immune system against viruses, it was revealed that CRISPR, combined with CRISPR-associated proteins (Cas), functioned as an antiviral defense mechanism.
  • Milestone Discoveries
    • The groundbreaking work of Emmanuelle Charpentier, Jennifer Doudna, and Virginijus Siksnys led to key discoveries.
    • In 2010, it was demonstrated that CRISPR, specifically with Cas9 proteins, could cut DNA at precise points.
    • The identification of RNA molecules guiding Cas9 to specific genomic positions further revolutionized its potential.
    • This work culminated in the development of a programmable ‘molecular scissor’ capable of editing DNA accurately.
  • CRISPR-Cas9 Advancements
    • Subsequent research by Feng Zhang and George Church showcased CRISPR-Cas9’s ability to edit the genomes of eukaryotic organisms.
    • This innovation expanded its applications, ranging from genetic therapies to agricultural advancements.


  • First-Generation Technologies
    • The approved CRISPR-based therapeutics represent first-generation technologies.
    • Though groundbreaking, they are continuously evolving to become more efficient and effective.
    • Novel approaches like base editing and prime editing hold immense promise for precise genome editing at the nucleotide level, addressing diseases like familial hypercholesterolemia.
  • Emerging Techniques and Challenges
    • Techniques like base editing and prime editing are showing potential, yet safety and accuracy issues persist.
    • Off-target events, where CRISPR systems inaccurately edit unintended parts of the genome, pose risks.
    • Balancing short-term benefits with long-term risks remains critical, especially as these therapies are still in early developmental stages.


  • Potential and Caution
    • While celebrating the transformative potential of CRISPR-based therapies like Casgevy, it’s essential to acknowledge potential risks.
    • Continued scrutiny and surveillance are imperative to identify and address unforeseen side effects.
    • The enormous promise of these technologies must be cautiously balanced with potential risks to ensure patient safety and ethical considerations.
  • Moving Forward
    • CRISPR technology has opened doors to a future where the correction of genetic anomalies is a reality.
    • The ongoing advancements in CRISPR-based therapies signify a promising era in medicine, holding immense potential to alleviate the suffering of millions affected by genetic diseases.


  • The approval of CRISPR-based therapies represents a significant leap in medical science, offering hope to patients with genetic disorders.
  • While these treatments mark a milestone, continuous research, vigilance, and technological advancements are crucial to maximize benefits while minimizing risks associated with genome editing technologies.




THE CONTEXT: PACE is a NASA mission scheduled to launch no earlier than Feb. 6, 2024, on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.



  • PACE is NASA’s Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem mission, currently in the design phase of mission development.
  • It is scheduled to launch in 2024, extending and improving NASA’s over 20-year record of satellite observations of global ocean biology, aerosols (tiny particles suspended in the atmosphere), and clouds.
  • PACE will advance the assessment of ocean health by measuring the distribution of phytoplankton, tiny plants and algae that sustain the marine food web.
  • It will also continue systematic records of key atmospheric variables associated with air quality and Earth’s climate.

PACE has two fundamental science goals:

  • To extend key systematic ocean colour, aerosol, and cloud data records for Earth system and climate studies.
  • To address new and emerging science questions using its advanced instruments, surpassing the capabilities of previous and current missions.


  • Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) is responsible for the principal mission elements, including the design and fabrication of the spacecraft, development of scientific instrumentation.
  • The Development Team at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) will guide PACE through each phase as the instruments, spacecraft, and observatory are built, tested, and flown.

