THE CONTEXT: The Indian government has recently announced a significant policy shift by waiving the requirement for local clinical trials for certain categories of drugs that have already been approved in select countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, Canada, and the European Union.


  • This move is expected to have a profound impact on the availability of advanced medicines in India, particularly for treating serious and rare diseases.

Categories of Drugs Covered by the Waiver

  • The waiver applies to five specific categories of drugs:
    • Orphan Drugs for Rare Diseases: These are medicines designed to treat rare conditions, which typically affect a small percentage of the population.
    • Gene and Cellular Therapy Products: This includes advanced treatments involving genetic modifications and cellular therapy, which are at the forefront of medical innovation.
    • New Drugs Used in Pandemic Situations: Medications developed in response to global health crises, such as COVID-19, where rapid deployment is critical.
    • New Drugs for Special Defence Purposes: These are drugs developed for specific military needs or situations that require immediate availability.
    • New Drugs with Significant Therapeutic Advances: This category includes drugs that offer substantial improvements over existing treatment options.

Rationale Behind the Waiver

  • The primary motivation behind this waiver is to accelerate the availability of cutting-edge treatments in India.
  • Currently, regulatory requirements, including the need for local clinical trials, have delayed the introduction of new drugs by 5 to 20 years compared to Western markets.
  • This delay has had a significant impact on patients who require these advanced treatments, particularly those suffering from life-threatening diseases like cancers, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMA), and various autoimmune conditions.

Regulatory Framework and Rule 101

  • This policy change is anchored in Rule 101 of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019.
  • It grants the Central Licensing Authority, with the approval of the Central Government, the power to specify countries from which drug approvals can be accepted without the need for local clinical trials.
  • The Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) issued the order on August 7, 2024, officially listing the USA, UK, Japan, Australia, Canada, and EU as the countries whose drug approvals will be recognized in India under this waiver.

Advantages of the Waiver

  • Expeditious Availability of Medicines:
    • By waiving the requirement for local clinical trials, the latest and most effective medicines can be introduced in India much sooner.
    • It address urgent medical needs and reducing the treatment gap for serious conditions.
  • Cost Reduction:
    • The waiver is expected to lower the cost of advanced medicines, making them more affordable for Indian patients.
    • Pharmaceutical companies will save on the expenses associated with conducting local trials, and these savings can be passed on to consumers.
  • Enhanced Access and Innovation:
    • Faster access to new drugs will promote further research and development in India, allowing for earlier collection of patient data in the local context.
    • This will ultimately contribute to the government’s mission of fostering indigenous innovation in the pharmaceutical sector, shifting the industry focus from volume to value.
  • Public Health Benefits:
    • The government’s public procurement costs under schemes like the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) and Ayushman Bharat will decrease, allowing for more efficient use of resources.
    • This could lead to broader access to advanced treatments for a larger segment of the population.
  • Focus on Critical Areas:
    • Resources that would have been allocated to overseeing local clinical trials can now be redirected towards other critical areas within the healthcare system, enhancing overall efficiency.

Challenges and Considerations

  • While the waiver brings numerous benefits, it also raises concerns about the potential risks of bypassing local clinical trials.
  • Local trials are crucial for understanding how drugs interact with the unique genetic and environmental factors present in the Indian population.
  • Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the drugs approved through this waiver are rigorously monitored for safety and efficacy in the local context.


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