• The Scheme is to extend soft support in the form of Grants-in-Aid (General) to various organisations / industry associations, etc. to conduct workshops, seminars, studies, etc. to obtain necessary inputs for enabling the Department to firm its views on various policy matters relating to the Chemical and Petrochemical sector.
    • To facilitate growth and development of chemicals and petrochemicals Industry by creation of knowledge products through studies, survey, data banks, promotional material etc.
    • Dissemination of knowledge through conduct of seminars, conferences, exhibition etc. to facilitate development of these sectors.
    • To incentivize research and innovation by awarding outstanding efforts in the field of chemicals and petrochemicals.
COMPONENTS Creation of knowledge products:

    • Conducting studies/ surveys, preparation of survey reports, acquisition of books, magazines, learning modules, data banks and production of promotional materials such as films, displays, e-booklets and brochures etc.
    • In addition, any other activity which facilitates development of Chemicals and Petrochemicals sector may be supported.

Knowledge dissemination:

    • Organization of seminars, workshops, conferences, conventions, Trainings, exhibitions, investor’s meet, etc. on issues/subjects relevant to development of chemicals and petrochemicals sectors.

Excellence Awards:

    • National Awards will be given to recognize excellence in research and innovation in the Chemicals and Petrochemicals Sector.

Organize any other activity:

    • Grant will be given to eligible organisations for executing/ sustaining any industry facilitation and support measures, help desk expenses to organize Advisory Forum and Development Committee meetings, etc. with the approval of Secretary (C&PC) in Consultation with FA(C&PC).

Specific web basedapplication for CPDS and its integration with NGO-DARPAN portal for providing Grants-in-aid has been developed.

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