Observatory Overview

Mass with fuel Not to exceed 1700 kg (3748 lb)
Dimensions 1.5 m x 1.5 m x 3.2 m (4.9 ft x 4.9 ft x 10.5 ft)
Power 1000 Watts
Communications S-Band – Command & Telemetry
Ka-Band – Science Data


  • The primary science instruments planned for PACE are:
    • Ocean Colour Instrument (OCI):
      • Spectrometer used to measure intensity of light over portions of the electromagnetic spectrum: ultraviolet (UV), visible, near infrared, and several shortwave infrared bands.
      • The OCI will enable continuous measurement of light at finer wavelength resolution than previous NASA ocean colour sensors, providing detailed information on our global ocean.
      • The colour of the ocean is determined by the interaction of sunlight with substances or particles present in seawater such as chlorophyll, a green photosynthetic pigment found in phytoplankton and land plants.
    • Multi-angle Polarimeters:
      • Radiometers used to measure how the oscillation of sunlight within a geometric plane – known as its polarization – is changed by passing through clouds, aerosols, and the ocean.
      • Measuring polarization states of UV-to-shortwave light at various angles provides detailed information on the atmosphere and ocean, such as particle size and composition.
    • Combined, these instruments will be a major advance in satellite observing technology, allowing for new opportunities to monitor and respond to changes in our ecosystem, and the ways in which the atmosphere and ocean interact.




THE CONTEXT: The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) Summit held in New Delhi has concluded with the adoption of the ‘New Delhi Declaration. It  reflected the commitment of 28 countries and the European Union to principles that align with democratic values and human rights in the development, and use of artificial intelligence. India hosted the annual GPAI Summit for the first time.


  • This declaration reflects a recognition of the importance of ethical considerations and accountability in AI technologies.
  • This indicates a focus on ensuring that AI technologies are developed and deployed in a manner that considers long-term implications and societal well-being.

Commitment to democratic values and human rights

  • The GPAI aims to be an inclusive movement, involving countries from the Global South and ensuring that the benefits of AI are accessible worldwide, aligning with the goal of global collaboration.
  • The participating countries acknowledge and commit to addressing various challenges associated with AI, including concerns about misinformation, lack of transparency, fairness, protection of intellectual property and personal data, and potential threats to human rights and democratic values.

Innovation in Agriculture

  • The declaration specifically recognizes India’s contribution to making agriculture a thematic priority for
  • This reflects a recognition of the potential of AI innovation in supporting sustainable agriculture.

International Cooperation

  • The summit emphasizes the importance of international cooperation to find the best possible solutions for the deployment and governance of AI.
  • There is an expressed desire for GPAI to be more inclusive, encouraging the participation of developing countries as well as inclusion of lower and middle-income countries.


Set of policies, regulations, ethical frameworks, and practices that guide the development, deployment, and use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

Ethical and Responsible AI Development

  • AI governance frameworks aim to establish ethical guidelines for the development of AI technologies.

Risk Mitigation

  • Mitigating risks associated with AI technologies like risks related to data privacy, security, unintended consequences, and potential negative impacts on individuals and society.

Transparency and Accountability

  • Transparent AI models are easier to understand, audit, and interpret.
  • An accountable AI governance framework addresses issues of liability in cases where AI systems cause harm or make incorrect decisions.

Inclusive Decision-Making

  • It involves involving diverse stakeholders, including experts, policymakers, industry representatives, and members of the public, to ensure a broad range of perspectives and avoid concentration of power.


Dynamic Nature of AI Technology

  • AI is a rapidly evolving field, and staying updated with the technological advancements is a constant challenge for regulators and policymakers.
  • Ensuring that regulations remain relevant and adaptable to new developments is essential.

Skills Gap and low public awareness

  • There is a shortage of professionals with the necessary expertise in AI governance, policy-making, and ethical considerations.
  • Building public awareness and engagement regarding AI technologies, their implications, and the potential risks is critical.


About the Initiative


  • The partnership was first proposed by Canada and France at the 2018 G7 summit, and officially launched in June 2020.
  • India is a founding member of GPAI, but the group does not include India.


