WSDP Bulletin (12/12/2023)

(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)

Prelim and Main

1.  New Climate Warrior. Carbon capture by algae-assisted microbial fuel cell shows promise READ MORE

2. SC upholds abrogation of Article 370, says move was part of 70-year-old exercise to integrate J&K to the Union READ MORE

3. Carbon footprint of richest in developing countries same as low earners in developed countries, shows report READ MORE

4.  Global Renewables And Energy Efficiency Pledge at COP28: what is the tripling renewable energy target? READ MORE

5.  Food versus Fuel: What’s happening with Centre’s ethanol blending scheme READ MORE

6.  SC upholds Article 370 abrogation: What is Truth and Reconciliation Commission? READ MORE

7.  What was the SR Bommai judgment, which the SC relied on in its Article 370 ruling? READ MORE

8.  What are the FSB’s concerns about crypto asset intermediaries? | Explained READ MORE

9.  Declaration of State emergency under Article 356 and subsequent actions of President should have reasonable nexus: SC READ MORE

10.  COP28 draft deal slammed for dropping call to phase out fossil fuels READ MORE


GS Paper- 1

1. Address concerns over untouchability READ MORE

2. Weather Report: Absence of Western Disturbance to result in dry conditions this week across India READ MORE

GS Paper- 2


1. South vs north debate isn’t divisive, Centre’s ‘one nation, one policy’ is READ MORE

2. Ominously anti-federal: On the Supreme Court’s judgment on Article 370 and J&K’s special status READ MORE

3. Pratap Bhanu Mehta writes on abrogation of Article 370 being upheld: Has SC established a dangerous precedent for federalism? READ MORE

4. Explained – Article 370 judgment: Why SC said Kashmir didn’t enjoy any ‘sovereignty’ READ MORE

5. Consumer Protection Act needs to be revamped READ MORE

6. Verdict on Article 370 ends prolonged row READ MORE


1. Harvest the Odisha story to ensure food security READ MORE


1. Decoding Putin’s dramatic visit to the Gulf READ MORE

GS Paper- 3


1. Calibrating a strategy for India’s future growth READ MORE

2. MPC less hawkish now READ MORE

3. Food, fuel, fodder: The maize challenge READ MORE

4. More bullish than dovish READ MORE

5. RBI must regulate risky loan apps, cooperative banks. They are plaguing the banking sector READ MORE


1. Lessons from COP28: How to save what we can READ MORE  

2. Confront the wrath of the climate crisis, now READ MORE

3. Soil pollution can lead to a major catastrophe READ MORE


1. Critical Technologies Supply Chains READ MORE  


1. India’s response to Rohingya refugee crisis must balance humanitarianism with national security READ MORE


1. Chennai is a symbol and symptom of disasters our cities are facing READ MORE

GS Paper- 4


1. Logical prowess of Nyaya Darshan READ MORE

2. Why Is Integrity Important in Leadership? READ MORE

Questions for the MAIN exam

1. How far do you agree with this view that the Supreme court recent decision on Jammu and Kashmir has imperiled the rights of States and will weaken the structure of federalism? Justify your view.

2. The democratic model in India is federal but is skewed toward a powerful Union, which tends to accrue even greater power at the expense of the rights of the states. Examine.

3. How far do you agree with this view that the reorganisation of the state created a wrong precedent and downgrading the status of state is against the very basic feature of federalism?

4. Gender equality is not only a key pillar of human rights, but could be a powerful tool for sustaining higher and more inclusive economic growth. Comment.

5. Despite the economic advances that India has made, its gender balance in economic participation remains among the lowest in the world. Discuss the causes behind the gender disparities in entrepreneurship and employment in India.


  • We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.
  • Employment growth is critically dependent on GDP growth and the structure of output.
  • Adhering to fiscal responsibility targets is critical to sustain growth.
  • Raising the savings and investment rates, improving the skill acquisition of the young entrants to the labour market and adopting a technology mix which is employment friendly are issues on which the country must focus to achieve a growth rate of 7% to 7.5%.
  • Despite their long-standing alliance with the U.S., both the UAE and Saudi Arabia have in recent years been asserting “strategic autonomy” and have prioritised expanding ties with China and Russia.
  • Putin’s recent interactions with Gulf leaders have brought Russia into the mainstream of West Asian affairs and affirmed that the Sino-Russian alliance will challenge U.S. hegemony and seek to redefine the regional political order.
  • Due to its geographical location and physical conditions, India’s Eastern Coastline is vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
  • In upholding the removal of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status and its downgrading, the Supreme Court of India has imperilled the rights of States and weakened the limits on the Union’s power.
  • The reorganisation of the state created a new precedent. Article 3 allows for changes of boundaries of states, their names and even identity. What it does not allow for is changing the status of a state itself, and downgrading it to a Union Territory.
  • Moving away from fossil fuels is a capital-intensive process and developing countries are not in a position to fund such activities.
  • The UNSC must undergo transformative changes to stay true to its founding principles and effectively address the complex challenges of our times.
  • Food security and price stability are critical objectives for the government, and it will have to tread carefully not to upset the current balance.
  • RBI is confident about the prospects of the economy. However, policy push is needed to improve demand among the non-rich.
  • Gender equality is not only a key pillar of human rights, but could be a powerful tool for sustaining higher and more inclusive economic growth.
  • Despite the economic advances that India has made, its gender balance in economic participation remains among the lowest in the world.
  • Addressing soil pollution is crucial for the long-term health of ecosystems, agricultural sustainability, and human well-being.
  • Despite many changes, consumer protection is weak and not taken seriously by many companies. Besides, many consumers in rural areas cannot afford legal remedy.
  • Considering the inherently global nature of the climate, instead of a one-size-fits-all solution, adaptation models need to address the local needs using traditional knowledge systems.
  • Untouchability, the evil practice of discriminating against people on the basis of their caste, has no place in civil society.
  • Cities are the growth engines contributing the most to employment generation. Cities compete to attract talent and investments. A city’s resilience is an important factor in ensuring its sustainability, the well-being of its citizens, and the security of investments made.


  • The economy is an owned subsidiary of ecology.


  • Supreme Court upholding removal of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status under Article 370 brings closure to this issue. All parties must accept its finality and move on. SC has done well to fix a timeframe for elections. Centre should now restore statehood and hand over power to an elected government.

Things to Remember:

  • For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
  • Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
  • For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
  • For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
  • Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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