THE CONTEXT: Karnataka is grappling with one of its most severe droughts in decades, with a significant shortfall in monsoon rains leading to widespread agricultural distress. Despite the dire situation, the state’s plea for substantial drought relief has led to a protracted dispute with the central government. Only after the Supreme Court’s intervention did the Center agree to release a fraction of the funds requested by the state, highlighting the ongoing tension between state and central authorities over disaster relief funding.


  • Severe Drought and Agricultural Impact: Karnataka is experiencing one of its worst droughts in decades, with significant rainfall deficits leading to widespread damage to agricultural and horticultural crops. The state has declared 223 of its 236 taluks as drought-affected, highlighting the extensive nature of the crisis.
  • Inadequate Central Government Response: The state government of Karnataka has been disputing with the central government over the amount of drought relief needed. Despite requesting Rs 18,171.44 crore based on the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) guidelines, the central government has released only Rs 3,454 crore, which the state considers insufficient to address the severe drought conditions.
  • Legal and Constitutional Challenges: The state has taken the issue to the Supreme Court, arguing that the central government’s failure to release adequate funds violates the fundamental rights of the people of Karnataka under Articles 14 (right to equality) and 21 (right to life) of the Constitution. This legal battle underscores the tension between state and central government responsibilities and the mechanisms for disaster management.
  • Political and Administrative Delays: The release of funds has been complicated by political factors and administrative delays, including the involvement of the Election Commission due to concurrent elections. This has added complexity to the urgent need for drought relief, affecting the timely aid distribution.
  • Need for Collaborative Resolution: The ongoing conflict between the state and central governments over drought relief funds highlights the need for a more collaborative approach to disaster management. The suggestion of conducting a joint survey to accurately assess the losses and determine a fair amount of relief could be a constructive way forward, ensuring that the affected populations, particularly farmers, receive the necessary support without undue delay.


  • Joint Survey for Accurate Assessment: A collaborative effort between the state and central governments to conduct a comprehensive and joint survey of the drought-affected areas could lead to a more accurate assessment of the damages and losses. This would ensure that the relief funds requested and allocated are based on ground realities, reducing disputes over the figures.
  • Establishment of a Drought Relief Task Force: Forming a dedicated task force comprising representatives from state and central governments, along with experts in agriculture, meteorology, and water management, could facilitate a more coordinated and effective response to the drought crisis. This task force could oversee the implementation of relief measures and ensure that the funds are utilized efficiently.
  • Immediate Release of Partial Funds with Scope for Reassessment: To address the immediate needs of the affected population, especially the farmers, the central government could release some of the requested funds as an interim relief measure. This could be followed by a detailed assessment of the situation, allowing for additional funds to be released based on the joint survey findings.
  • Implementation of Long-term Drought Mitigation Measures: Beyond immediate relief, long-term strategies are needed to make Karnataka more resilient to drought. These could include investments in water conservation techniques, rainwater harvesting, drought-resistant crops, and improving groundwater recharge. Such measures would reduce the state’s vulnerability to future droughts.
  • Transparent Communication and Public Involvement: It is crucial to ensure transparency in allocating and utilizing relief funds. Regular updates should be provided to the public, and feedback mechanisms should be established to involve the community in the relief efforts. This would help build trust among the affected population and ensure that the relief measures are aligned with the community’s needs.


The standoff between Karnataka and the Centre over drought relief funding underscores a more significant issue of bureaucratic and political wrangling that often delays necessary aid to those in need. While the Supreme Court’s intervention has provided some relief, the state government considers the amount insufficient. This situation calls for a more collaborative approach between the state and the Centre, focusing on the welfare of the affected population rather than on political or bureaucratic disputes.


Q.1 How have the recommendations of the 14th Finance Commission of India enabled the States to improve their fiscal position? 2021

Q.2 Drought has been recognized as a disaster given its party expense, temporal duration, slow onset, and lasting effect on various vulnerable sections. Focusing on the September 2010 guidelines from the National Disaster Management Authority, discuss the mechanism for preparedness to deal with the El Nino and La Nina fallouts in India. 2014


Q.1 Analyze the judiciary’s role in ensuring disaster relief and management, considering the Supreme Court’s recent intervention in the drought relief case for Karnataka.



THE CONTEXT: The global petroleum market is experiencing unprecedented volatility due to a complex mix of geopolitical tensions, economic shifts, and environmental pressures. This intricate web of factors influences oil prices and offers strategic insights for oil import-dependent nations like India. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for navigating the uncertainties of today’s energy landscape.


  • Geopolitical Tensions and Sanctions: Venezuela faces U.S. sanctions despite having the world’s largest oil reserves. However, exceptions have been made for U.S. companies like Chevron to continue operations, partly to control U.S. petrol prices. The U.S. support for Ukraine amidst the conflict with Russia has inadvertently benefited U.S. petroleum companies by filling the gap left by sanctions on Russian oil exports to Europe. Despite sanctions, Russia continues to find markets in China and India, maintaining its oil revenue.
  • Middle East Crises: The region holding 55% of the world’s petroleum reserves remains volatile due to ongoing conflicts. Any escalation could threaten the closure of the Straits of Hormuz, a critical chokepoint for global oil trade.
  • Transition Towards Clean Energy: The U.S. has invested significantly in reducing carbon emissions through the Inflation Reduction Act. This presents a dilemma as the economics of fossil fuels may eventually need to yield to clean energy politics.
  • Fragmentation of the Petroleum Market: Western sanctions have led to a fragmentation of the petroleum market, with trading relations becoming more regional than global. This fragmentation will likely deepen as demand patterns shift and countries like China and India increase their reliance on gas.
  • AI Industry’s Demand for Electricity: The AI industry’s substantial electricity needs challenge commitments to net-zero carbon emissions. This may force industry leaders to choose between slowing growth or relying on gas-based power generation.
  • Implications for India: The lesson for India, an oil import-dependent country, is to hedge against market volatility by diversifying its energy sources. This includes building strategic oil reserves, increasing the share of natural gas, investing in intelligent infrastructure, intensifying R&D on clean energy, encouraging public-private partnerships, and scaling up renewables. These measures are crucial for managing and mitigating the uncertainties arising from the current forces impacting the petroleum industry.


  • Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR): Utilizing strategic petroleum reserves to buffer the market during significant price swings, especially in response to geopolitical events, can help stabilize prices.
  • Diversifying Energy Sources: Expanding the energy basket to include renewable energy sources, natural gas, and other alternatives can reduce oil dependency and price volatility.
  • Enhancing Domestic Production: Boosting domestic oil production capabilities can help reduce reliance on imported oil, thereby insulating the economy from global price fluctuations.
  • Investing in Energy Efficiency and Conservation: Implementing strict fuel economy regulations and promoting energy-efficient technologies can reduce oil consumption, making economies less vulnerable to price swings.
  • International Cooperation: Strengthening international cooperation, including giving more responsibility to global forums like the G20, to collectively address the challenges of oil price volatility.
  • Public and Private Sector Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between oil-producing and oil-consuming nations to ensure market stability and mitigate the adverse effects of price volatility.


The petroleum market’s volatility demands a multifaceted response from countries dependent on oil imports. India, among others, must prioritize building strategic reserves, diversifying energy sources, and investing in future-ready infrastructure and technologies. These steps are essential for enhancing energy security and achieving sustainable growth in an unpredictable global market.


Q.1 India’s energy security is essential to its economic progress. Analyze India’s energy policy cooperation with West Asian Countries. 2017

Q.2 Clean energy is the order of the day. Briefly describe India’s changing policy towards climate change in various international fora in the context of geopolitics. 2022


Q.1 Discuss the implications of geopolitical tensions and international sanctions on the global petroleum market, explicitly referring to the recent sanctions on Venezuela and Russia. Analyze how these factors influence the oil supply chains and the strategic responses of oil import-dependent countries like India.



THE CONTEXT: The United Nations has established a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, but progress has been insufficient and disrupted by various global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The UN’s 2023 report calls for urgent, integrated actions and stresses the importance of substantial policy shifts and international cooperation to meet these goals. A scholarly review in Nature Sustainability reveals that the impact of the SDGs has been limited, primarily affecting discourses and minor reformative actions rather than inducing significant political changes.


  • Lagging Progress on SDGs: The progress towards the SDGs has been significantly slower than anticipated, mainly due to the global disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, among other crises. This has led to concerns that the SDGs’ original aims might not be met by 2030, the target year.
  • Environmental Concerns: Specific attention is given to the lack of progress on ecological SDGs, including climate action, life below water, and life on land. This neglect raises fears of possible accelerated environmental degradation.
  • Isolation of Reforms and Actions: While the SDGs have inspired some reforms and actions, these are described as isolated and not substantial enough to be transformative globally.
  • Discrepancy Between Declarations and Actions: This is a common issue wherein global commitments to the SDGs have not been effectively translated into concrete actions on the ground, questioning the operational effectiveness of these international commitments.
  • Need for Integrated Approaches: According to the 2019 UN report, ‘Future is Now,’ to truly harness the transformative potential of the SDGs, a systemic approach that considers trade-offs and maximizes co-benefits is necessary. This involves integrating various levers such as governance, economy, and technology.
  • Importance of 2024 Elections: With many countries heading to elections in 2024, incoming governments have a significant opportunity to prioritize sustainability and align national policies more effectively with the SDGs.
  • Urgent Calls for Action: The UN SDG Report of 2023 outlines five critical areas for urgent action, including accelerated governmental commitment, integrated and targeted policies, and strengthening both national and international capacities and resources to achieve the SDGs by 2030.
  • Global Commitments vs. Local Implementation: While world leaders have reaffirmed their commitments to the SDGs, a significant gap exists between global pronouncements and their actual implementation at the local level.
  • Academic Analysis: Scholars reviewed 3,000 studies in a comprehensive analysis and found that while the SDGs have influenced some discourse, normative, and institutional reforms, their overall transformative impact is limited. The goals have not significantly altered global or local politics.


  • Accelerate Governmental Commitment and Action: Governments must demonstrate stronger political will and urgency to prioritize and accelerate SDG implementation. This includes aligning national policies and budgets more effectively with the SDG targets. With many countries heading to elections in 2024, incoming governments have a significant opportunity to prioritize sustainability and drive more concrete actions toward achieving the SDGs by 2030.
  • Adopt Integrated and Targeted Policies: To harness the transformative potential of the 2030 Agenda, a systemic, integrated approach that considers trade-offs and maximizes co-benefits across different SDGs is necessary. This involves holistically integrating various policy levers such as governance, economy, and technology to address the SDGs. Targeted, evidence-based policies and interventions are needed to address the specific challenges and gaps in progressing the ecological SDGs, like climate action, life below water, and life on land.
  • Strengthen National and International Capacities and Resources: Countries must strengthen their national statistical systems and data collection capabilities to monitor and report SDG progress better. Increased financial resources and international cooperation are crucial to supporting developing countries in implementing the SDGs. Capacity-building efforts are needed to enhance the ability of governments, civil society, and other stakeholders to design and execute effective SDG strategies.
  • Improve Alignment Between Global Commitments and Local Implementation: While global commitments to the SDGs have been made, there remains a significant gap between these declarations and their actual implementation at the local level. Mechanisms to better translate global goals into concrete, context-specific actions at the national and subnational levels are necessary. Strengthening multi-stakeholder partnerships and community engagement can help bridge the gap between international commitments and local realities.
  • Foster Transformative Impact Through Systemic Change: To truly harness the SDGs’ transformative potential, a shift towards more fundamental, systemic changes in global and local politics, economies, and societies is required. This involves moving beyond isolated reforms and actions and pursuing integrated, holistic approaches to drive more substantial and lasting transformations.


Global commitments to the SDGs require a considerable enhancement in implementation effectiveness at the local level, as current efforts do not match the ambitious targets. The upcoming global elections 2024 represent a critical opportunity for countries to recalibrate and strengthen their commitment to sustainable development policies. For the SDGs to be transformative, all stakeholders must participate in a systemic approach that leverages governance, economic strategies, and technological innovations to create sustainable outcomes.