  • Members of GPAI agreed on the ‘New Delhi Declaration,’ showing a global commitment to using Artificial Intelligence (AI) responsibly, in line with democratic values and human rights.
  • The summit highlighted the importance of an inclusive approach, welcoming participation from developing nations and ensuring that the benefits of AI are accessible to people worldwide.
  • The declaration aims to address concerns related to AI, such as misinformation, transparency, and the protection of intellectual property and personal data.




THE CONTEXT: Dark matter remains one of the most enigmatic components of the universe, constituting a substantial portion (around 85%) of its mass. However, its elusive nature—being nonluminous and undetectable via traditional means—has made it a challenging puzzle for astrophysicists and cosmologists.

The Dark Matter Conundrum

  • Nature of Dark Matter:
    • Unlike normal matter, dark matter doesn’t interact via electromagnetic forces, making it invisible to telescopes and difficult to directly observe.
  • The Cold Dark Matter Theory (CDM):
    • Prevailing theories, such as the CDM paradigm, suggest that dark matter particles are collisionless, influencing cosmic structure formation through gravitational effects.

Puzzles in Astrophysics

  • High-Density Dark Matter Halo in Massive Elliptical Galaxies:
    • Observations of strong gravitational lensing revealed a high-density dark matter halo, challenging the expectations set by the CDM theory.
  • Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies with Extremely Low Densities:
    • Conversely, ultra-diffuse galaxies exhibit remarkably low luminosity and dispersed distributions, posing another challenge to the CDM theory.

Introducing SIDM as a Solution

  • Self-Interacting Dark Matter (SIDM) Theory:
    • SIDM proposes that dark matter particles interact through a dark force, allowing for self-collisions, particularly near the center of galaxies.
  • Research Led by Hai-Bo Yu:
    • A team led by Professor Hai-Bo Yu from the University of California, Riverside, conducted a study exploring SIDM’s potential to address these astrophysical puzzles.

Simulations and Findings

  • High-Resolution Simulations:
    • The research team conducted high-resolution simulations of cosmic structure formation incorporating strong dark matter self-interactions.
  • Heat Transfer and Halo Density:
    • SIDM simulations revealed that self-interactions lead to heat transfer within halos, diversifying their central densities compared to their CDM counterparts.
  • Reconciling Opposite Extremes:
    • SIDM’s ability to explain both high-density halos and ultra-diffuse galaxies challenges the limitations of the CDM paradigm.

Implications and Future Prospects

  • Challenges to CDM Paradigm:
    • The puzzles presented by observations of different galactic structures pose challenges for the traditional CDM theory.
  • SIDM as a Compelling Candidate:
    • SIDM emerges as a compelling candidate to reconcile these extremes, presenting a more intricate and dynamic view of dark matter.
  • Encouraging Further Studies:
    • The team hopes their work encourages more investigations in this area, particularly leveraging upcoming astronomical observatories’ data, such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the Rubin Observatory.
  • Significance of Observational Probes and Simulations:
    • This study underscores the significance of utilizing astrophysical observations and sophisticated simulations to understand dark matter’s properties and behaviour.


  • The study by Hai-Bo Yu and collaborators sheds light on the potential of SIDM to address the discrepancies observed in the distribution and density of dark matter within different galactic structures.
  • By challenging the prevailing CDM paradigm, this research paves the way for a deeper understanding of dark matter’s complexities, urging further exploration and investigation in this intriguing field.




THE CONTEXT: Google DeepMind’s recent breakthrough involves an AI tool called Graph Networks for Materials Exploration (GNoME), revolutionizing materials science by predicting structures for over 2 million new materials.


  • This innovation holds vast potential for transformative applications across various industries, including renewable energy, semiconductor design, battery research, and computing efficiency.

Significance of the Breakthrough: Expanding the Horizon of Stable Materials

  • The introduction of GNoME marks a monumental leap, exponentially increasing the pool of ‘stable materials’ available to humanity.
  • This includes inorganic crystals vital for contemporary technology applications like computer chips and batteries.
  • The stability of these materials is pivotal as unstable ones might undergo decomposition, rendering them unusable.
  • DeepMind’s AI prediction has curated a list of 381,000 out of the 2.2 million crystal structures projected to be the most stable.
  • This advancement holds immense significance in various technological domains.
  • For instance, in the pursuit of solid electrolytes to replace liquid ones in Li-ion batteries or the quest for new compounds akin to graphene for revolutionizing electronics and superconductors.

