ABOUT THE SCHEME: The central sector scheme aims at development of certified organic production in a value chain mode to link growers with consumers and to support the development of entire value chain starting from inputs, seeds, certification, to the creation of facilities for collection, aggregation, processing marketing and brand building initiative. For realizing the potential of organic farming in the North Eastern Region the Centrally Sponsored Scheme was implemented in the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.


1. To develop crop commodity specific organic value chain and address gaps in organic crop production, wild crop harvesting, organic livestock management and processing handling and marketing of organic agricultural products.

2. To empower producers with program ownership by organizing them into Farmer Interest Groups (FIGs) with the final aim to federate into farmer producer organizations/ companies.

3. To replace conventional farming/subsistence farming system into local resource based, self sustainable, high value commercial organic enterprise.

4. Developing commodity specific commercial organic value chain under integrated and concentrated approach with end-to-end facilities for production, processing, storage and marketing.

5. Development of organic parks/zones with facilities for collection, aggregation, value addition, processing, storage and market-linkages for specific commodities requiring capital intensive technology.

6. Develop NER products as brands/labels through brand building and facilitating stronger marketing access under the ownership of growers’ organizations/companies.

7. Creating state specific lead agency (Organic Commodity Board or Organic Mission) for coordinating, monitoring, supporting and financing the development and operationalization of entire value chain.


    • Certified Organic Production
    • Value Chain Development
    • Capacity Building
    • Research and Development


    • The Mission structure at Government of India level will comprise of National Advisory Committee (NAC), Executive Committee (EC), Mission Monitoring Committee (MMC) and Mission Head Quarter at DAC&FW.
    • At state level the mission will be implemented by the State Level Executive Committee (SLEC) and executed through a designated state Lead Agency in the form of state “Organic Commodity Board” or “Organic Mission”.
      • The State Lead Agency shall function under the overall supervision of the Department of Agriculture/ Horticulture and State Lead Agency shall be manned by professional experts on contract.


    • It has helped in bringing 1.73 lakh ha area under organic farming benefiting 1.89 lakh farmers since its launch in 2015-16.
    • 379 FPOs/FPCs were formed involving creation of 205 Collection, Aggregation and Grading units, 190 Custom Hiring Centres and 123 Processing unit and Pack houses.
    • 7 Brands have been developed.
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