WSDP Bulletin (27-12-2021)

(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)

Prelim and Main

  1. NITI Aayog to release the fourth edition of “The Healthy States, Progressive India” ranking States performance on 27th of December 2021 READ MORE
  3. Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission Overdraft facility for women SHG members launched READ MORE
  4. Explained | What are the head and tailwinds in the economy? READ MORE
  5. Telangana tops in implementation of Rurban Mission READ MORE
  6. India imposes anti-dumping duty on 5 Chinese goods for 5 years READ MORE
  7. NSE launches ‘Prime’ for companies willing to raise governance bar READ MORE

Main Exam    

GS Paper- 1

  1. Growth estimates and social tensions READ MORE

GS Paper- 2


  1. Right to be forgotten: govt position, court rulings, and laws elsewhere READ MORE
  2. How PMO letter to EC challenged institutional balance READ MORE
  3. Democracy and the US-India relationship READ MORE
  4. Another migration Bill in the making READ MORE


  1. Prevention is better than cure: There are several compelling reasons for extending outpatient health care coverage READ MORE


  1. A chance to tap India’s high equity in Myanmar: Though there are challenges, the momentum gained from the Indian Foreign Secretary’s recent visit must not be lost READ MORE

GS Paper- 3


  1. India needs a realistic model of education to raise employment READ MORE
  2. Macro-economics of a circular economy through aluminium READ MORE
  3. Agriculture needs a booster dose READ MORE


  1. Receding glaciers: Risk from climate change has to be minimised READ MORE
  2. Changes in biodiversity law may weaken regulation READ MORE
  3. River Linking is a Prestige Project, will not Solve Water Crisis READ MORE


  1. Disaster management: How India is improving its existing capabilities READ MORE


  1. Security Jeopardised? READ MORE

GS Paper- 4


  1. Modernism and our traditional socio ethical values READ MORE
  2. Peaceful conflict resolution READ MORE

Questions for the MAIN exam

  1. ‘The national good requires that the three organs of the state and independent constitutional bodies function harmoniously in accordance with their constitutional and legal mandates’. Comment.
  2. ‘India’s geo-climatic conditions make it one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world. International cooperation in disaster management is critical to India for the effective handling of disasters within its borders as well as the region’. Analyse.
  3. ‘Democracy is pointless without debate and discussion and a dysfunctional Parliament leads to dysfunctional democracy’. Comment.


  • If we don’t end war, war will end us.
  • To deter supply-side malpractices, low-powered modes of provider payment, such as capitation, may be considered for private providers wherever possible.
  • The national good requires that the three organs of the state and independent constitutional bodies function harmoniously in accordance with their constitutional and legal mandates.
  • The historical experience of the ages shows that all political power is inherently expansive.
  • Consultations between independent institutions and the executive should occur, but it would be appropriate and graceful for the political and bureaucratic executive to show respect for independent institutions.
  • Skills are indispensable in the changing scenario of the 21st century. Communication is a game-changer and social order to meet the growing demands of the workforce.
  • Freedom is the basic fundamental value of human soul freedom is what gives meaning to human life.
  • Modern values and traditional social ethical values must promote and enhance human dignity and promote inclusive and equitable development along with social justice.
  • Dignity of labour needs advocacy to help our youth bridge gaps between aspirations and abilities.
  • India’s geo-climatic conditions make it one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world. International cooperation in disaster management is, therefore, critical to India for the effective handling of disasters within its borders as well as the region.
  • Govt policies need to serve society at large with the aim of protecting biodiversity and associated traditional knowledge against commercial exploitation by a few private entities.
  • Democracy is not just about an elected Parliament and periodic elections. Democracy is pointless without debate and discussion and a dysfunctional Parliament leads to dysfunctional democracy.


  • RBI move to postpone the tokenisation of credit/debit cards is a relief. RBI’s intentions to make online transactions more secure are commendable. But the central bank has been obstinate about it, ending up disrupting transactions and even hurting businesses. In the process, digitalisation has become a bit of a circus.
  • Allahabad judge Shekhar Kumar Yadav’s cautionary note on Omicron urging PM Modi to take strong steps during election campaign cannot be lauded enough. Indians must be reminded about the West Bengal campaign that fueled the disastrous second wave. EC’s Covid norms aren’t heeded, so a judge had to step up.

Things to Remember:

  • For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
  • Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and also exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
  • For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
  • For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
  • Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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