Q.1 Access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy is the sine qua non to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Comment on the progress made in India in this regard. 2018

Q.2 The incidence and intensity of poverty are more critical in determining poverty based on income alone”. In this context, analyze the latest United Nations Multidimensional Poverty Index Report. 2020

Q.3 Despite Consistent experience of High growth, India still goes with the lowest indicators of human development. Examine the issues that make balanced and inclusive development elusive. 2019


Q.1 Evaluate the challenges that have hampered achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) and suggest integrated policy measures that could enhance effectiveness at national and international levels to ensure the holistic achievement of the SDGs.



THE CONTEXT: India is facing a significant water scarcity issue, with major reservoirs across the country filled to only 28.2% of their capacity, a particularly dire situation in the southern states. This scarcity is attributed to less-than-ideal monsoon seasons, exacerbated by the effects of El Niño, which have also impacted agricultural production and increased food prices. The country’s economic growth and agricultural stability are closely tied to the monsoon season, highlighting the importance of upcoming weather patterns.


  • Severe water shortage: The water levels in 150 major reservoirs are just 28.2% of their total storage capacity, below the levels of a year ago and the 10-year average. The situation is particularly dire in southern states where reservoirs are only 15.7% full.
  • Impact on agricultural production: Last year’s poor monsoon and El Niño effects have affected agricultural production, as evidenced by lower government procurement of rice and wheat compared to the previous year. Retail prices of essential commodities like pulses, vegetables, and sugar are also significantly higher.
  • El Niño’s impact on crop yields: El Niño has affected rainfall and temperatures, leading to a hit on wheat yields in central India due to hot weather during the critical growth stages.
  • Uncertainty around the upcoming monsoon: With the forthcoming elections, the focus may shift to the monsoon, which is crucial for the Indian economy’s growth prospects. Two consecutive bad monsoons can significantly impact the economy.
  • Potential food inflation challenge for the new government: Depending on the performance of the upcoming monsoon, the new government may have to prioritize managing food inflation in its first 100 days, as poor crop production can lead to further price rises.


  • Enhanced Water Conservation and Management: To augment water availability, implement advanced water conservation techniques, such as rainwater harvesting. Promote modern irrigation methods like drip and sprinkler systems that minimize water wastage. Additionally, invest in renovating existing water infrastructure to reduce leakage and improve efficiency in water distribution.
  • Diversification of Agriculture: Encourage farmers to diversify crops with a focus on drought-resistant varieties that require less water. This can reduce dependency on a single crop and mitigate the impact of failed monsoons. Crop diversification can also help stabilize food prices by ensuring a steady supply of various agricultural products.
  • Strengthening Weather Forecasting and Agricultural Advisory Services: Invest in improving weather forecasting technologies and disseminating timely information to farmers. This can help farmers make informed decisions about planting and harvesting times, irrigation needs, and crop selection based on expected weather conditions. Providing agricultural advisory services can further assist farmers in adopting best practices for soil health, water use, and crop management.
  • Strategic Food Reserves and Market Intervention: Build and maintain strategic reserves of essential food commodities to buffer against supply shocks. Government intervention in markets to release stocks during periods of high price volatility can help stabilize prices. Additionally, policies to ensure fair pricing and prevent hoarding can protect consumers from excessive food inflation.
  • Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Encourage the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices that improve soil health and water retention, such as cover cropping, no-till farming, and organic farming. These practices can enhance the resilience of agricultural systems to climatic variations and reduce the impact of poor monsoons on crop yields.


The potential shift from El Niño to a La Niña phase, which historically brings more rainfall to India, offers hope for a better monsoon season and, consequently, improved agricultural output and water reservoir levels. However, the government faces the immediate challenge of managing food inflation and addressing water scarcity concerns. Preparing for the possibility of another subpar monsoon season is crucial for mitigating the impact on the economy and the livelihoods of millions.


Q.1 Most unusual climatic happenings are explained as an outcome of the El-Nino effect. Do you agree? 2014

Q.2 What characteristics can be assigned to monsoon climate that succeeds in feeding more than 50 % of the world population in monsoon Asia? 2017

Q.3 Suggest measures to improve water storage and irrigation systems to make their use judicious under depleting scenarios. 2020


Q.1 Discuss the impact of consecutive subpar monsoons and the phenomenon of El Niño on India’s agricultural output and food inflation. Evaluate the potential role of a predicted La Niña phase in alleviating these challenges.



THE CONTEXT: The record-breaking Goods and Services Tax (GST) collections in India for April exceeded ₹2 lakh crore for the first time, reflecting a 12.4% increase from the previous year. This peak is attributed to the fiscal year-end activities in March, where businesses finalize their accounts and comply with tax obligations. While this spike is significant, it may not represent a new norm for monthly GST collections.


  • Record-High GST Collections: April 2024 saw GST revenues surpass the ₹2 lakh crore mark for the first time, reaching approximately ₹2.1 lakh crore. This represents a 12.4% increase from the previous year’s April, which had a collection of ₹1.87 lakh crore, previously the highest.
  • Economic Momentum and Efficient Collections: The significant rise in GST collections is attributed to strong economic momentum and more efficient tax collection Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman highlighted these factors as key contributors to the landmark revenue figures.
  • Impact of Year-End Financial Activities: The spike in April’s GST collections is partly due to the fiscal year-end activities in March, where businesses finalize their accounts and make necessary tax adjustments. This seasonal effect suggests that while April’s collections are high, subsequent months might see more moderate figures.
  • Future Revenue Projections and Budget Implications: Given the current economic trends and the GST’s performance, future revenue growth is expected to remain within the 11%- 12% range seen last year. This projection is crucial for meeting the revenue targets set in the interim Budget for 2024-25, which now require less than 10% growth due to the overshooting of last year’s targets.
  • GST Reforms and Political Promises: Both major political parties, the BJP and Congress, have outlined their visions for further simplifying the GST structure. The BJP aims to enhance the GST portal for small businesses, while the Congress advocates for a single moderate tax rate with minimal exceptions. These reforms are essential for expanding the GST net and simplifying the tax system, which could stimulate further economic growth and investment.


  • Simplification of the GST Rate Structure: A complex rate structure leads to confusion among taxpayers and administrative challenges. Learning from countries with a successful GST/VAT model, India could aim to simplify its GST rate structure. This could involve reducing the number of tax slabs and ensuring that most goods and services fall under a single or minimal number of tax rates.
  • Enhancing the GST Compliance and IT Infrastructure: The GST Network (GSTN) is crucial in administering GST in India. Drawing from countries like Singapore and Australia, where technology plays a central role in tax administration, India could further enhance its IT infrastructure to ensure seamless compliance. This includes improving the GST portal’s user interface for easier navigation, ensuring the stability of the system during peak filing periods, and integrating advanced analytics for better compliance monitoring and fraud detection.
  • Expanding the GST Base and Rationalizing Exemptions: To increase revenue without increasing the tax rate, expanding the tax base is essential. This involves bringing more sectors and goods under the GST ambit and rationalizing exemptions. Learning from the European Union’s VAT system, where very few items are exempted, India could review and minimize its list of exempted goods and services. This would not only broaden the tax base but also reduce the cascading effect of taxes.
  • Strengthening Anti-fraud Measures: Adopting stringent anti-fraud measures is crucial to combat tax evasion and improve revenue collection. Countries like the UK have implemented sophisticated data analytics and artificial intelligence tools to detect patterns indicative of fraud. India could adopt similar technologies to identify and act against tax evasion practices like fake invoicing more effectively. Additionally, increasing the penalties for fraud and improving the efficiency of the legal process for tax disputes can act as deterrents.
  • Fostering Cooperative Federalism: The GST in India is a landmark reform that requires cooperation between the central and state governments. Drawing from the Canadian GST/HST model, where there is a harmonized sales tax adopted by most provinces, India could further strengthen the mechanism of cooperative federalism. This involves ensuring that the GST Council functions as a robust platform for consensus-building among states and the Centre on GST rates, exemptions, and other policy decisions. Encouraging more uniformity in the implementation and administration of GST across states would also be beneficial.


Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman highlighted the robust GST collections as indicative of a strong economy and effective tax administration. The ongoing efforts to combat tax fraud and enhance compliance have significantly boosted revenues. The GST system needs reforms to make it simpler and to increase the tax base. Major political parties have promised to improve the GST framework for better economic growth.


Q.1 Explain the significance of the 101st Constitutional Amendment Act. To what extent does it reflect the accommodative spirit of federalism? 2023

Q.2 Explain the salient features of the Constitution (One Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2016. Do you think it is efficacious enough ‘to remove the cascading effect of taxes and provide for a common national market for goods and services? 2017

Q.3 Enumerate the indirect taxes that have been subsumed in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India. Also, comment on the revenue implications of the GST introduced in India in July 2017. 2019

Q.4 Explain the rationale behind the Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Act of 2017. How has COVID-19 impacted the GST compensation fund and created new federal tensions? 2020


Q.1 Discuss the role of GST in shaping India’s economic trajectory and the necessary reforms needed to enhance its efficiency and inclusivity. Examine the implications of sustained revenue growth on fiscal planning and the potential for GST reforms.



THE CONTEXT: The global trade environment has been highly volatile in recent years, primarily due to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent geopolitical conflicts. This volatility led to a continuous decline in the value of global merchandise trade since mid-2022, with a notable 4.6% drop in global merchandise exports in 2023. Despite these challenges, India’s merchandise exports showed resilience, performing better than the broader developing Asian market, though still experiencing a decline.


  • Impact of Global Economic Uncertainty and Commodity Prices: Global trade has been volatile due to the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical conflicts, leading to a continuous shrinkage in global merchandise trade since mid-2022. In 2023, global merchandise exports fell by 4.6%. India’s merchandise exports fell by 3.1% in 2023-24 to $437.1 billion from the previous year, influenced by lower international commodity prices, particularly crude oil, which saw a significant price drop of $13 per barrel.
  • Sector-Specific Export Performance: Despite the overall decline, certain sectors showed robust growth. Electronics goods exports grew by 24%, driven by the Production Linked Incentive scheme, enhancing the export of telecom instruments or mobile handsets. Core exports excluding petroleum and gems & jewellery were up by 1.4%, indicating a higher volume of goods shipped despite the price decline in commodities.
  • The decline in Labor-Intensive Export Sectors: There was a notable decline in exports from labour-intensive sectors such as gems and jewellery, textiles, leather, and marine products. For instance, the share of gems and jewellery in India’s merchandise exports decreased from 13.2% in 2014-15 to 7.5% in 2023-24. This decline is concerning as these sectors are significant employment generators and contribute substantially to India’s export earnings.
  • Geographical Diversification of Exports: Exports to the United States, India’s largest market, contracted due to growth being led by the services sector rather than goods. However, there has been an uptick in recent months. Exports to the Euro region and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, particularly the UAE, showed growth. Notably, India’s gems and jewellery exports to the UAE increased by 42.3% from April-February 2023-24.
  • Influence of Global and Domestic Policies: Global economic slowdowns, geopolitical uncertainties, and domestic policies like the ban on non-basmati rice and wheat exports influence India’s trade dynamics. Policy-driven initiatives like the Production Linked Incentive scheme have successfully bolstered sectors like electronics, showcasing the potential impact of supportive government policies on export growth.
  • Future Outlook and Strategic Moves: The outlook for India’s exports appears promising with upward revisions to global growth and trade projections by entities like S&P Global and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The ongoing negotiations and potential free-trade agreements with major economies, coupled with a push towards manufacturing, are expected to further enhance India’s export capabilities in the near to medium term.


