WSDP Bulletin (11-01-2023)

(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)

Prelim and Main

  1. New PLI scheme for IT server, hardware to offer more sops for IP designed in India READ MORE  
  2. Supreme Court Collegium recommends judicial appointments to five High Courts READ MORE
  3. Minimal improvement in air quality in cities under National Clean Air Programme READ MORE
  4. U.S. fund to help restore Paigah Tombs in Hyderabad READ MORE
  5. SC to decide validity of Section 6A of Citizenship Act READ MORE
  6. Micro-seismic observatories to be set up in Joshimath this week: Union minister Jitendra Singh READ MORE
  7. New reactor powered by sun can convert plastic, CO2 into fuel READ MORE
  8. SC demonetisation verdict: What is delegated legislation READ MORE

Main Exam

GS Paper- 1

  1. What is a cold wave, why northwest India is shivering READ MORE
  2. Ozone hole, filling up now READ MORE
  3. A mountain reeling under human aggression READ MORE

GS Paper- 2


  1. Bad and ugly: On the Tamil Nadu Governor’s walkout from the Assembly READ MORE
  2. Indian campuses of foreign universities are a win-win for students and institutes READ MORE
  3. Why we need to look beyond GST while regulating online gaming READ MORE
  4. The guvs are off: Governors in some opposition-ruled states are keeping bills pending for long, violating constitutional spirit READ MORE
  5. An opportunity to redesign draft data protection law READ MORE


  1. Tracking learning outcomes: ASER’s work through the pandemic READ MORE


  1. Lessons from Russia’s Ukraine war READ MORE
  2. India’s G20 — Focus must be on emerging as a bridge between the developing and developed world READ MORE
  3. Time to rebuild relations with Egypt READ MORE

GS Paper- 3


  1. How inflation surge could help Govt balance its fiscal math READ MORE
  2. It is wrong to penalise CCI appeals READ MORE
  3. Green hydrogen mission: A boost for clean energy READ MORE


  1. Draconian, Toothless~II READ MORE
  2. How increasing tourism in Antarctica threatens its unique ecosystems READ MORE


  1. China cyberwar: Beijing’s dominance in IoT & smart technology & vulnerabilities for India READ MORE


  1. Joshimath and the need to regulate economic activity in hills more sensibly READ MORE
  2. BL Explainer: What led to the sinking of Joshimath READ MORE
  3. Joshimath a policy disaster: Bigger projects being allowed with little regard for  environmental fallout READ MORE

GS Paper- 4


  1. Courage to take independent and firm decisions READ MORE
  2. Well-being and ill-being READ MORE
  3. Let’s rediscover Vivekananda READ MORE

Questions for the MAIN exam

  1. ‘Hosting G20 summit is an opportunity for India to be emerged as a bridge between the developing and developed world’. Critically examine.
  2. ‘A flawed process led to erroneous policy which is counterproductive and which resulted in not only damage to democracy but to huge adverse impact on the public, especially the poor’. Critically analyse the statement in the light of recent judgement on demonetization.


  • The first law of ecology is that everything is related to everything else.
  • The Census alone can provide population data for every village and town, data for the delimitation of constituencies and for determining the quantum of reservation, and validate or reject estimates.
  • The first Census after 2026 would be used for delimitation of parliamentary and Assembly constituencies and for apportionment of parliamentary seats among the States. Due to the disparity in growth rates between the States, there could be changes in the distribution of seats in Parliament.
  • Anti-microbial resistance is an impending health catastrophe and requires a multi-disciplinary approach and investment in R&D.
  • India’s fundamentals continue to remain strong even in times when the world is facing economic turbulence caused by a devastating public health crisis and geopolitical complexities.
  • Data localisation calls for building a demanding infrastructure, rather than mandating a requirement to store data locally.
  • A nation that wants to emerge as an economic power and a political force on the world stage ought to have a more responsive and imaginative administration.
  • The industry, with the motive of cashing in on its profits the maximum, wants the Government to bear the expenses that it should ideally have done itself
  • A lot of challenges might make diversity a difficult task to include in clinical trials, but there are many ways through which diversity can be promoted and provide benefits to all sections of society.
  • Diversity is necessary for clinical research, because it secures the results that constitute all the groups of people in the world. The generalisation of the result is important, and ethical, and should be able to find the different ways in which treatment might affect the people of all groups.
  • Greater ambition in terms of fiscal consolidation will pay dividends in the medium-term future. It will reduce inflationary pressure, increase the space for private investment, and induce economic growth dynamism. Policymakers in the finance ministry should not miss this opportunity.
  • Global efforts must counter such regressive trends in policy framework and implementation process by involving multiple actors from community leaders and civil society to governments.
  • Even as democratic Europe confronts the strategic fallout and human distress caused by Russia’s warmongering, it should step up its economic contribution to the well-being of Asia – and the rest of the developing world.
  • A flawed process led to erroneous policy which is counterproductive and which resulted in not only damage to democracy but to huge adverse impact on the public, especially the poor.


  • Bombay HC’s sharp words against CBI for flouting criminal procedural law in arresting Chanda Kochhar is a reminder to probe agencies to desist from arbitrary detentions and arrests. Investigations mustn’t become a tool for harassment. Judiciary guarding personal liberty is laudable. It must punish investigators showing wanton disregard for it.
  • Tamil Nadu governor RN Ravi is showing an uncanny penchant for controversies. Proclaiming himself Tamizhaga governor, dropping state emblem from Pongal invitations and changing government-approved assembly speech were unwarranted and provocative. Raj Bhawans in non-NDA-ruled states have made a charade of PM Modi’s cooperative federalism talks. Blame is on him.

Things to Remember:

  • For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
  • Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
  • For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
  • For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
  • Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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