THE CONTEXT: Sturgeons, among the world’s most endangered fish, face an existential threat from poaching and trafficking in the Lower Danube region of southeastern Europe.


  • The World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has reported alarming findings that underscore the critical situation for these ancient fish species, emphasizing the urgent need for robust conservation efforts.

Threatened Species and Illegal Activities

  • The WWF’s recent analysis highlights the severe impact of illegal fishing and trade on sturgeon populations in Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine.
  • Between 2016 and 2023, the WWF documented 395 cases of illegal sturgeon fishing and trade, involving 1,031 sturgeon individuals.
  • These figures are likely only a fraction of the true scale of the problem, as many illegal activities go undetected.

Geographic Focus: The Lower Danube Basin

  • The Lower Danube Basin, where the Danube River flows into the Black Sea, is a crucial habitat for sturgeons.
  • This region, which includes parts of Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine, represents one of the last strongholds for these species in Europe.
  • Despite legal protections, poaching remains rampant, driven by high demand for sturgeon roe (caviar) and meat.

Methods of Poaching

  • In Bulgaria and Romania, fishers often use unbaited hook lines known locally as karmaci.
  • karmaci have been banned due to their harmful impact on sturgeon populations.
  • The report notes that Bulgarian authorities seized 988 karmaci, totaling at least 37 kilometers in length, highlighting the pervasive use of these illegal tools.

Extinct and Critically Endangered Species

  • Historically, six sturgeon species were native to the Danube River.
  • However, two species, the European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) and the ship sturgeon (A. nudiventris), are now locally extinct.
  • The remaining four species in the Danube Basin are all listed as Threatened by the IUCN Red List:
    • Stellate Sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus): Critically Endangered
    • Russian Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii): Critically Endangered
    • Beluga (Huso huso): Critically Endangered
    • Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus): Endangered

Poaching Incidents by Country

  • Romania
    • Romania reported the highest number of affected sturgeons (610), reflecting the severe impact of poaching in this country.
    • Romania’s efforts to combat poaching must be intensified to protect these endangered species.
  • Ukraine
    • Despite the challenges posed by ongoing conflict, Ukraine recorded 418 affected sturgeons.
    • The situation in Ukraine is compounded by war, making conservation efforts even more challenging.
  • Bulgaria
    • In Bulgaria, 144 incidents of illegal sturgeon activities were recorded, with authorities seizing significant amounts of illegal fishing gear.
    • Although Bulgaria reported fewer cases, the use of banned karmaci underscores the need for stricter enforcement.

Species-Specific Findings

  • Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus)
    • The sterlet, though listed as Endangered, appears to be the most frequently poached species, with 78 cases reported in 2018 alone.
    • This suggests that the sterlet may still be relatively abundant in the Danube region, making it a primary target for poachers.
  • Stellate Sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus)
    • The stellate sturgeon, another Critically Endangered species, was mentioned in 76 cases over the last four years.
    • The frequent poaching of this species highlights its precarious status.
  • Russian Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) and Beluga (Huso huso)
    • The Russian sturgeon and beluga, both Critically Endangered, were involved in 39 and 32 poaching cases, respectively.
    • These species are particularly vulnerable due to their low population numbers.

Hotspots for Trafficking

  • Vratsa oblast in Bulgaria, Tulcea in Romania, and Odesa in Ukraine have been identified as primary hotspots for sturgeon trafficking.
  • These areas require focused conservation efforts and stringent law enforcement to curb illegal activities.
  • The WWF report emphasizes the need for consistent and comprehensive enforcement data from all countries in the Lower Danube region.
  • Improved data collection and cooperation among nations are essential to understanding and combating sturgeon trafficking effectively.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

  • The WWF is an international non-governmental organization dedicated to the conservation and preservation of nature and natural species.
  • WWF is the largest conservation organization in the world. It was founded on 29th April 1961 in Switzerland.
  • Presently, it is active in more than 100 countries around the world.
  • WWF aims to stop degradation of planet’s natural environment and build future in which humans live in harmony with nature.
  • Currently, its work is organized around these six areas: food, climate, freshwater, wildlife, forests, and oceans.
  • It publishes Living Planet Report every two years since 1998 and it is based on Living Planet Index and ecological footprint calculation.


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