  • Expand Geographical Reach: India should continue to explore new markets beyond traditional partners. This includes strengthening trade relations with countries in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. Maximizing the benefits of existing FTAs and exploring new bilateral and multilateral trade agreements can help mitigate risks associated with geopolitical tensions and market fluctuations.
  • Enhancing Product Diversification: India should capitalize on sectors showing robust growth such as electronics, pharmaceuticals, and engineering goods. Investing in these sectors can help offset declines in more traditional exports like textiles and gems. Moving up the value chain by focusing on the production of finished goods rather than intermediate goods can fetch higher margins and reduce vulnerability to raw material price fluctuations.
  • Strengthening Domestic Manufacturing: Continuing and expanding initiatives like the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme can enhance manufacturing capabilities, particularly in high-potential sectors like electronics and pharmaceuticals.
  • Enhance Compliance and Standards: Strengthening the compliance of Indian products with international standards can reduce barriers to entry in strict markets, particularly in sectors like food and pharmaceuticals.
  • Enhancing Trade Facilitation: Simplifying and digitizing export processes can reduce the time and cost associated with exporting goods, making Indian products more competitive. Ensuring easier access to trade finance, especially for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), can help these businesses expand their export capabilities.
  • Strategic Use of Economic Diplomacy: Leveraging diplomatic channels to promote trade interests can help in securing favourable terms in trade negotiations and in resolving trade disputes.


India’s export sector has shown signs of recovery and resilience amidst global trade uncertainties and declining international commodity prices. The growth in electronics exports, spurred by government incentives, alongside healthy growth in other core sectors, indicates a positive trajectory. With global growth and trade projections looking up and India engaging in bilateral free-trade agreements, the future for India’s exports appears promising, though global instability and geopolitical tensions remain potential risks.


Q.1 Account for the failure of the manufacturing sector to achieve the goal of labour-intensive exports rather than capital-intensive exports. Suggest measures for more labour-intensive rather than capital-intensive exports. 2017

Q.2 What are the key areas of reform if the WTO must survive in the present context of ‘Trade War’, especially keeping in mind the interest of India? 2018


Q.1 Analyze the impact of global economic fluctuations and geopolitical tensions on India’s merchandise exports in the fiscal year 2023-24. Discuss the role of sector-specific policies, such as the Production Linked Incentive scheme, in mitigating these impacts and suggest measures to enhance the resilience of India’s export sectors.



THE CONTEXT: A study led by scientists from the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, which forecasts the impact of global carbon emission trends on the Indian Ocean. It highlights the significant warming of the Indian Ocean, the increase in marine heatwaves, and their consequences, including the rapid formation of cyclones, coral bleaching, and harm to the fisheries sector. The study also points out the broader implications for India, such as more severe cyclones and erratic monsoon patterns, linking these phenomena to global warming and anthropogenic activities.


  • Increase in Marine Heatwaves: The Indian Ocean is experiencing a significant increase in marine heatwaves during extremely high sea temperatures. These heatwaves are expected to become more frequent and intense, potentially occurring 220-250 days per year by the end of the century, compared to the current average of 20 days per year.
  • Impact on Cyclone Intensity and Frequency: The warming of the Indian Ocean is linked to an increase in the frequency and intensity of cyclones. This change is due to the higher sea surface temperatures, which provide more energy for cyclone formation.
  • Effects on Monsoon Patterns: The marine heatwaves and overall warming of the Indian Ocean affect the monsoon, leading to more erratic and uneven patterns. This includes long spells of drought followed by intense rainfall and flooding, which can severely impact agriculture and water resources in India.
  • Coral Bleaching and Damage to Marine Ecosystems: The increased temperatures and marine heatwaves are causing widespread coral bleaching and damage to aquatic ecosystems, which are crucial for the fisheries sector and biodiversity. This also affects the livelihoods of communities dependent on these resources.
  • Need for Improved Data and Collaboration: There is a critical need for better data gathering and collaboration among countries bordering the Indian Ocean. The current data collection and monitoring efforts are insufficient compared to other regions like the Pacific. Enhanced international cooperation and investment in oceanographic research and infrastructure are necessary to understand better and mitigate the impacts of ocean warming.


  • Enhanced International Collaboration: India could collaborate with other countries bordering the Indian Ocean to share resources, data, and strategies. This would improve the understanding of the Indian Ocean’s local and regional impacts and enhance the effectiveness of response strategies.
  • Investment in Research and Data Collection: It is crucial to increase investment in oceanographic research and data collection, specifically in the Indian Ocean. This includes deploying more ocean monitoring systems to gather data on temperature changes, salinity levels, and ocean currents, less studied than other major oceans like the Pacific.
  • Implementation of Advanced Forecasting Technologies: Developing and implementing advanced weather and climate forecasting technologies can help predict severe weather events more accurately. This would allow for better preparedness and timely responses to mitigate the impact of cyclones and intense rainfall events.
  • Strengthening Coastal Infrastructure: Strengthening infrastructure along the coastlines to withstand severe weather events is essential. This includes building cyclone-resistant structures, improving drainage systems to handle heavy rainfall, and enhancing flood defenses.
  • Promoting Sustainable Practices: Encouraging and implementing sustainable environmental practices can help mitigate some of the root causes of climate change. This includes reducing reliance on fossil fuels, promoting renewable energy sources, and implementing stricter regulations on emissions that contribute to ocean warming.


The warming of the Indian Ocean poses severe threats to marine life and the Indian subcontinent’s climate patterns. To address these challenges, India should collaborate with other Indian Ocean-bordering countries to enhance data collection and projections. This collaborative effort is crucial for developing strategies to protect infrastructure and populations from the adverse effects of ocean warming, especially given the slow response of seas to changes in external inputs and the current inadequacy of global commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Q.1 How do ocean currents and water masses differ in their impacts on marine life and the coastal environment? Give suitable examples. 2019

Q.2 Explain the factors responsible for the origin of ocean currents. How do they influence regional climates, fishing, and navigation? 2015


Q.1 Discuss the implications of increasing marine heatwaves in the Indian Ocean on India’s regional climate and socio-economic conditions. Evaluate the measures needed to mitigate the adverse effects of these changes, considering the current global commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.



THE CONTEXT: A year after experiencing severe ethnic violence, Manipur remains unstable despite claims of peace by Chief Minister Biren Singh. The ongoing clashes between the Meiteis and Kuki-Zomis communities continue to result in casualties and highlight the deep scars and distrust among the residents. The state government has been criticized for not initiating meaningful dialogue to address the tensions.


  • Ethnic Tensions and Violence: The persistent ethnic clashes between the Meitei and Kuki-Zomi communities continue to result in the loss of lives despite claims of peace returning to the region.
  • Government Inaction and Political Failures: The state government is heavily criticized for lacking initiative in fostering meaningful dialogue between conflicting communities. It is also accused of exacerbating tensions through identity politics and failing to address the root causes of the conflict.
  • Impact on Security Forces: The recurring attacks on security forces underscore the volatility of the situation and the inadequacy of using force alone to resolve deep-seated issues.
  • Economic Neglect: The economic development and measures to improve livelihoods have been neglected. Manipur has one of India’s lowest per capita incomes, and financial issues have taken a backseat amidst the ongoing conflict.
  • Influence of External Factors: The presence of illegal migrants from Myanmar, who share ethnicity with the Kuki-Zomis, is mentioned as a complicating factor, yet the government is criticized for using this issue to deflect from its failures.
  • Need for Comprehensive Solutions: Combining economic, political, and administrative measures is essential to heal the divisions and bring lasting peace to the region. The government’s current approach, which focuses on security measures like cracking down on drug smuggling, is seen as insufficient.


  • Establishing an Inclusive and Effective Dialogue Platform: A new, genuinely inclusive dialogue platform should be established, involving all stakeholders, including representatives from the Meitei, Kuki-Zomi, and other communities, as well as civil society groups and religious leaders. This platform should aim to address grievances, mediate disputes, and foster mutual understanding and reconciliation. As noted, the failure of previous committees suggests the need for a more robust mechanism with clear objectives and the power to enforce agreements.
  • Economic Development and Job Creation: Economic disenfranchisement plays a significant role in fueling discontent. Initiatives to boost local economies and create job opportunities, especially in the tribal-dominated hill areas, are crucial. This could include agricultural investment, a mainstay for the tribal populations, and infrastructure development to improve market access. Additionally, vocational training programs tailored to local needs can help youth gain employment, reducing the allure of joining insurgent groups or participating in violence.
  • Enhanced Security Measures and Reform: While force alone cannot resolve the conflict, security is a legitimate concern that needs addressing. Reforming the local police force to ensure it is unbiased and representative of the community’s diversity can help build trust. Additionally, deploying mixed units of security forces that include members from different communities could help reduce perceptions of bias. It’s also vital to ensure that security measures do not infringe on human rights, which can exacerbate tensions.
  • Addressing Land and Identity Issues: Land disputes and identity politics are at the heart of the conflict. A transparent and fair mechanism for addressing land disputes should be established, possibly under the auspices of a national tribunal. This mechanism should respect traditional land rights while ensuring that development does not disproportionately affect one community. Additionally, efforts are needed to reduce the insider-outsider rhetoric and promote a more inclusive identity for all residents of Manipur.
  • Strengthening Governance and Rule of Law: The government must commit to upholding the rule of law and improving governance. This includes taking decisive action against corruption, undermining trust in authorities, and ensuring all citizens have equal access to services and justice. Strengthening institutions to make them more transparent and accountable is crucial. This also involves monitoring and potentially revising policies that may be seen as discriminatory or disproportionately affect certain groups.


The Manipur government’s efforts have been criticized for not adequately addressing the root causes of the conflict, including economic disparities and identity politics. Despite a crackdown on drug smuggling, the administration’s approach has been seen as insufficient, overlooking the need for comprehensive economic, political, and administrative solutions to heal the state’s deep-seated divisions.


Q.1 The northeastern region of India has been infested with insurgency for a very long time. Analyze the primary reasons for the survival of armed insurgency in this region. 2017

Q.2 The cross-border movement of insurgents is only one of the several security challenges facing the policing of the border in North-East India. Examine the various challenges currently emanating across the India-Myanmar border. Also, discuss the steps to counter the challenges. 2019

Q.3 How far are India’s internal security challenges linked with border management, particularly given the long porous borders with most South Asian countries and Myanmar? 2013


Q.1 Analyze the socio-political consequences of ethnic conflicts in Northeast India with a particular focus on the recent violence in Manipur. Discuss the role of the state government and central interventions in addressing such conflicts. Suggest measures that could be taken to prevent such incidents in the future.



THE CONTEXT: The chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC) advocates for increased autonomy for colleges in India to enhance the quality of higher education. He argues that universities should be less controlling over autonomous colleges, citing the UGC’s practice of granting universities considerable freedom. Despite the theoretical benefits of autonomy, evidence from the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) does not strongly support the superiority of autonomous colleges in practice.


  • Need for Greater Autonomy: Universities must grant more autonomy to colleges. This autonomy is essential for improving the quality of higher education by allowing colleges to make independent decisions regarding curriculum design and academic innovations.
  • Evidence of Autonomy’s Impact: Despite the push for autonomy, the evidence of its effectiveness is mixed. It mentions that only five out of the top ten colleges in the NIRF rankings are autonomous, suggesting that autonomy alone may not guarantee superior academic performance.
  • Bureaucratic Challenges in Universities: The current state of Indian universities is bureaucratic and unresponsive. It argues that universities have become detached from their primary mission of knowledge dissemination and are not effectively supporting the colleges under their jurisdiction.
  • Potential Benefits of Autonomy: Autonomy could allow colleges to tailor their educational offerings more closely to the needs of their students and the demands of the modern world. This includes flexibility in curriculum design and the ability to focus more on assessing and enhancing student learning.
  • Quality Assurance in Autonomous Colleges: An independent review of autonomous colleges’ performance is needed to ensure that the quality of education does not suffer as more colleges gain autonomy. The UGC is urged to develop methods to maintain high standards as autonomy becomes more widespread.
  • Immediate Reforms Suggested: The UGC could implement reforms to help colleges reach global standards. These include reducing the teaching load on faculty, allowing them more time for research and student interaction, and instituting student course evaluations to ensure high-quality teaching.