Revolutionizing Material Discovery: AI as a Catalyst

  • Traditionally, the discovery of stable materials involved laborious trial-and-error experimentation or synthesizing elements, an expensive and time-consuming process.
  • Human-driven experimentation has led to the identification of around 28,000 stable materials in the Inorganic Crystal Structures Database.
  • GNoME, however, has rapidly escalated this process by utilizing filters to pinpoint materials that meet specific criteria for synthesis and potential application.
  • This AI model operates through a state-of-the-art graph neural network (GNN) design, interpreting input data resembling atomic connections in the form of a graph.
  • Trained via ‘active learning,’ GNoME evolves from a small, specialized dataset to identify patterns unseen in the original data, aiding in the discovery of new materials.

The Mechanics Behind GNoME’s Functionality

  • GNoME employs two main pipelines:
    • a structural pipeline generating candidates akin to known crystals and
    • a compositional pipeline following a randomized approach based on chemical formulas.
  • These outputs undergo evaluation using established Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, which assess material stability.
  • The results inform subsequent rounds of active learning, enhancing GNoME’s precision in predicting material stability from 50% to approximately 80%.
  • DeepMind claims that their research, which has made 380,000 stable predictions publicly available, is equivalent to 800 years of traditional knowledge accumulation in material science.
  • The model was trained initially on crystal structure data from the Materials Project, a collaborative initiative to compute properties of inorganic materials and offer the data freely to researchers.

Conclusion: Transformative Implications for Material Science

  • DeepMind’s GNoME represents a paradigm shift in materials science, leveraging AI to accelerate the discovery and prediction of stable materials.
  • By streamlining the identification of materials with specific properties, this breakthrough holds the promise of catalyzing advancements across multiple industries, paving the way for innovative technologies, renewable energy solutions, enhanced computing efficiency, and revolutionary battery designs.
  • This AI-driven approach has unlocked new avenues for researchers, potentially reshaping the landscape of material discovery and innovation in the foreseeable future.




THE CONTEXT: While acknowledging that the formation of new stars in galaxies can also produce radio waves, the research team focused on galaxies with minimal or no star formation. Of the 587 nearby galaxies scrutinized, all 40 of the largest galaxies examined were found to emit radio waves.


  • Radio galaxies are a distinct class of galaxies characterized by their substantial emissions of radio waves that extend far beyond their visible structures.
  • These phenomena are rooted in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) housing supermassive black holes and generate colossal lobes of gas emitting radio waves.

Characteristics of Radio Galaxies

  • Radio galaxies emit intense radio waves originating from expansive lobes of gas, extending millions of light-years beyond the visible galaxy structure.
  • These lobes, typically occurring in pairs, are a consequence of AGNs—regions of extraordinary brightness where supermassive black holes actively consume surrounding matter, emitting glowing radiation.
  • Around 15% to 20% of galaxies hosting AGNs exhibit “radio loud” characteristics, as distinguished by their prominence in radio emissions.
  • The differentiation between “radio loud” and “radio quiet” AGNs remains an ongoing area of investigation due to similarities in emissions across various wavelengths.

Factors Influencing Radio Loudness

  • Research hints at potential connections between radio loudness and the type of host galaxy.
  • Notably, radio galaxies predominantly manifest in the form of massive elliptical galaxies, possibly formed through mergers of smaller galaxies.
  • Additionally, the rotational dynamics of central black holes may contribute to the formation of powerful jets, influencing radio emissions.

