Q.69 Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar despite having divergent approaches and strategies, had a common goal of amelioration of the downtrodden. Elucidate. GS-I: HISTORY (UPSC CSE 2015) (200 words/12.5 Marks)



INTRODUCTION: Briefly introduce Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and their shared goal of upliftment of marginalised.


BODY: Discuss the differences in strategies between Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar, and their contribution of Gandhi and Ambedkar towards upliftment of downtrodden.


THE CONCLUSION: Sum up how their shared goal contributed to significant social and political change in India.


Mahatma Gandhi and B.R. Ambedkar, two prominent personalities, played significant roles in shaping the country’s struggle for independence and the crafting of its constitution. Although their methods and tactics differed, they both aimed to improve the lives of the oppressed, especially the Dalits and other socially marginalized groups.


Difference in strategies of Gandhi and Ambedkar:

                     Gandhi                     Ambedkar

He never allowed social reform to remain aside of political freedom. He ran several campaigns for abolition of untouchability but within freedom movement.

He advocated for social equality and the eradication of caste-based discrimination as seen by his conversion to Buddhism and his book “Annihilation of Caste.”

Caste system

He was a strong believer in Varna system, which led to the caste system. He thought that a person’s caste at birth was determined by a heavenly decree.

He had a strong disapproval for the caste system. He wanted to abolish casteism to improve the status of the depressed people.

Grassroot Movements

He supported the unprivileged classes by providing economic independence and respecting their labour. Khadi was one of the instrument used for their upliftment.

He fought for Dalits’ rights to use public water supplies through the Mahad Satyagraha, which challenged social norms.

Separate electorates

He opposed separate electorates because he believed the mechanism would widen the rift in society. In order to defend these people’s rights, he therefore suggested adding more reserved seats to the legislature.

He promoted the rights of oppressed by making use of colonial legal system, thus, at the round table conference, he proposed a separate electorates from the British Empire in order to defend the rights of the oppressed.

Political and legislative mobilisation

He was not directly involved in legislative methods and influenced social legislations through his nationwide campaigns.

He was a believer of legislative systema and ensured social justice through constitutional provisions. He has drawn attention to the effects of the British legal system.

Educational Upliftment

His Nai Talim sought to promote social harmony through holistic education.

He used education as a tool for social mobility, for example he created London  School  of Economics Scholarship for Indian students.

Contribution of Gandhi and Ambekar towards the upliftment of downtrodden

                   Gandhi                             Ambedkar
  • His efforts led to the establishment of Harijan Sevak Sangh, an organization that aimed to provide social and economic upliftment to the Dalits.
  • His constructive programs, including education and economic self-sufficiency, were aimed at improving the lives of the downtrodden and promoting harmony among different communities.
  • He urged the middle and upper classes to support and work for the upliftment of the depressed section. He spread this message through his weekly publication “Harijan”.
  • During truce time, he appealed the Congressmen to go to the villages to serve the untouchables and to try for their integration with the mainstream.
    • As chief architect of the Indian Constitution, he incorporated provisions that sought to outlaw untouchability and guarantee social, economic, and political justice for all citizens.
    • He also founded the Scheduled Castes Federation to promote political empowerment for marginalized communities.
    • He also founded the Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha which advocated for the development of Dalits.
    • Ambedkar, by the means of journals such as Bahishkrit Bharat (literally, Ostracized India), Equality, Janta, and Mooknayak (Leader of the Dumb), advanced the betterment of the lives of Dalits.


Both the leaders wanted to improve the condition of downtrodden, but their approach was different, while Gandhi took evolutionary approach, Ambedkar had revolutionary approach. Even though they occasionally clashed on approaches, their common objective of empowering India’s downtrodden sections ultimately made a substantial contribution to social and political transformation.

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