  • Independent Review and Quality Assurance Mechanisms: Before processing further applications for autonomy, the UGC should conduct an independent review of the performance of existing autonomous colleges. This review should assess the quality of teaching, curriculum relevance, and student outcomes. Based on this review, the UGC can develop a set of quality assurance mechanisms that autonomous colleges must adhere to. This could include periodic accreditation by independent bodies, like the system used by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) in the United States.
  • Faculty Development and Reduced Teaching Loads: The UGC should revise the norms on teaching loads to align with global standards, allowing faculty members more time for research, self-improvement, and student engagement. This approach is in line with practices at leading universities worldwide, where faculty are encouraged to engage in research and professional development activities. Additionally, implementing comprehensive faculty development programs can enhance teaching skills and update faculty on the latest developments in their fields.
  • Student-Centered Learning and Course Evaluations: Encourage autonomous colleges to adopt student-centered learning approaches, where students actively participate in their learning process. This can be facilitated by incorporating project-based learning, flipped classrooms, and online resources. Furthermore, instituting course evaluations by students, as practiced in universities globally, can provide valuable feedback for continuous improvement in teaching and learning.
  • Curriculum Innovation and Industry Collaboration: Autonomous colleges should be encouraged to innovate curricula with industry and international academic partners. This can ensure that the curriculum remains relevant to the evolving needs of the job market and incorporates global best practices. Examples include dual degree programs, internships, and guest lectures from industry professionals.
  • Financial and Administrative Autonomy: Colleges also need financial and administrative autonomy to benefit from academic independence. This would allow them to invest strategically in infrastructure, technology, and human resources. The UGC can facilitate this by providing guidelines and support for colleges to diversify their funding sources, including alumni donations, research grants, and public-private partnerships, like the endowment model used by many leading universities in the United States.


The UGC should review the performance of existing autonomous colleges before approving new applications for autonomy to ensure quality standards are met. Immediate reforms suggested reducing lecture hours to align with global standards and implementing student evaluations of courses to improve faculty performance. Emphasizing the need for Indian higher education institutions to meet international standards, suggesting that autonomy alone is insufficient without significant structural changes and quality assurance measures.


Q. The quality of higher education in India requires significant improvements to make it internationally competitive. Do you think that the entry of foreign educational institutions would help improve the quality of higher and technical education in the country? Discuss. 2015


Q. Discuss the implications of granting autonomy to colleges in India to enhance the quality of higher education. Discuss the challenges and potential reforms needed to ensure that independence leads to global standards in education.



THE CONTEXT: India’s taxation issues focus on the low tax-to-GDP ratio and the regressive nature of the Goods and Services Tax (GST). The piece highlights the need for a broader income tax base and a more progressive tax system to address rising inequality and insufficient social spending. It also explores the potential of a wealth tax as a solution to these problems, referencing global examples and the opinions of wealthy individuals on higher taxation.


  • Low Tax-to-GDP Ratio: India has a low tax-to-GDP ratio, not due to high tax rates but to a narrow tax base. A broader income tax net is needed, as a significant exemption threshold currently leads to a small proportion of the population being subject to income tax.
  • Regressive Nature of GST: The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is criticized for being regressive, disproportionately affecting the lower half of the income distribution. The rate of GST should be lowered to reduce the indirect tax burden on the poorer sections of society.
  • Rising Inequality: Despite a reduction in poverty, income and wealth inequality in India are at their highest, posing a threat to social stability. Policies that address poverty and the widening gap between the rich and the poor are needed.
  • Need for Social Spending: Increasing government spending on primary education and healthcare is called for to combat inequality and improve social welfare. However, a decline in the allocation of government budgets to these essential services underscores the need for enhanced tax collection.
  • Wealth Tax as a Solution: A wealth tax could address inequality by taxing the wealth of the wealthiest individuals. However, it points out the challenges in assessing and taxing wealth, especially in assets like real estate, and suggests focusing on financial assets as a more feasible approach.
  • Global Perspective on Wealth Tax: Referring to international examples of wealth taxes, it is argued that India, despite being a developing country, can implement such a tax, given its significant number of wealthy individuals.
  • Public Support from the Wealthy: Some wealthy individuals have expressed support for higher taxes on the rich, recognizing the social responsibility to contribute more to society and prevent exacerbating inequality.
  • Potential Benefits of Wealth Tax: A small wealth tax on financial assets above a certain threshold is proposed to generate significant revenue for social spending without deterring wealth or employment creation.


  • Implementing a Wealth Tax on Financial Assets: Given the complexity of assessing wealth, especially in real estate and gold, India could initially focus on taxing disclosed financial holdings above a certain threshold, such as Rs 100 crore. A modest rate, such as 0.1%, could be a starting point. This approach would target the ultra-wealthy without discouraging investment or causing capital flight. The success of this measure would rely on India’s digital infrastructure and financial data accuracy, which has improved significantly due to digitization.
  • Enhancing Transparency and Compliance: India must enhance transparency and compliance mechanisms to address tax evasion and ensure the effectiveness of a wealth tax. This could involve leveraging technology to track financial transactions and assets more accurately and international cooperation to trace assets held abroad. Strengthening the legal framework to penalize tax evasion aggressively is also crucial.
  • Addressing Inequality through Comprehensive Tax Reform: A wealth tax should be part of a broader effort to make the tax system more progressive and equitable. This includes revising income tax slabs and rates to ensure they align more with the economic realities of different income groups. Reducing the GST rate on essential goods and services could also help alleviate the regressive impact of indirect taxes on the poorer sections of society.
  • Investing in Social Priorities: The additional revenue generated from a wealth tax should be earmarked for significant investments in primary education, healthcare, and other social priorities. This would help reduce inequality of opportunity and address some of the root causes of economic disparity in India.
  • Engaging with the Wealthy: The government should dialogue with the wealthy to build consensus around the need for a wealth tax. Many wealthy individuals globally have supported higher taxes on the rich to address societal issues. By involving them in the conversation, India can work towards a wealth tax policy that is considered fair and necessary for the greater good.
  • International Examples of Wealth Tax: Countries like Spain, Norway, Switzerland, and France have implemented various forms of wealth tax, demonstrating that it is feasible to tax wealth effectively. These countries have highly evolved financial systems that make tax evasion difficult, thus ensuring a fairer distribution of wealth. For instance, Norway’s wealth tax is applied to an individual’s total net worth, including real estate, bank deposits, and shares, with specific exemptions and thresholds to protect lower and middle-income groups. On the other hand, France recently shifted from a broader wealth tax to a tax specifically on real estate wealth, aiming to encourage economic investment.


India should consider implementing a wealth tax on financial assets above a certain threshold to address its taxation and inequality issues. The piece suggests that such a tax, even at a low rate, could significantly contribute to social spending without deterring wealth or investment. It emphasizes the importance of addressing income and wealth inequality to maintain social stability and uphold the principles of democracy.


Q. Explain intra-generational and inter-generational equity issues from inclusive growth and sustainable development perspectives. 2020


Q. Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of implementing a wealth tax in India as a measure to address rising inequality and under-taxation while considering global practices and the Indian economic context.



THE CONTEXT: The importance of statistical thinking in the context of the Supreme Court of India’s decision on the sample size for Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT)–based audit of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) cannot be ignored. It emphasizes that truths in science, mathematics, and statistics cannot be established through legislative or judicial fiats, highlighting the need for statistically significant sample sizes in the audit of EVMs to ensure election integrity.


  • Inadequacy of Sample Size: The Supreme Court’s decision on the statistically inadequate sample size for VVPAT-based audits of EVMs is questionable. The prescribed sample size does not conform to the fundamental principles of statistical sampling theory, potentially failing to detect defective EVMs.
  • Lack of Transparency: The Election Commission of India (ECI) and the Supreme Court lack clarity and transparency regarding the definition of the ‘population’ of EVMs for sampling and the subsequent steps if a defective EVM is found.
  • Risk of EVM Malfunction or Manipulation: Despite claims of no mismatches, EVMs are susceptible to malfunction or manipulation, and the current audit system may not adequately address or reveal these issues due to the small sample size.
  • Judicial and Administrative Oversight: The judiciary and administrative bodies are being criticized for not demanding more rigorous statistical methods and transparency in the auditing process of EVMs.
  • Misunderstanding of Statistical Principles: Political figures and parties are criticized for demanding arbitrary percentage samples for EVM audits, which reflects a misunderstanding of how statistical accuracy is achieved.
  • Need for a Statistically Sound Audit System: A statistically sound VVPAT-based audit system that can detect mismatches with high accuracy is quintessential. Results should be declared based on EVM counts only where there is a perfect match. Otherwise, manual counting of VVPAT slips should be mandated.


  • Define the Population: Clearly define the ‘population’ of EVMs for each Assembly and Parliamentary Constituency. This clarity is essential for determining the appropriate sample size and subsequent steps in case a defective EVM is detected.
  • Determine Statistically Significant Sample Size: Use statistical sampling theory to determine a sample size that can detect defective EVMs with high confidence (99% or 99.9%). This involves calculating the sample size based on the population size, the acceptable risk level (type I and type II errors), and the expected rate of defective EVMs.
  • Random Sampling: Ensure that the sample of EVMs for VVPAT verification is selected randomly from the defined population. This randomness is crucial for the integrity and reliability of the audit process.
  • Immediate Verification: Conduct the matching exercise between EVM counts and VVPAT slips at the beginning rather than at the end of the counting day. This allows for immediate action in case of discrepancies.
  • Action in Case of Mismatch: If a mismatch between the EVM count and the VVPAT count is detected in the sample, manual counting of VVPAT slips should be conducted for all remaining EVMs of the ‘population’. The results should then be declared based on the VVPAT count.
  • Transparency and Public Trust: Transparently disclose the methodology used for sampling, the results of the VVPAT verification, and the actions taken in case of mismatches. This transparency is vital for building and maintaining public trust in the electoral process.
  • Continuous Review and Improvement: Regularly review and update the sampling methodology and audit process based on technological advancements, electoral landscape changes, and stakeholder feedback. This ensures that the system remains robust and effective in detecting and addressing any issues with EVMs.


The Supreme Court’s decision not to demand transparency from the Election Commission of India regarding the definition of ‘population’ for sample size is criticized, and the steps to be taken in case of a mismatch are also criticized. It argues for implementing a statistically sound VVPAT-based EVM audit system that can detect mismatches with high accuracy, advocating for a ‘management by exception’ approach to ensure the integrity of election results.


Q. In the light of recent controversy regarding the use of Electronic Voting Machines (EVM), what are the challenges before the Election Commission of India to ensure the trustworthiness of elections in India? 2018


Q. Discuss the significance of adopting a statistically sound VVPAT-based system for EVM audit in ensuring the integrity of electoral processes. Evaluate the implications of the Supreme Court’s verdict on the sample size for the VVPAT audit in the context of the Association for Democratic Reforms vs Election Commission of India and Another (2024). Suggest measures to enhance the reliability of the electoral audit process.



THE CONTEXT: The Model Code of Conduct (MCC) in India represents a significant effort to ensure fair and ethical conduct during elections. Initially established as a simple set of guidelines for the Kerala Assembly election in 1960, the MCC has evolved through consultations with political parties and amendments. It aims to regulate the behavior of political parties and candidates, preventing abuse of power and ensuring a level playing field. Despite its evolution, the MCC faces challenges in enforcement, with increasing instances of violations that exploit the gaps between the letter and spirit of the code.


  • Evolution and Expansion of the MCC: The MCC began as a modest set of guidelines for the Assembly election in Kerala in 1960 and has evolved over the years. It now includes comprehensive rules that govern the conduct of political parties and candidates during elections to ensure fair play.
  • Challenges in Enforcement: Despite its comprehensive nature, the MCC’s enforcement faces challenges. Violations have become more common, with political leaders using their influence and resources to circumvent the rules. This has led to a need for stricter enforcement and clearer consequences for violations.
  • Need for Stronger Penalties: The current MCC framework does not clearly spell out the consequences for violations, which dilutes its deterrent effect. A proposal to impose more severe penalties for violations, such as bans on campaigning and public appearances and even disqualification from the election process for repeated violations, is being considered.
  • Vicarious Liability of Political Parties: A significant shift in approach is the introduction of vicarious liability, where political parties are held accountable for violations committed by their members. This includes serving notices to parties instead of just the individuals, which could lead to punitive actions against the parties.
  • Streamlining the Violation Handling Process: There is a call for a more streamlined and efficient process for handling violations. This includes taking punitive action within 72 hours of a breach to maintain the impact and credibility of the enforcement process.
  • Public Confidence and Transparency: Enhancing public confidence in the electoral process is crucial. This involves strict enforcement of the MCC and maintaining transparency about the actions taken against violations. Publicly displaying cases of breaches and their status on the EC website could help in building trust among the electorate.


