There is a trend of adopting a Code of Ethics for any field, profession or organisation to improve the quality of conduct and character of employees or its members. Is it an effective way to improve the character and conduct? Argue and give your view.


●  Introduction: Introduce with the increasing trend of adoption of the Code of Ethics in every field.

●  Body:

○   Write about the effectiveness of the Code of Ethics.

○   Mention the recommendation of the Code of Ethics by ARC2.

○   Write about the benefits of the Code of Ethics from the perspective of the Employee and Employer.

●  Conclusion: End with the importance of the Code of Ethics.

Ans. There is an increasing trend of adopting a Code of Ethics in every field and profession. The Code of Ethics lays out the rules for behaviour and provides the groundwork for a pre-emptive warning. It has a sense of moral persuasion and emphasizes ethical behaviour in the workplace and organizations.

The Code of Ethics has been recommended by different commissions and organisations at different times in past. The Second Administrative Reforms Commission recommended a code of ethics in governance for different sectors like politicians, doctors, civil society etc.

The effectiveness of the Code of Ethics has remained contested. It may not be directly effective, but it’s, again, not detrimental too. As it is a general code, it may not overcome the preset beliefs, stereotypes, behaviour, strong rigid attitude and prejudiced mind. Civil Services already have code of ethics, but it does not necessarily guarantee a positive change in the behaviour of civil servants. Like for civil servants,

1. Central Services Conduct Rules 1964

2. All Indian Services Conduct Rules 1968

3. Prevention of Corruption Act 1988

But one can find how corruption thrives. The recent example of Puja Singhal is a telling experience.  Does it mean there should not be code of ethics, not necessarily.

On the contrary, the Code of Ethics has its own relevance and importance. The Code of Ethics forms the basis to persuade, motivate, guide and train people. It also has relevance for social and moral influence. At the same time, it also gives legitimacy to promote principles of conduct and take disciplinary actions.

It also helps organisations in containing the behaviour of their employees to maintain a healthy and safe working environment and positive work culture. Organizations can also assess the behaviour and competence of their employees, keeping the Code of Ethics as base. It gives motivation to those who are ethical and moral.

There is increase demand to adopt code of ethics for various fields.

1. For judges: code of ethics

2. For MPs and MLAs: A new code of ethics with Ethics Commissioner

3. For BCCI: An Ethics Officer

4. National Health Policy 2017: first principle is morality and ethics.

The list is ever expanding…. so the relevance of ethics.

Conclusion: The Code of Ethics becomes the basis of professional practices, workplace ethics and training etc.; therefore, it is recommended due to its high persuasive value. The Code of Ethics also appeals to the moral standards of the individuals, and helps avoid the moral turpitude and morality crisis. That is why ARC-II has recommended for a new Civil Service Code for public servants.

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