AIM:  It intends to spend an outlay of Rs 28,400 crore on the industrial development of J&K for the next 15 years to bolster overall economic growth and development.

Duration of the Scheme: It will be effective from 01.04.2021 and will remain in force up to and inclusive of 31.03.2037.

Eligibility for availing incentives:

    • All units eligible under Manufacturing and eligible Service sector.
    • Not applicable to the units which manufacture the products listed in the negative list.
    • Service sector units with a minimum investment of Rs.1 crore in building and other durable physical assets
    • Units availing benefits under other schemes of the Government of India will not be eligible for similar incentives under this Scheme

The incentives under the scheme:

Capital Investment Incentive (CII)
    • New units with investment of not more than Rs.50 crore; Existing units undertaking substantial expansion with investment of not more than Rs. Fifty crore in Plant & Machinery will be eligible to avail benefit under this incentive in both Zone A and Zone B.
    • A service sector unit will be eligible for this incentive only if it makes investment of not less than Rs. One crore in new building and other durable physical assets.
      • Zone A: CII @30% of the investment made with maximum limit Rs. 5 crore.
      • Zone B: CII @50% of the investment made with maximum limit Rs. 7.5 crore.
    • An existing unit can avail this benefit for substantial expansion only once during the validity period of the scheme.
Capital Interest Subvention (CIS)
    • Interest on loan up to the principal amount of Rs. 500 crore for investment in eligible plant and machinery shall be eligible for Capital Interest subvention. (The interest on the loan amount exceeding Rs. 500 crore would not be eligible)
    • This incentive is applicable on the loans availed from a Scheduled Commercial Banks or Financial Institutions registered by Reserve Bank of India.
    • All eligible units can avail CIS at the annual rate of interest of 6% for a maximum of 7 consecutive years from any date after the date of application for registration under this scheme. However, disbursement of eligible amount under this incentive shall begin only after commencement of commercial production.
Goods & Services Tax Linked Incentive (GSTLI)
    • New units registered under the scheme irrespective of the value of investment in plant and machinery and having a GST registration will be eligible for benefit under this incentive.
    • All eligible units will be granted GSTLI equal to 100% of Gross payment of GST, i.e. GST paid through cash and input tax credit for a maximum period of 10 years from the date of commencement of commercial production/operation or till the validity of the scheme whichever is earlier.
Working Capital Interest Subvention (WCIS)
    • All existing units in the UT of Jammu & Kashmir registered under GST prior to the date of notification of this scheme will be eligible for this incentive.
    • WCIS @ 5% on working capital loan for a maximum of 5 consecutive years from the date of grant of registration under this scheme.

Governance and Implementation Mechanism: The scheme will be implemented under the supervision of Government of India i.e. the Department for Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade (DPIIT). However, the registration process as well as processing of claims under different incentive components is delegated to the UT of Jammu &Kashmir.

Committees constituted for governance and implementation of this scheme:

The Apex Committee


    • Union Home Minister as Chairperson
    • Union Commerce and Industry Minister
    • Lt. Governor of UT of J&K


Powers and functions:

    • Decide upon any modification in the scheme within its overall financial outlay which have not been specifically delegated under the power and function of other Committees.
    • Approve any deletion in the negative list
The Steering Committee
    • Monitor the smooth implementation and issue detailed guidelines for execution.
    • Review and make additions to the negative list for goods and any changes to the positive list for services.
The Union Territory Level Committee
    • Monitor the overall implementation of the Scheme and put in place proper checks and balances for ensuring transparency and efficiency in grant of registration.
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