  • Strengthening Enforcement Mechanisms: Clearly define the punitive measures for violations of the MCC. This could include fines, temporary bans from campaigning, or even longer-term bans for repeated offenses. Establish a protocol for the Election Commission (EC) to take immediate action within a set timeframe (e.g., 72 hours) to address violations. This would help maintain the integrity of the electoral process and enhance public confidence in the EC’s responsiveness.
  • Enhancing Transparency and Accountability: Maintain a public database of all reported MCC violations and their resolution status. This transparency would help hold political parties and candidates accountable and educate the public and media on ongoing issues. The EC should provide regular updates about actions taken on violations during the election period, which would help maintain a clean electoral environment.
  • Legal and Regulatory Reforms: Work towards legislative backing for the MCC to give it statutory power, allow legal proceedings against violators, and make the code more formidable and respected. Regularly update and revise the MCC guidelines to keep up with new electioneering methods and technologies that may be exploited to skirt existing rules.
  • Involving Stakeholders: Continuously engage with political parties to revise and update the MCC, ensuring it reflects a consensus among all stakeholders and is respected by all. Increase efforts to educate voters and the community about the MCC, why it is essential, and how they can report suspected violations. This could involve partnerships with NGOs and civil society organizations.
  • Integration with Law Enforcement: Collaboration with Police and Judiciary: Ensure that any MCC violation connected with legal provisions is immediately handed over to law enforcement agencies. This would require a seamless interface between the EC and law enforcement to ensure swift action.
  • Leadership and Ethical Campaigning: Launch campaigns to promote ethical campaigning among political parties and candidates. Highlight the importance of integrity and ethics in securing public trust and the successful conduct of elections.


The effectiveness of the Model Code of Conduct hinges on its strict enforcement and the introduction of clear, punitive consequences for violations. The Election Commission’s recent approach of holding political parties accountable for individual violations suggests a move towards greater responsibility and accountability. However, the ultimate success of the MCC in fostering fair and ethical election practices depends on the collective will of political leaders to adhere to its principles. Beyond regulations, the character and integrity of political leaders play a crucial role in upholding the spirit of democracy and ensuring the conduct of free and fair elections.


Q. Discuss the role of the Election Commission of India in the light of the evolution of the Model Code of Conduct. 2022


Q. Evaluate the effectiveness of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) in ensuring free and fair elections in India. Discuss the challenges in its enforcement and suggest measures to enhance its efficacy.



THR CONTEXT: The Congress party’s Nyaya Patra election manifesto has sparked a significant debate on inequality and wealth concentration in India. This discussion has been further fueled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks about the manifesto’s content, particularly wealth redistribution. The debate is set against rising inequality in India, where the top 1% of the population now holds a disproportionately large share of the nation’s wealth and income.


  • Evidence of Increasing Inequality: The World Inequality Database has highlighted a stark increase in income and wealth inequality in India. In 2022-23, the top 1% of the population received 22.6% of the national income, the highest proportion since 1922. Furthermore, this same demographic holds 40.1% of the nation’s wealth.
  • Economic Growth vs. Inequality: The prevailing economic model, which emphasizes growth with the expectation that benefits will trickle down, has repeatedly failed to distribute wealth equitably. This model has been criticized for prioritizing economic growth over addressing the widening wealth gap, a trend not unique to India but observed globally.
  • Taxation and Redistribution: India’s tax-GDP ratio stands at 17%, lower than that of other middle-income countries like Brazil, which has a 25% ratio. The tax structure is regressive, with indirect taxes making up two-thirds of tax revenue. Even direct taxes are not progressive, with lower effective tax rates for highly profitable companies than those with smaller profits.
  • Welfare Spending Deficiencies: India’s public spending on welfare and social sectors is low. Health spending is around 1.3% of GDP, falling short of the National Health Policy’s target of 2.5% by 2025. Other critical areas, such as employment guarantee schemes, education, and children’s budgets, have also seen a decline in allocation relative to total government expenditure or GDP.
  • Job Creation and Employment Quality: Recent economic growth in India has been accompanied by joblessness, with a decline in employment elasticity of output. Profit shares have increased, and real wages have stagnated. The focus should be on creating decent jobs with fair remuneration. Government programs like NREGA and the Public Distribution System and cash transfer schemes like the Mahalakshmi scheme proposed by Congress can help address this issue.
  • Addressing Inequality Through Employment-Centered Growth: An employment-centered growth model would involve government policies that support labor-intensive small and medium enterprises, promote skill training, and improve overall human capital. Measures to enable women’s participation in the labor market, such as maternity entitlements, childcare, transportation, and safe accommodation, are also crucial. This approach can help tackle both inequality and employment issues.

The way forward:

  • Progressive Taxation: Implementing a more progressive tax system where wealthier individuals and profitable corporations pay a higher rate could help redistribute wealth more effectively.
  • Increase Public Spending: Significantly increase public health, education, and welfare investment to improve living standards and support economic equality.
  • Direct Job Creation: Fill existing vacancies in public services and create new positions to address the employment gap. Improve the quality of jobs and working conditions for frontline workers.
  • Support for SMEs and Labor-Intensive Industries: Promote policies that support small and medium enterprises and other labor-intensive sectors to create more jobs.
  • Enhance Social Security Measures: Implement schemes like the proposed Mahalakshmi scheme for direct cash transfers to support the poor and vulnerable, alongside other social security measures.


Addressing inequality in India requires a multifaceted approach that includes redistribution through progressive taxation, enhanced public spending, and a reorientation of economic policies towards inclusive growth and employment generation. The discussion around these issues, especially in the context of the upcoming elections, is a positive step towards acknowledging and tackling the deep-seated economic disparities in the country.


Q.1 Development and welfare schemes for the vulnerable, by its nature, are discriminatory in approach. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. 2023

Q.2 Skill development programs have succeeded in increasing human resources supply to various sectors. In the context of the statement, analyze the linkages between education, skill, and employment. 2023

Q.3 Do the government’s schemes for uplifting vulnerable and backward communities by protecting required social resources for them lead to their exclusion in establishing businesses in urban economics? 2014


Q.1 Critically analyze the implications of rising income and wealth inequality in India on the nation’s socio-economic fabric. Considering the recent debates triggered by political manifestos and government policies, discuss the effectiveness of direct redistribution measures in addressing these inequalities.



THE CONTEXT: There is a complex interplay between global warming and local weather patterns, particularly focusing on the formation and impact of heat waves in India. It highlights the role of anticyclonic circulations and the influence of phenomena like El Niño in exacerbating heat conditions. It also emphasizes the importance of accurate weather predictions and early warning systems to mitigate the effects of heat waves, especially in the context of India’s general elections and the broader implications for public health and safety.


  • Global Warming and Local Weather Patterns: Global warming is not just a uniform increase in temperature; it modifies local weather patterns in complex ways. For instance, while the global average temperature increases, specific areas like India experience unique local effects such as intensified heat waves due to persistent anticyclonic conditions. These conditions are exacerbated by global warming but manifest distinctly in regional areas.
  • Role of Anticyclones in Heat Waves: Anticyclones, weather systems with high atmospheric pressure where air moves away from a high central area, contribute significantly to heat waves in India. During the pre-monsoon season, forming a strong anticyclone over the Indian subcontinent leads to dry and hot weather, intensifying local heat waves. The strength and persistence of these anticyclones, influenced by global warming, are crucial in determining the severity of heat waves.
  • Impact of El Niño: The El Niño phenomenon, particularly its waning phase, has contributed to warmer temperatures globally and more intense heat waves in India. El Niño typically leads to temporary warming of the Pacific Ocean waters, which affects global weather patterns. In 2023, this effect was powerful, adding to the heat intensity experienced during India’s pre-monsoon season.
  • Early Warning Systems and Predictions: Effective early warning systems are essential for mitigating the impact of heat waves. India’s involvement in the Sub-seasonal-to-seasonal Predictions project aims to improve the accuracy of weather predictions on a sub-seasonal-to-seasonal basis. This initiative is crucial for preparing for and responding to extreme weather events, including heat waves.
  • Challenges in Weather Prediction: Despite advancements in meteorological technology and early warning systems, predicting heat waves’ exact nature and impact remains challenging. This is due to the complex interplay of global warming, local atmospheric conditions, and transient phenomena like El Niño. Prediction models need continuous improvement to enhance preparedness and response strategies.
  • Preparedness and Recovery: India’s readiness to handle the adverse effects of heat waves involves a multi-tiered approach, from national to local levels. The ‘ready-set-go’ system outlines steps from long-term preparedness to immediate response mechanisms. This comprehensive approach is vital for minimizing health and economic impacts of heat waves, particularly in densely populated and vulnerable regions like India.


  • Enhanced Modeling and Localized Predictions: Develop and refine global climate models incorporating local geographical and meteorological data. This will improve the accuracy of local weather predictions, particularly for heat waves, which are influenced by global climate patterns and local atmospheric conditions.
  • Strengthening Early Warning Systems: Implement a robust ‘ready-set-go’ system for the sub-seasonal-to-seasonal Predictions project. This involves improving the seasonal outlook (‘ready’), enhancing resource allocation based on sub-seasonal predictions (‘set’), and optimizing short- to medium-range forecasts for immediate actions (‘go’).
  • Infrastructure Adaptation and Urban Planning: Focus on urban planning that mitigates the urban heat island effect. This includes increasing green spaces, enhancing building materials to reflect rather than absorb heat, and designing cities to facilitate airflow.
  • Public Health Initiatives and Heat Action Plans: Roll out comprehensive heat action plans that include public education on heat risks, establishing cooling centers, and ensuring that vulnerable populations (like the elderly and outdoor workers) receive targeted warnings and support during heat waves.
  • Research on Anticyclonic Patterns and Their Impacts: Conduct targeted research to understand the role of anticyclonic patterns in exacerbating heat waves, particularly in regions like India. This research should aim to predict the occurrence and intensity of these patterns more accurately, aiding in better preparation and response strategies.
  • International Collaboration and Data Sharing: Enhance international cooperation in climate research, especially in data sharing and joint modeling efforts. This collaboration could lead to a better understanding and forecasting of complex meteorological phenomena contributing to extreme weather events like heat waves.


There is a critical need for improved prediction systems and early warning mechanisms to handle the increasing frequency and intensity of heat waves due to global warming. It underscores the importance of these systems in safeguarding public health, ensuring political stability during events like elections, and supporting sustainable development. The ongoing efforts to enhance weather prediction capabilities in India at both local and national levels are portrayed as essential steps toward building resilience against future climate-related challenges.


Q.1 Tropical cyclones are largely confined to the South China Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Gulf of Mexico. Why? 2014

Q.2 How far do you agree that the behavior of the Indian monsoon has been changing due to humanizing landscapes? Discuss. 2015

Q.3 Explain the factors responsible for the origin of ocean currents. How do they influence regional climates, fishing, and navigation? 2015


Q.1 Examine the role of anticyclonic patterns in exacerbating heat waves in the Indian subcontinent. Discuss the importance of sub-seasonal to seasonal predictions in mitigating the adverse effects of heat waves.



THE CONTEXT: The Supreme Court of India delivered a verdict in the Association of Democratic Reforms vs. Election Commission of India, addressing the petitioner’s demands to return to paper ballots and 100% vote verification through VVPAT slips. The court rejected these demands, emphasizing the need for a balanced perspective on the electoral system and cautioning against undue skepticism that could hinder progress.


