Q.68 In what ways did the naval mutiny proved to be the last nail in the coffin of British colonial aspirations in India? GS-I: HISTORY (UPSC CSE 2014) (150 Words/10 Marks)



INTRODUCTION: Write a few lines about the Royal Indian Navy Mutiny and its significance in India’s struggle for independence.


BODY: Mention the Causes of the Naval Mutiny. Discuss the factors that contributed to the naval mutiny making it the last nail in the coffin of British Indian empire.


CONCLUSION: Summarize how the naval mutiny marked the end of British colonial rule in India and accelerated the process of India’s independence.


The Naval mutiny occurred in February 1946. It was a turning point in India’s struggle for independence. The Indian Naval Ratings revolted against discriminatory policies of British higher officials. Indians from different backgrounds joined in support of the mutiny. It quickly evolved into a widespread movement of Indian citizens against the British Empire.


    • A group of ratings posted on HMIS Talwar anchored at Bombay Harbour went on Both the INA trials and Subhas Chandra Bose’s personality served as inspiration for the strikers. The strike quickly turned into a public rebellion as more cities joined the Bombay sailors.
    • Over 20,000 sailors were involved in the uprising that began in Bombay, but spread to other naval bases and received public support across British India, from Karachi to Calcutta.

Causes of the Indian Naval Mutiny

    • Racial Discrimination: Colonial officials discriminated against HMIS Talwar’s ratings and mistreated HMIS (His Majesty’s Indian Ship) Talwar was a British Royal Indian Navy shore complex located in Colaba, Bombay, during World War II.
    • Terrible living conditions: The ratings were subjected to terrible living and working British soldiers were paid more and had better access to facilities and food which led to anger among Indians.
    • Detention of B.C Dutt: Detention of B. C. Dutt, who had written in HMIS Talwar, “Get out of India,” was the cause of the RIN strike. Dutt was a prospective nationalist and five-year Royal Indian Navy veteran. He was angry over the racism he had experienced during the war.
    • Support for INA detainees: A major factor behind revolt was the demand to release all prisoners detained in connection with the INA trials, including Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

Following factors contributed to the naval mutiny making it the last nail in the coffin of British Indian Empire:

    • Involvement of masses: The mutiny was widely supported by the Indian population, political leaders, and various sections of the armed forces, including the Royal Indian Air Force. It created chaos and disorder ultimately leading to the end of British Raj. The mutiny sparked nationwide protests and 300,000 people participated in the Bombay strike.
    • Vulnerability of colonial rule: It exposed government’s vulnerability, demonstrating that the British could no longer rely on the loyalty of Indian armed forces to rule India.
    • Global recognition: The mutiny caught global attention and got the coverage by the Western media like The Times. Pressure was created as the superpowers USA and USSR took a tough stand against colonialism.
    • Accelerated transfer of power: The mutiny compelled the colonial government to start the process of transfer of power as maintaining control over India was no longer possible.
    • Lowered British morale: The mutiny lowered British morale and boosted Indian self- confidence as it was supported on a wider scale and armed forces defection highlighted the end of Indian loyalty towards the Raj.
    • Unity among Indians: The mutiny displayed unity among diverse political factions against colonial rule weakening the divide-and-rule policies, as Hindu and Muslim sailors jointly rebelled against issues faced by them.


The naval mutiny had ripple effects across military, political, and social spheres. The mutiny proved to be the last nail in the coffin of the British colonial aspirations as government’s capacity to use or control armed forces was effectively compromised. The announcement of the Cabinet Mission was a virtual declaration of India’s independence.

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