Sub-Schemes |
Indian Antarctic Programme |
- Planning, coordination and implementation of the Indian Antarctic Program
- Launching of the Indian Scientific Expeditions to Antarctica
- Maintenance of Indian Research bases at Antarctica
- Initiation/continuation of the scientific programs in Antarctica in the fields of atmospheric sciences, climate change, earth science & glaciology, Human physiology & medicine, polar biology and environmental science.
- Studies on past climate and ocean variability with focus on
- Past Polar Climate and Monsoon,
- Climatic teleconnections between polar regions and Tropics with special emphasis on Indian monsoon,
- Late quaternary reconstructions using microfossils and nannofossils – bipolar approach,
- Geology & Glaciology – to address SCAR horizon questions
- Environmental monitoring and health of Indian Antarctic stations in pursuit of the Antarctic Treaty System and its Governance
- Hydrodynamics of the Indian Sector of Coastal Antarctica.
- Need to execute various Science projects with various expertise available in the country and also abroad.
- Establishment and maintenance of National Polar Data Centre
Indian Arctic Programme |
- Planning, co-ordination and execution or scientific and logistics tasks related to Indian scientific studies in the Arctic.
- Long term monitoring of the physicochemical and biogeochemical aspects of Arctic fjords and adjoining ocean for climate change studies.
- Research on the dynamics and mass budget of Arctic glaciers with major emphasis on the effect of glaciers on sea-level change and on the fresh water discharge.
- To carry out a comprehensive assessment of the flora and fauna of the Arctic vis-á-vis their response to anthropogenic activities.
- Comparative study of the life forms under extreme environment from the Polar Regions.
Indian Scientific Expeditions to the Southern Ocean (ISESO) |
- Inter relationship between physical, chemical and biological elements across Antarctic Circumpolar Current and their role in carbon sequestration, biogeochemistry and climate change.
- To investigate the air-sea-ice interaction and to understand the role of anthropogenic aerosols over Southern Ocean and its effect on climate variability.
- To understand the implication of thermohaline variations in the Southern Ocean and the repercussion of heat and mass exchange between tropics and Polar Regions on Indian monsoon, biogeochemistry and climate.
- Reconstruction of the paleo-environmental conditions for selected time slices during the last glacial-interglacial cycles to provide perspectives on future climate change.
- Generate relevant/critical sea truth and atmospheric data for contributing to global climate data sets for prediction of climate models to mitigate/regulate climate change.
- Develop and implement Sea-ice modeling
Himalayan Cryospheric Observation and Modeling (HiCOM) |
- To reconstruct the evolution of Antarctic climate and ice dynamics during the late Holocene and its linkages to the tropical and/or extra tropical climate systems.
- To understand the biogeochemical cycling within the snow, ice and other supra-glacial systems in response to cryosphere changes.
- To study the response of Himalayan cryosphere to the changing climate and its hydrological impacts.