  • Rejection of Pleas for Paper Ballots and Full VVPAT Verification: The Supreme Court bench, comprising Justices Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Datta, unequivocally rejected the petitioner’s pleas for a return to paper ballots, the issuance of printed paper ballots to each voter to be placed in a ballot box and counted in total, and the counting of every vote through a Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) slip, which would have amounted to 100% verification of votes.
  • Interventions to Enhance Trust in the Voting System: Despite rejecting the pleas, the Court issued two significant directions to enhance the transparency and credibility of the voting process. The first direction mandates that Symbol Uploading Units (SULs) be kept in a substantial room for 45 days after election results are declared for examination and scrutiny. The second direction allows candidates who finish in second or third place to request a check of EVMs in their constituency, with 5% of machines per assembly segment to be examined.
  • Maintaining a Balanced Perspective: The verdict emphasized the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective when evaluating systems or institutions and cautioned against blind distrust, which can lead to unwarranted skepticism and hinder progress.
  • Affirmation of the Current Voting System: Justice Datta, in his judgment, stated that the question of returning to ballot papers does not arise, as the current electronic voting system has no significant flaws and has received global acclaim.
  • Unnecessary Criticism of the Petitioner’s Intentions: Justice Datta’s suggestion that the petitioner’s intentions might be malicious or an attempt to undermine the nation’s accomplishments was unnecessary and avoidable. The petitioner, Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR), has a history of monitoring the electoral process and raising legitimate concerns.
  • Election Commission’s Efforts to Assuage Concerns: The Election Commission of India has consistently addressed EVMs through hackathons and introduced the VVPAT system in 2012 to ensure a paper trail for verifying the electronic vote.


  • Enhanced Transparency with Symbol Loading Units (SLUs): The Court’s directive to seal and store SLUs in a substantial room for 45 days post-elections allow for a period during which these units can be scrutinized if necessary. This measure adds a layer of transparency to the process, ensuring that the symbols loaded into the EVMs are the ones that were intended and used during the election.
  • Provision for Candidate-Requested EVM Examination: Allowing candidates in second or third place to request the examination of 5% of EVMs per assembly segment provides a formal mechanism for addressing concerns about the vote count. This process should be communicated to all candidates and parties to ensure they know their rights and procedures.
  • Exploration of Technological Advancements: Justice Khanna’s suggestion that the Election Commission consider using electronic machines to count paper slips and barcodes should be taken seriously. The EC should conduct feasibility studies and pilot projects to assess these technologies’ practicality and potential benefits.
  • Continued Public Education and Outreach: The Election Commission should continue educating the public about the EVM and VVPAT systems. This could include more hackathons, public demonstrations, and informational campaigns to build trust and understanding among voters.
  • Regular System Audits and Upgrades: Independent experts can conduct regular EVM and VVPAT systems audits to help identify and address potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, the EC should stay abreast of technological advancements and upgrade systems as necessary to maintain the highest standards of election integrity.
  • Strengthening Legal Frameworks: The legal frameworks governing the use of EVMs and VVPATs should be reviewed and strengthened to ensure they are robust and capable of addressing emerging challenges.
  • Addressing Concerns Constructively: While skepticism about the electoral process can be healthy, it is essential to address such concerns constructively. The EC and the judiciary should remain open to legitimate inquiries and criticisms and respond in a manner that reinforces the credibility of the electoral system.


The Supreme Court’s decision reaffirmed the credibility of India’s electronic voting system and introduced additional measures for vote verification to enhance trust. The ruling underscored the importance of maintaining confidence in the electoral process, which is crucial for the functioning of democracy. It highlighted the ongoing efforts to address concerns about the voting system through technological and procedural safeguards.


Q.1 Discuss the role of the Election Commission of India, considering the evolution of the Model Code of Conduct. 2022

Q.2 Considering the recent controversy regarding the use of Electronic Voting Machines (EVM), what are the challenges before the Election Commission of India to ensure the trustworthiness of elections in India? 2018

Q.3 To enhance the quality of democracy in India, the Election Commission of India has proposed electoral reforms in 2016. What are the suggested reforms, and how significant are they in making democracy successful? 2017


Q.1 Evaluate the implications of the Supreme Court’s recent directives on using Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) and Voter-Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) systems to enhance the transparency and credibility of elections in India. Discuss the role of judicial interventions in maintaining the integrity of electoral processes.



THE CONTEXT: The Green Credit Program, introduced by India’s Environment Ministry, incentivizes environmental restoration through market-based mechanisms. Critics argue it may bypass existing conservation laws, focusing narrowly on tree planting without considering broader ecosystem impacts. The program aims to restore degraded forest land but raises concerns about promoting monocultures and overlooking the complexity of forest ecosystems.


  • Incentive Structure and Implementation: The Green Credit Program is a market-based incentive mechanism to promote environmental restoration, including afforestation and water conservation. However, the effectiveness of these incentives depends significantly on how they are implemented on the ground and whether the implementers have a deep understanding of local ecological challenges.
  • Potential for Negative Ecological Impacts: There is a concern that the program could lead to ecological damage, such as promoting monocultures or inappropriate vegetation, which might not suit the local environment. This could potentially harm biodiversity and disrupt local ecosystems.
  • Complexity in Measuring Environmental Impact: The program aims to quantify environmental benefits, such as carbon sequestration or biodiversity improvement, which are inherently complex to measure. This complexity could lead to challenges in accurately assessing the impact of green credits and ensuring that they contribute positively to environmental goals.
  • Integration with Existing Environmental Laws: The Green Credit Program might conflict with environmental regulations, particularly the Forest Conservation Act. The program might bypass some of the stringent requirements of forest conservation, thus weakening overall ecological governance.
  • Market Dynamics and Fungibility Issues: The market-based approach raises issues about the fungibility of green credits. Different environmental credits (e.g., for water conservation, biodiversity, or carbon sequestration) may not be readily comparable or tradable on a single platform, complicating the market dynamics.
  • Impact on Mandatory Compliance and Environmental Laws: The program could influence how industries comply with mandatory environmental regulations. Allowing industries to use green credits to expedite the forest clearance process might undermine the thorough assessment and mitigation strategies required under environmental law.


  • Incentivizing Biodiversity and Local Species Conservation: Establish guidelines prioritizing planting native and diverse species over monocultures. This would help maintain the ecological balance and support local wildlife. Set up robust monitoring systems to ensure that the green credits are awarded for actions that genuinely contribute to biodiversity conservation.
  • Engage Local Communities: Involve local communities in the planning and implementing afforestation projects to leverage their traditional ecological knowledge and ensure the selection of appropriate species.
  • Conduct Ecological Assessments: Before any plantation activity, conduct thorough ecological assessments to understand the specific needs of the area and to plan plantations that enhance, rather than disrupt, local ecosystems.
  • Adopt Ecological Restoration Practices: Encourage ecological restoration practices that focus on allowing natural regeneration, which can be more effective and less invasive than planting trees.
  • Standardize Measurement Methods: Develop standardized methods for measuring the environmental impact of various actions to ensure that credits reflect real, quantifiable benefits.
  • Ensure Fungibility: Work towards creating a system where different environmental credits (e.g., biodiversity, water conservation) can be traded on a common platform, possibly by establishing conversion factors that reflect their relative ecological value.
  • Harmonize with Existing Laws: Amend the Green Credit Program guidelines to ensure they complement rather than conflict with existing environmental regulations. Clearly define terms such as “forest” and “degraded forest” within the program to prevent misclassification and ensure that the program supports the objectives of existing laws.


The Green Credit Program’s market-based approach to forest restoration is challenged by fungibility issues and compliance with environmental laws. Experts fear it may conflict with the Forest Conservation Act and simplify complex ecological considerations to facilitate industrial growth. The program’s success hinges on balancing economic incentives with the preservation of biodiversity and adherence to environmental principles.


Q.1 Should the pursuit of carbon credit and clean development mechanisms set up under UNFCCC be maintained even though there has been a massive slide in the value of carbon credit? Discuss India’s energy needs for economic growth. 2014

Q.2 How does the draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2020, differ from EIA Notification, 2006? 2020


Q.1 Critically analyze the effectiveness of the Green Credit Program as a tool for environmental and ecological restoration in India. Discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing such a market-based incentive mechanism, particularly in forest conservation and biodiversity.



THE CONTEXT: The National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) launched by the Indian government in 2019, aimed at reducing particulate matter in the air by 20-30% by 2024 from 2017 levels, later revised to 40% by 2026. It highlights the challenges in implementing the Clean Air Action Plans (CAAPs) due to inconsistent fund utilization, bureaucratic delays, and lack of effective standard operating procedures. It emphasizes the importance of Emissions Inventory (EI), Air Quality (AQ) modeling, and Source Apportionment (SA) studies in identifying pollution sources and formulating targeted strategies.


  • Inconsistent Implementation of Clean Air Action Plans (CAAPs): While most cities have submitted their CAAPs, the implementation has been inconsistent. On average, only 60% of the allocated funds have been utilized, with some cities like Visakhapatnam and Bengaluru spending almost none of their designated budgets.
  • Delays in Implementation: There are significant delays in implementing NCAP, often due to slow approvals from competent authorities. These delays are related to technical specifications, tendering processes, and procurement of necessary products like mechanical sweepers and electric buses.
  • Lack of Standard Operating Procedures: The absence of well-defined standard operating procedures for the implementation process contributes to delays. The lack of clear timelines and bureaucratic hurdles further exacerbate these issues.
  • Doubts About Effectiveness of Mitigation Measures: Recent findings questioning the efficacy of specific mitigation measures, such as outdoor smog towers, have led to hesitation among decision-makers regarding adopting proposed solutions.
  • Underutilization of Scientific Tools: Tools like Emissions Inventory (EI), Air Quality (AQ) modeling, and Source Apportionment (SA) studies are underutilized. Only 37% of cities have completed EI and SA studies, crucial for identifying pollution sources and shaping targeted control strategies.
  • Challenges in Pollution Source Identification: SA studies, while helpful, cannot predict future emissions and require substantial resources. They also struggle to distinguish between pollution sources that are close together due to similar chemical signatures.
  • Limited Use of Air Quality Modeling: Air Quality modeling, which can help understand pollution dispersion from distant sources, is not being fully exploited to inform mitigation strategies.
  • Focus on Primary PM Emissions Only: Many control measures focus solely on primary particulate matter emissions, neglecting secondary precursors, also significant contributors to air pollution.
  • Lack of Comprehensive Infrastructure: Apart from a few cities like Delhi, Pune, Mumbai, and Ahmedabad, most do not have the necessary decision-support systems to forecast and manage air quality effectively.
  • Funding Linked to Performance: NCAP funding is performance-based, linked to the annual average PM concentration reduction. This requires precise budgeting and time management, which are currently lacking in many cases.


  • Expand Emissions Inventory (EI) and Source Apportionment (SA) Studies: Increase funding and resources to ensure that all cities complete EI and SA studies. This will help identify local and transboundary pollution sources accurately. Use sophisticated air quality modeling tools to understand pollution dispersion patterns and the impact of various mitigation measures. This will also help in addressing the impact of transboundary pollution.
  • Streamlining Implementation Processes: Develop and enforce standard operating procedures for the implementation of clean air action plans. This includes standardizing the technical specifications for procurement and reducing bureaucratic delays. Define clear timelines for each stage of the implementation process to ensure timely execution of pollution control measures.
  • Improving Policy and Regulatory Framework: Foster cooperation between states and regions to manage transboundary pollution effectively. This could include agreements on pollution reduction targets and joint action plans. Strengthen the enforcement of existing pollution control laws and update them as necessary to address new challenges and scientific findings.
  • Increasing Public Engagement and Awareness: Conduct extensive public awareness campaigns to educate citizens about the sources and health impacts of air pollution and the importance of pollution reduction measures. Engage community groups in monitoring air quality and implementing local clean air initiatives. This can increase public support and compliance with regulatory measures.
  • Leveraging Technology and Innovation: Promote cleaner technologies in industries, transportation, and energy sectors. This includes encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles, cleaner fuels, and industrial processes. Implement intelligent technologies like IoT-based sensors for real-time air quality monitoring and data collection. This can provide accurate and timely data to policymakers and the public.
  • Securing Financial Resources and Incentives: Ensure adequate funding for implementing clean air plans and provide financial incentives for industries and municipalities to adopt pollution control technologies. Link the disbursement of NCAP funds to achieving predefined air quality improvement targets to encourage better performance and accountability.
  • Building Capacity and Expertise: Conduct training programs for local government officials and technical staff on air quality management, including EI, SA, and air quality modeling. Partner with universities and research institutions to access technical expertise and innovative solutions for air pollution control.


