The social environment of present society is full of rumours, fake news, prejudiced and communally over-toned news and information. In this context, how can ethics help in shaping the right understanding of such developments?


●  Introduction: Write about the overall prevailing situation in the society about media in recent times.

The Body:

○        Mention the reasons behind such prevailing situation.

○        Mention the role of ethics, scientific temper and rationality in media and journalism.

○        Write about investigative journalism and its importance by linking media ethics.

●  Conclusion: End by emphasizing the importance and requirement of ethics in the media and journalism.

Ans. Media doesn’t merely give news and views rather it propagates truth and hence, is a pillar for Satya Mev Jayate. But here are two fake stories:

“Infosys to lay off 15,000 of its Indian employees by 31st March 2023 to cut costs” and “Khalistani Leader Amritpal Singh shot dead”. 

In recent times the social environment has become polluted with fake news, rumours, communal news and misinformation. It has become tough to dig out the truth because of multiple layers of misinformation. Media trials are becoming prevalent, influencing public sentiment, which goes against the spirit of the laws. One can see on day-to-day basis, hate speeches, fake news, rumours in terms of propagandas, vested interest, etc.

The Reasons behind such developments:

●  Personal benefit over social benefit.

●  Increased TRP race with commercialization

●  Political alliances of journalists and media houses (paid news).

●  Very meagre investigative journalism.

●  Lack of integrity of journalists and media ethics.

Investigative journalism has become rare; journalists have become news readers without verifying the source and information. TRP has become paramount without taking cognizance about the correctness and verification of the news, which leads to the circulation of fake news, rumours, and communally over-toned news.

Here are some notable examples of fake news in India:

COVID-19-related Misinformation: During the COVID-19 pandemic, India witnessed a surge in fake news and misinformation. False information about the effectiveness of certain home remedies, misleading claims about COVID-19 vaccines, and fabricated stories about the virus’s origin and transmission were widely circulated. Such misinformation led to panic, misinformation, and hindered public health efforts.

Temple Desecration Rumors: In India, there have been instances where rumors of temple desecration spread through social media, leading to communal tensions and violence. Fake news about alleged incidents of disrespect towards religious symbols or places of worship have incited riots and caused social unrest in various parts of the country.

Election-related Fake News: During elections, fake news often surfaces with the intention of influencing voters and damaging the reputation of political opponents. False narratives, manipulated images, and misleading quotes are circulated to shape public opinion. Such misinformation can have a significant impact on electoral outcomes and undermine the democratic process.

WhatsApp Child Kidnapping Rumors: India has experienced numerous incidents where false rumors of child kidnappings spread through WhatsApp. The rumors often lead to mob violence, with innocent individuals being targeted based on unfounded suspicions. These incidents highlight the dangers of unchecked misinformation and the need for responsible sharing of information.

Misinformation on Social Issues: Fake news is prevalent in India on various social issues, including religion, caste, and gender. False narratives and fabricated stories are often circulated to stoke communal tensions, incite hatred, or promote a biased agenda. This misinformation can lead to division, conflicts, and harm to vulnerable communities.

Ethics represent critical thinking and rationality; therefore, the role of ethics becomes more important where rationality is required. Ethical people generally apply critical thinking and rationality in analysing the situation before them; hence they won’t believe in any hearsay until they’ve verified it themselves. Forming an opinion based on someone else’s report is not what a person with ethical conduct would do.

Ethics foundation was laid down by Socrates who gave the idea of ‘Art of Questioning’. He also stated that an unexamined life was not worth living. All the philosophers including Aristotle, Kant and Bentham have made rationality as basis for human action. Even Vivekananda introduced rationality in religion when he found rationalist humanist religion.

Therefore, people should imbibe rationality and critical thinking. They should not believe in any news or reports unless they apply their own mind. They should know that news has become more about serving self-interest of media houses rather than public good. That is why an informed citizenry becomes essential for any democracy and prosperity of society.

Ethics can help:

Critical Thinking and Skepticism: Ethics promotes critical thinking skills, encouraging individuals to question information, sources, and motives behind the news and information they encounter. By cultivating a skeptical mindset, individuals can assess the credibility and accuracy of the information they come across, helping to discern truth from falsehoods.

Responsibility and Accountability: Ethics emphasizes individual responsibility and accountability for one’s actions, including the dissemination and consumption of information. Ethical individuals understand the potential consequences of spreading rumors, fake news, or biased information, and they strive to act responsibly by verifying facts, checking sources, and promoting accurate and unbiased information.

Respect for Truth and Integrity: Ethical principles, such as honesty, integrity, and respect for truth, provide a foundation for combating the spread of misinformation. Ethical individuals prioritize truth over personal biases or agendas and uphold the importance of accurate and reliable information as a fundamental aspect of a well-functioning society.

Promotion of Empathy and Inclusivity: Ethics fosters empathy and a sense of inclusivity towards diverse perspectives and communities. By considering the impact of rumors, fake news, and biased information on different groups, ethical individuals strive to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes, prejudices, and divisions. They seek to foster understanding, empathy, and respect for different viewpoints.

Ethical Use of Technology and Media: With the prevalence of digital media and technology, ethical considerations become increasingly important. Ethical individuals engage in responsible and mindful use of technology, promoting digital literacy, fact-checking, and critical evaluation of information. They understand the power and influence of media platforms and strive to use them responsibly and ethically.

Advocacy for Ethical Journalism and Media Practices: Ethics in journalism and media is crucial for combating the spread of rumors, fake news, and biased narratives. Ethical individuals support and advocate for journalism that adheres to principles of accuracy, fairness, and impartiality. They actively seek out reliable and trustworthy news sources and support initiatives that promote ethical media practices.

An approach more critical, analytical, moral and scientific has to be at the place for getting better news and media delivered. The Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct can help to a certain extent in keeping the ethics and conduct of the journalists and media persons at place.

Conclusion: Looking beyond the obvious is required to bring out the utmost truth; inculcating a scientific temper is necessary for restricting fake news, and investigative journalism is required to verify and deliver the right information. Ethics spark critical thinking and rationality, which certainly will help in the right understanding of the critical issues of public importance.

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