(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)
Prelim and Main
- Scientists stunned as Himalayas get cooler despite global climate crisis READ MORE
- Unlocking the secrets of fast radio bursts: More pieces to the puzzle of mysterious space signals READ MORE
- COP28 summit calls for ‘transition away’ from fossil fuels READ MORE
- Two months on, India shifts position, votes in favour of immediate ceasefire by Israel READ MORE
- Parliament Passes Bill to Set Up Central Tribal University in Telangana READ MORE
- The limitations of CCS and CDR and their grip on our future climate | Explained READ MORE
- Centre revives plan to simplify GST rates READ MORE
- Road deaths down by 5% globally; India’s share rise READ MORE
- AI summit adopts New Delhi declaration on inclusiveness, collaboration READ MORE
- Arbitration agreements in unstamped contracts valid, says Constitution Bench READ MORE
- What is ‘Hindutva rate’ of (GDP) growth; how it compares with ‘Hindu’ rate READ MORE
GS Paper- 1
- Anxiety among children is becoming common READ MORE
- Key Antarctic Glacier Has Undergone Irreversible Retreat, Study Shows READ MORE
GS Paper- 2
- Article 370 judgment is a case of constitutional monism READ MORE
- New criminal law Bills endanger civil liberties READ MORE
- SC verdict on abrogation of Article 370: Not in the right spirit? READ MORE
- Criminal law Bills: Informed debate would be in public interest READ MORE
- Whither Arbitration READ MORE
- EC must show spine in making polls free and fair READ MORE
- The Last Pillar of Indian Democracy Has Fallen READ MORE
- Promoting family medicine vital for universal healthcare READ MORE
- How India’s Public Health System Can Reach Rural Women Suffering Domestic Abuse READ MORE
- Gaza, a new pointer to India’s changed world view READ MORE
- India backs resolution: Humanitarian stand on Gaza war is welcome READ MORE
- Course correction READ MORE
- India-EU FTA is a win-win for both economies READ MORE
- India must look beyond the China question to understand US’ mixed signals READ MORE
GS Paper- 3
- Express View on RBI study on state budgets: State of finances READ MORE
- Generative AI Is driving remarkable trends READ MORE
- Gender inequality in jobs grows after post-pandemic churn READ MORE
- Sustaining growth needs consumer spending push READ MORE
- A big deal in Dubai READ MORE
- COP28 delivers a mixed bag READ MORE
- Dubai Disappoints | COP28 fails to make history READ MORE
- Scientifically Speaking | Nobel Prize-winning gene editing tech offers a ray of hope for blood disorders READ MORE
- A law to keep AI under check READ MORE
- In terror strikes, a lesson for Pakistan READ MORE
- Chennai bears the brunt of cyclone Michaung READ MORE
GS Paper- 4
Questions for the MAIN exam
- Instead of decolonising criminal law, new criminal law Bills entrench colonial logic, where the state’s paramount interest is to control the people to the maximum extent. How far do you think that new bills is a missed opportunity to correct the entrenched injustices of our criminal justice system?
- Diplomatic decisions taken during climate talks need to make clear differences on the ground. Comment on the statement in the light of outcomes of COP 28.
- A democratic institution must remain independent and fair not just because the people at the wheel are determined to do their job; it must instead have institutional mechanisms to ensure their independence and fairness. How far do you think that a new bill related to ECI is able to ensure its independence and fairness?
- Though China remains the biggest strategic challenge for India, the United States is the biggest challenge for India’s strategic community. Critically Examine.
- To what extent do you agree with this view that China is the sole driver of India’s relations with the US, and India should adopt a competitive position against China depending strongly on the strategic trust it can place in the United States?
- However good a Constitution may be, if those who are implementing it are not good, it will prove to be bad.
- We need to find a new, sustainable path to the future we want. We need a clean industrial revolution.
- The Union government should initiate talks with Sri Lanka on voluntary repatriation and a structured assistance programme worked out. A proactive approach should be followed to ensure that those tagged as refugees are able to lead a life of dignity.
- Holding that the President has the untrammelled power to abrogate Article 370 and order a total application of the Indian Constitution to the State to the effect that the State’s Constitution becomes inoperative is an ‘unbridled power’ that defies the logic of federalism and constitutional democracy.
- In a constitutional democracy, nobody or institution has unbridled powers.
- Sovereignty in federal constitutions is not a binary concept restricted to a simple ‘is’ or ‘isn’t’ classification. Rather, it encompasses various dimensions and exists along a spectrum of degrees.
- Instead of decolonising criminal law, New criminal law Bills entrench colonial logic — where the state’s paramount interest is to control the people to the maximum extent.
- It is important to recognise that goals of speedy justice and effective investigation cannot be achieved with fairness unless we address deep structural barriers.
- We need well-qualified, highly skilled general/family practitioners to cater to the immediate, primary and even some secondary healthcare needs.
- Climate change is about people, their livelihoods, energy and food security. Diplomatic decisions taken during climate talks rarely make any difference on the ground.
- The generative AI will change the way economy functions and businesses are run; it will be a game changer for in many verticals.
- Foreign universities may provide more options for Indian students to choose from but apart from that they may not live up to the expectations of serious students.
- There is an urgent need for the Centre and all the High Courts in the country to take note of the institutions operating in each state and designate them as arbitration institutions in order to alleviate the much-discussed burden on courts.
- Arbitration Council of India to authorise and regulate Arbitration Institutions has yet to be established. It is still in the stage of developing work procedures, rules, and regulations.
- A trade agreement with the EU implies a collaboration with one of the global economic powerhouses and it can be to India’s benefit in the long run.
- National security is a sensitive issue and many things can be done in its name. Ultimately, it is the trust of the people of the former state that will keep it safe.
- A democratic institution must remain independent and fair not just because the people at the wheel are determined to do their job; it must instead have institutional mechanisms to ensure their independence and fairness.
- The economy is an owned subsidiary of ecology.
- Biden has warned Israel against indiscriminately bombing Gaza and nudged Netanyahu to drop his one-state dream. The Israel-Palestine solution lies in realpolitik and mutual human compassion that begins where terror and war end. India’s support for ceasefire and the two-state solution is an equipoised approach that cuts through the noise.
Things to Remember:
- For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
- Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
- For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
- For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
- Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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