For NCAP to be successful, a comprehensive approach that includes rigorous scientific studies, strategic funding, and swift implementation of mitigation measures is necessary. It stresses the need for cities to utilize EI and SA data effectively to understand pollution sources and tailor their mitigation strategies accordingly.


Q. What are the key features of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) initiated by the Government of India? 2020


Q. Examine the challenges and strategies for effectively implementing the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) in India. Discuss the role of scientific tools such as Emissions Inventory (EI), Air Quality (AQ) modeling, and Source Apportionment (SA) studies in aiding the NCAP’s objectives.



THE CONTEXT: The legal and procedural aspects of getting elected unopposed in Indian electoral laws, specifically under the Representation of the People Act of 1951, are a cause of concern. It explores the implications of such elections where candidates face no opposition, questioning the democratic integrity and voter engagement in these scenarios. The effectiveness of the NOTA option, as well as comparisons with public procurement rules, highlight the need for fairness and transparency in elections.


  • Legality and Thrill of Unopposed Elections: Under current electoral laws, unopposed elections, in which a candidate emerges victorious without competition, are legally permissible. Such scenarios occur when the number of candidates is equal to or less than the seats available, leading to automatic victory as stipulated by electoral rules like Rule 11 of the Conduct of Election Rules 1961.
  • Democratic Rights and the NOTA Option: The process of unopposed elections raises questions about exercising democratic rights, particularly the absence of the “None of the Above” (NOTA) option in such cases. NOTA was introduced to allow voters to express disapproval of the candidates, but it does not influence the outcome directly. Its absence in unopposed elections means voters cannot express dissent in scenarios where there are no or limited candidate choices.
  • Impact on the Electoral Process: Unopposed elections can significantly impact the electoral process, potentially sidelining the electorate’s role in a democracy. This situation can lead to a paradox where the democratic process is technically upheld, but the spirit of democracy, which includes active participation and choice, is compromised.
  • Financial and Electoral Rules Comparison: The rules parallel electoral and financial laws, such as those in the General Financial Rules (GFRs) used for public procurement. Both rules aim for transparency and fairness; however, in electoral contexts, the lack of competition due to unopposed elections does not necessarily violate these principles, as the process still follows the laid-down procedures.
  • Potential for System Manipulation: The possibility of manipulating the electoral system with controlled or unopposed elections is a significant concern. This could theoretically allow a small number of candidates to undermine the democratic rights of a large electorate, highlighting a potential flaw in the system where the process is adhered to, but the democratic intent is not fulfilled.
  • Call for Debate: The issues identified call for a broader debate on electoral reforms to ensure that elections are not only free and fair in form but also substance, providing all voters with genuine opportunities to participate in the democratic process without being constrained by systemic limitations or manipulations.


  • Mandatory Participation: One solution to ensure higher voter engagement and prevent uncontested elections could be the introduction of compulsory voting. This practice, used in countries like Australia and Belgium, compels voters to participate in elections, reducing the likelihood of uncontested seats and enhancing democratic engagement.
  • NOTA Enhancement: Strengthening the “None of the Above” (NOTA) option could empower voters by allowing NOTA victories to trigger fresh elections with new candidates. This would ensure that political parties field candidates who better represent the electorate’s preferences.
  • Improving Candidate Diversity and Integrity: Revising the eligibility criteria for candidates to include mandatory public service or community engagement could ensure that candidates have a service history and commitment to public welfare, potentially increasing voter trust and participation.
  • Financial Transparency: Implementing stringent financial disclosure requirements for candidates could reduce corruption and increase transparency. Like the U.S. Federal Election Commission’s regulations, these measures would help build voter trust in the electoral process.
  • Proportional Representation: Adopting a proportional representation system could replace the first-past-the-post system, ensuring that all significant political perspectives are represented in the legislature, as seen in countries like New Zealand and Germany. This could prevent dominance by a single party and encourage more comprehensive representation.
  • Minimum Vote Threshold: Introducing a minimum vote threshold for election victory could ensure that elected representatives have substantial support. This would avoid situations where a small number of votes can lead to an election due to low voter turnout or multiple candidates splitting the vote.
  • Independent Election Commission: Strengthening the independence of the election commission by ensuring that its members are appointed through a bipartisan or judicial process, like Canada’s independent boundary commissions, could enhance the credibility and fairness of elections.
  • International Election Observers: Inviting international observers to monitor elections could help ensure electoral processes meet global democratic standards. This practice, common in many democracies, adds a layer of oversight and can help build international trust in the electoral process.


Emphasizing the paradoxes and potential manipulations within the current electoral system when elections are uncontested or boycotted. It calls for a broader debate on electoral reforms, including the possibility of amending the first-past-the-post system and reevaluating the role of NOTA. The aim is to ensure that democratic processes are not only technically free and fair but also substantively representative and engaging for the electorate.


Q. Discuss the procedures to decide the disputes arising from the election of a Member of the Parliament or State Legislature under The Representation of the People Act, 1951. What are the grounds on which the election of any returned candidate may be declared void? What remedy is available to the aggrieved party against the decision? Refer to the case laws. 2022


Q. Examine the implications of candidates getting elected unopposed in the context of democratic principles and electoral laws. Discuss the potential impact on the exercise of democratic rights, especially when the NOTA option is not available. Suggest reforms that could address these issues to uphold the spirit of democracy.



THE CONTEXT: The undermining of democratic competition in Surat, where the BJP candidate was elected unopposed to the Lok Sabha after the Congress candidate’s nomination papers were invalidated due to alleged forged signatures. The BJP’s objective of creating a “Congress-less India” suggests that such an intent is authoritarian and that the events in Surat represent unfair electoral practices.


  • Elimination of Contest: There is a significant concern about the lack of electoral competition, particularly pointing out the unopposed election of the BJP candidate as a symptom of a broader malaise affecting Indian democracy. This situation arose due to the withdrawal of all other candidates and the rejection of the Congress candidate’s nomination over alleged discrepancies.
  • Authoritarian Intentions: The BJP’s declared objective of creating a “Congress-less India” reflects an authoritarian intent, even if pursued through what might appear as legitimate electoral processes.
  • Misuse of State Power and Electoral Malpractice: It is alleged that the unopposed election resulted from foul tactics, including the misuse of state power and electoral malpractice. This includes the claim that signatures on the nomination papers of the Congress candidate, Nilesh Kumbhani, and his dummy candidate were forged.
  • Impact on Democracy: The lack of opposition and contestation of ideas is portrayed as detrimental to the health of India’s democracy. It is implied that such practices erode the democratic fabric by eliminating healthy political competition and debate.
  • Need for Democratic Reforms: The BJP needs to foster a political culture where disagreements are resolved through fair and open contests, suggesting that this is essential for the sustainability of democratic governance in India.


  • Enhanced Scrutiny and Transparency in Nomination Processes: To prevent forgery, nomination papers, and proposer signatures should be subject to stricter verification processes. This could involve cross-verification by independent bodies or technology to ensure authenticity.
  • Legal and Regulatory Reforms: Strengthening the legal framework to impose severe penalties for electoral fraud and manipulation could deter such practices. Additionally, reforms could be introduced to make the electoral process more transparent and accountable.
  • Role of the Election Commission: The Election Commission of India (ECI) needs to play a more proactive role in overseeing elections, ensuring that all candidates have a fair chance to contest. This includes rigorous monitoring of the election process and swift action against irregularities.
  • Voter Education and Awareness: Educating voters about their rights and the importance of a competitive electoral process is crucial. Awareness campaigns can empower voters to demand greater accountability and transparency from candidates and political parties.
  • Encouraging Political Pluralism: Policies to promote the participation of multiple political parties and independent candidates could help prevent the dominance of a single party. This might include financial support for smaller parties and fair access to media and public forums.
  • Judicial Oversight and Intervention: The judiciary should have a clear mandate to intervene in electoral malpractice cases. This would ensure an additional layer of oversight and maintain the integrity of electoral outcomes.


The case of Surat is a stark reminder of the challenges facing Indian democracy. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach involving legal reforms, active regulatory oversight, and enhanced public engagement in the electoral process. Only through concerted efforts can the spirit of actual democratic competition be preserved, ensuring that elections are a genuine reflection of the people’s will.


Q. Discuss the procedures for deciding disputes arising from the election of a Member of the Parliament or State Legislature under The Representation of the People Act, 1951. What are the grounds on which the election of any returned candidate may be declared void? What remedy is available to the aggrieved party against the decision? Refer to the case laws. 2022


Q. Examine the implications of a candidate’s unopposed election on the democratic process in India. Considering the recent events in Surat, discuss the measures that need to be taken to ensure the integrity of electoral contests and the role of the Election Commission in upholding democratic principles.



THE CONTEXT: The Environment Performance Index (EPI) 2022 placed India at the bottom among 180 countries, highlighting significant environmental challenges despite various government initiatives to improve living standards and environmental health. The government’s response criticized the EPI’s methodology, arguing it fails to reflect the Indian context accurately. This backdrop sets the stage for a deeper examination of India’s environmental policies and their effectiveness.


  • Faulty Methodology Claim: The Indian government has contested the EPI ranking, arguing that the methodology is flawed and does not objectively quantify the Indian scenario.
  • Government Missions and EPI: The government’s development campaigns, such as the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), and National Clean Air Programme (NCAP), are intended to improve living standards, which should align with the EPI’s focus areas. However, an increase in vulnerability due to air and water pollution has been observed.
  • Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) Issues: Despite the SBM’s political success and aim to make sanitation a collective responsibility, it has been criticized for perpetuating caste-based sanitation practices. The Comptroller and Auditor General report highlighted issues with the quality of toilet construction, and studies have shown that access to sanitation remains a problem in slums and rural areas.
  • Waste Management Failures: The government’s approach to waste management through capital-intensive technologies has not been successful. Waste-to-energy plants and biological methanation have few success stories, and the outsourcing of waste management to private contractors has continued caste discrimination.
  • Privatization and Caste Discrimination: The privatization of sanitation services has led to the employment of marginalized communities, particularly Dalits, in waste management roles, perpetuating caste discrimination.
  • Insufficient Sanitation Inspectors: In Himachal Pradesh, for example, there is a shortage of sanitation inspectors, with some municipalities having none. This shortage hampers the effective management of sanitation services.
  • Sustainability of Development Models: The EPI’s mapping feature highlights the unsustainability of current development models in India, suggesting a need for change.
  • Climate Change and Human Rights: The Supreme Court of India has observed links between climate change and fundamental human rights. Policies must be linked to human rights considerations to address the systemic and anthropogenic causes of environmental issues.


  • Inclusive Policy Design: Development models must be inclusive, considering the needs of all communities, mainly those historically marginalized, to prevent the perpetuation of discrimination and inequality.
  • Quality Control and Monitoring: Strengthen government programs’ monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure quality control in constructing infrastructure like toilets and waste treatment facilities.
  • Infrastructure for Waste Treatment: Link toilet construction with waste treatment solutions, especially in rural and peri-urban areas, to prevent environmental contamination.
  • Empowerment and Dignity of Workers: Provide training and better working conditions for sanitation workers, recognizing their contribution to public health and the environment.
  • Effective Use of Funds: Ensure that funds allocated for environmental and sanitation projects are used effectively and that city governments are held accountable for their expenditures.
  • Strengthen Legal Frameworks: Enforce existing laws and regulations that protect environmental and human rights and develop new ones where necessary to address emerging challenges.
  • Global Collaboration: Engage in international cooperation to learn from best practices and to seek technical and financial assistance for implementing sustainable development models.


EPI’s comprehensive approach reveals the unsustainable nature of India’s development models. It emphasizes the need for a paradigm shift in policymaking to integrate human rights with environmental and public health strategies, echoing recent judicial observations linking climate change to fundamental human rights. This shift is crucial for addressing the systemic issues that underpin India’s environmental challenges.


Q.1 What impediments exist in disposing of the vast quantities of discarded solid wastes continuously generated? How do we safely remove the toxic wastes accumulating in our habitable environment? 2018

Q.2 What are the key features of the National Clean Air Program (NCAP) initiated by the Government of India? 2020


Q.1 Critically examine the impact of India’s development programs on its environmental performance in light of the recent ranking in the Environment Performance Index (EPI). Discuss the role of human rights in framing sustainable development policies.