Examples of Radio Galaxies

  • Prominent instances of radio galaxies include:
    • Cygnus A, exhibiting bright lobes of gas surrounding a galactic nucleus;
    • Messier 87, characterized by twin jets emanating from a luminous core; and
    • Centaurus A, an elliptical galaxy intersected by a dust lane.

Types of Radio Galaxies

  • Distinctive optical emissions define two types of radio galaxies:
    • broad-line radio galaxies
    • narrow-line radio galaxies
  • Broad-line radio galaxies display broad-line emissions from ionized oxygen, hydrogen, and silicon in their optical spectra.
  • Whereas narrow-line radio galaxies lack such emissions but showcase narrow emission lines from hydrogen and oxygen.

Differences from Normal Galaxies

  • Unlike typical galaxies, radio galaxies possess AGNs fueling the emission of intense radio waves.
  • The presence of supermassive black holes driving these AGNs distinguishes them.
  • These AGNs can produce enormous dual lobes extending thousands of light-years from the galactic center, sometimes exceeding the width of the Milky Way.

Formation and Structure of Radio Galaxies

  • The prevalent model suggests that massive dual radio lobes derive energy from supermassive black hole jets.
  • As these jets feed into the lobes, pressure builds within them, causing expansion.
  • These lobes, primarily symmetrical elliptical structures aligned with the galaxy’s center, comprise immense clouds of plasma, constituting some of the most substantial structures observed in astronomy.

Radiation and Energy Emissions

  • Radio lobes emit synchrotron radiation generated by accelerated electrons in powerful magnetic fields.
  • These emissions span a broad spectrum, ranging from radio waves to infrared, optical, ultraviolet, and even X-ray radiation.
  • The energy released by these lobes can be tremendously high, exceeding the total energy emitted by the Milky Way galaxy.


  • The study of radio galaxies unveils the dynamic interplay between supermassive black holes, AGNs, and the colossal emissions of radio waves.
  • Understanding their formation, structure, and energy emissions remains an intriguing area of astronomical research, offering insights into the most extreme phenomena within galaxies and the universe at large.




THE CONTEXT: Scientists have made a groundbreaking observation—an accretion disc of gas spinning around a star, marking the first time such a phenomenon has been detected outside our own Milky Way galaxy.


  • Despite being common during the formation of stars and their planetary systems, this discovery in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a dwarf galaxy located about 179,000 light-years away, challenges previous assumptions about the universality of star formation processes.

Significance of the Observation

  • The detection of an accretion disc in the LMC signifies the potential universality of our understanding of star formation processes.
  • This remarkable finding broadens our knowledge of these mechanisms beyond the confines of our own galaxy, suggesting that similar cosmic phenomena exist throughout the Universe.
  • Astronomers involved in the discovery expressed astonishment at identifying the first extragalactic accretion disc.
  • A researcher explained the phenomenon’s detection based on shifts in the emitted light’s frequency, drawing parallels to the change in sound frequency of an ambulance siren passing by.
  • This mechanism helped astronomers discern the rotation of gas around the distant star in the LMC.

Understanding Star Formation

  • Stars typically form in molecular gas and dust-rich regions of space. Dense clumps of gas gravitationally attract each other, leading to collapse and initiating the star formation process.
  • As the protostar forms, it gathers material from its surroundings in an orderly manner, akin to water flowing down a drain.
  • During this phase, a disc of gas becomes visible, revolving around the nascent star.
  • Upon completion of the star’s formation, residual material continues to orbit the star.
  • However, this material begins to contribute to the formation of planetary systems, including planets, asteroids, comets, and other celestial bodies.

Conclusion: Expanding Knowledge of Cosmic Phenomena

  • The discovery of an accretion disc around a star in the LMC not only showcases the advancement in observational astronomy but also offers valuable insights into the consistency of star formation processes across galaxies.
  • This significant finding extends our understanding of cosmic mechanisms and underscores the potential uniformity of fundamental astrophysical phenomena throughout the vast expanse of the Universe.