THE CONTEXT: The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has mandated that insurance companies offer health insurance to all age groups, including senior citizens above 65, previously excluded from purchasing new policies. This directive is in response to the demographic shift in India, where the senior population is expected to grow significantly, mirroring trends in developed countries where access to healthcare and insurance is a concern for the aging population.


  • Demographic Shifts: India is experiencing significant demographic changes, with an aging population expected to grow substantially in the coming decades. The proportion of seniors—those above 60—is projected to rise from about 10% of the population in 2022 to 30% by 2050. This shift necessitates a robust healthcare infrastructure and accessible health insurance to manage the increasing healthcare needs of an aging population.
  • Healthcare Accessibility and Affordability: Removing the age cap for health insurance is a step towards improving healthcare accessibility. However, the challenge remains in making these health insurance policies affordable, especially for the senior demographic, which often faces higher healthcare costs. The economic burden of healthcare can be significant, particularly as health insurance premiums tend to increase with age.
  • Insurance Policy Design: IRDAI has mandated insurance companies to design products that cater specifically to various demographic groups, including senior citizens, students, and children. This includes the development of policies that cover pre-existing conditions and do not require medical check-ups for policy renewal. Such tailored policies are essential for addressing the specific needs of these groups.
  • Challenges in Implementation: Despite the regulatory changes, implementing these policies can be challenging. Insurers might be hesitant to cover older age groups due to the higher risk and cost associated with their healthcare. Moreover, the terms and conditions of such policies may not always be favorable to customers, particularly the elderly.
  • Economic Implications: The financial implications of an aging population are profound, affecting not just healthcare but also the broader economy. The need for affordable health insurance becomes even more critical as the traditional caregiving structures in India evolve, with more individuals moving out of agriculture and familial support systems changing.
  • Policy and Public Health Infrastructure: To truly benefit from these regulatory changes, the public health infrastructure must be upgraded concurrently. Affordable and accessible healthcare services are crucial to complement health insurance schemes so that the financial protection provided by insurance can be effectively utilized.


  • Inclusive Policy Design: Insurers should design health insurance products that are affordable and cater to the needs of senior citizens, including those with pre-existing conditions. IRDAI has already reduced the waiting period for pre-existing diseases from 48 to 36 months, which should be further minimized to enhance coverage.
  • Upgradation of Healthcare Infrastructure: The government and private sector must invest in healthcare infrastructure to meet the increased demand from a growing senior population. A focus on training more healthcare professionals, including senior specialists, to provide quality care to the elderly should also be made.
  • Financial Support Mechanisms: The government could offer subsidies or tax benefits to make health insurance more affordable for seniors and encourage uptake. Collaborations between the government and private insurers can lead to innovative insurance products that are both comprehensive and cost-effective.
  • Awareness and Education: Widespread campaigns should educate the public about the importance of health insurance and the options available, especially for the elderly. Purchasing and claiming health insurance should be simplified to make it more accessible to seniors who may not be as tech-savvy.
  • Regulatory Oversight: IRDAI should monitor the implementation of these policies to ensure that they are effective and that insurers comply with the guidelines to serve the senior demographic.


While the IRDAI’s move to include senior citizens in health insurance coverage is a positive step, it must be paired with affordable healthcare services. It is highly suggestive that the broadening of health insurance eligibility should go hand in hand with an upgrade in healthcare infrastructure to truly benefit India’s aging population, especially as traditional caregiving structures evolve.


Q.1 To enhance the prospects of social development, sound and adequate healthcare policies are needed, particularly in geriatric and maternal healthcare. Discuss. 2020

Q.2 The public health system has limitations in providing universal health coverage. Do you think that the private sector could help in bridging the gap? What other viable alternatives would you suggest? 2015


Q.1 Critically analyze the implications of India’s demographic shift towards an aging population for the health insurance sector and the measures taken by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) to address these challenges. Discuss the potential impact of these measures on the accessibility and affordability of health care for senior citizens.



THE CONTEXT: Israel’s military campaign to eliminate Hamas has led to the destruction of Gaza and a humanitarian crisis. Iran and its allies have united in support of the Palestinian cause, escalating regional tensions. Recent Iranian attacks on Israel and Israeli strikes on Iranian interests have changed the dynamics of the conflict.


  • Regional Unity and Shia-Sunni Relations: The conflict has led to a thawing of the traditionally icy Shia-Sunni relations. Shia groups like Hezbollah and the Houthis, along with Iran, have shown open support for the Sunni Palestinians. This marks a significant shift towards regional unity against perceived US-Israeli dominance, highlighting the formation of what is referred to as the Axis of Resistance.
  • Expansion of the Conflict: The war has broadened its scope and affected not just the immediate region but also involved the US more directly. The US has become a central figure in trying to contain the conflict’s expansion, with its bases across Syria, Iraq, and Jordan being targeted by hundreds of rocket and drone attacks since October 7. The US and Iran have managed to avoid direct military confrontation, but the situation remains volatile, with ongoing challenges in restraining all state and non-state actors involved.
  • Diplomatic Shifts in the Arab World: Sunni Arab states, aligned with Saudi Arabia, have opted for a diplomatic approach, advocating for ceasefires and supporting humanitarian efforts. They have also called for a two-state solution, aligning with US-led peace initiatives. Notably, Saudi Arabia has paused its normalization of ties with Israel, conditioning any diplomatic relations on the recognition of an independent Palestinian state with pre-1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital.
  • Maritime Disruptions by Houthis: The Houthis have effectively disrupted a critical maritime communication lane, impacting global trade. Environmental factors like drought conditions in the Panama Canal have compounded this disruption, forcing costly adjustments in global shipping routes and schedules.
  • Economic Impact and Military Engagements: The Israeli economy has faced significant strain, with estimates of the war costing over a quarter of a billion dollars daily as of October last year. The conflict has led to a 20% shrinkage in the Israeli economy in the previous quarter of 2023. Military engagements have continued with Israel asserting its determination to eliminate Hamas and secure the release of all hostages, despite international calls for restraint and alternative strategies to direct ground operations.


  • Revival of Dialogue and Negotiations: Immediate efforts should focus on reviving dialogue between Israel and Hamas, with the mediation of the US, Qatar, and Egypt. This should aim at negotiating a prolonged ceasefire, ensuring the flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza, and securing the release of remaining Israeli hostages.
  • International Mediation for Israel-Iran Conflict: An international initiative, possibly under the auspices of the UN or involving significant powers like the EU, should mediate a sustainable ceasefire between Israel and Iran. This initiative should facilitate direct talks to build trust and find common ground.
  • Engagement of Regional Powers: Regional powers, including Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, should be actively involved in advocating for peace and supporting diplomatic efforts. Their role in pushing for a two-state solution and normalization processes aligned with the 1967 borders could be crucial.
  • Comprehensive Security Framework: Develop a regional security architecture that includes confidence-building measures, arms control agreements, and conflict resolution mechanisms. This framework should involve all stakeholders in the Middle East to ensure collective security and stability.
  • Restrained Military Response: While Israel’s security concerns are valid, it should aim for a restrained military response coordinated with international law and humanitarian considerations. The focus should be on defensive measures rather than offensive actions that escalate the conflict.
  • Disarmament Initiatives: Operationalize UN decisions regarding the disarmament of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East. This includes revisiting and strengthening the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA) with the involvement of the United States and Iran.


There is a possibility of talks between Hamas and Israel, mediated by the US, Qatar, and Egypt. The broader Middle East has been destabilized, with shifting alliances and increased regional conflict. The economic and strategic costs of the war are significant, and the Israel-Iran conflict poses a long-term threat to regional peace and stability.


Q.1 A number of outside powers have entrenched themselves in Central Asia, which is a zone of interest to India. Discuss the implications, in this context, of India’s joining the Ashgabat Agreement in 2018. 2018


Q.1 Analyze the implications of the recent Israel-Iran conflict on the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East. Discuss the role of international actors in managing the crisis and suggest measures that could lead to sustainable peace in the region.



THE CONTEXT: The critical appraisal of the declining participation of women in India’s labor force, particularly in rural areas, despite the country’s economic growth is a cause of concern. While 70-80% of men are in paid employment, only about 17% of urban women and even fewer rural women are in the workforce. The U-shaped curve of women’s labor force participation in economic progress, with India being an outlier where female participation remains low. Multiple factors are considered for this trend, including supply-side issues like mobility restrictions and care burdens, demand-side problems such as insufficient job creation, and inaccuracies in how women’s work is captured in surveys.


  • Low Participation Rates: While 70-80% of men in urban and rural areas are employed, only about 17% of urban women and even fewer rural women are in the paid workforce. This discrepancy is significant and has been worsening over time.
  • Economic Development and Women’s Labor Force Participation: Claudia Goldin’s U-shaped curve theory suggests that women’s labor force participation initially falls with economic development but rises again at higher levels of development. However, India does not follow this pattern; despite economic growth, female participation remains low.
  • Supply and Demand Issues: Different academic perspectives exist on why women’s labor force participation is low. The supply side suggests that social norms, mobility restrictions, and the burden of care discourage women from entering the workforce. On the demand side, the lack of sufficient job creation in the economy means there are not enough employment opportunities for women.
  • Underreporting of Women’s Work: Women’s contributions are often not captured accurately in surveys. If a woman assists in a family business or farm, she might not be recognized as employed. This underreporting is exacerbated by the fact that men often respond to surveys on behalf of the entire household, particularly in conservative areas.
  • Motherhood Penalty: Contrary to findings in high-income countries, India does not have a significant motherhood penalty affecting women’s employment in salaried jobs. However, any employment gains for mothers are seen in informal or casual work, which is precarious and often detrimental to both the mother’s and child’s health.
  • Quality of Employment: The question is whether mere employment is sufficient. The focus should also be on the quality of jobs and how women manage their professional and caregiving responsibilities. The precarious nature of informal employment, often the only option available to women post-childbirth, poses significant health risks to both women and their children.


  • Policy Reforms: Implement policies that provide affordable and accessible childcare facilities, enabling women, especially mothers, to participate in the workforce without compromising their child’s care. Enforce laws that ensure equal pay for equal work and promote equal employment opportunities for women in all sectors. Encourage companies to adopt flexible work arrangements such as remote work, flexible hours, and part-time opportunities to accommodate the needs of women.
  • Societal Changes: Conduct awareness campaigns to challenge and change the traditional gender roles and norms restricting women’s participation in the labor force. Increase educational efforts focusing on the importance of women’s economic participation as beneficial to the entire society, not just to individual women or families.
  • Economic Incentives: Provide financial incentives or subsidies to businesses that hire and retain female employees, especially in leadership roles. Offer grants, subsidies, and training for women entrepreneurs to encourage more women to start their businesses, which can lead to more job creation and economic independence.
  • Strengthening Legal Protections: Strengthen legal frameworks to protect women from discrimination and harassment in the workplace. This includes strict enforcement of existing laws and the introduction of new regulations where necessary.
  • Health and Safety Measures: Ensure that all workplaces comply with health and safety standards that protect all employees, particularly women, who might face different and more severe risks in specific environments.
  • Research and Data Collection: Enhance the data collection methods in labor force surveys to capture women’s work more accurately, including informal and unpaid labor. This can help in better policy formulation and assessment.


The absence of a motherhood penalty may not be positive, as it reflects the necessity for women to work in precarious conditions that can negatively impact their and their children’s health. There is a need to focus not just on employment numbers but on the quality of employment and how women manage their professional and caregiving responsibilities.


Q.1 Distinguish between ‘care economy’ and ‘monetized economy’. How can the care economy be brought into the monetized economy through women’s empowerment? 2023

Q.2 Women empowerment in India needs gender budgeting. What are the requirements and status of gender budgeting in the Indian context? 2016

Q.3 Examine the role of ‘Gig Economy’ in the process of empowerment of women in India. 2021


Q.1 Evaluate the impact of declining female labor force participation in rural India on the country’s socio-economic development and discuss the potential measures that could be implemented to reverse this trend.