Introduction: The history of the decade of 1920.
- How during this decade, the national movement acquired various ideological strands?
- How these stand help to expanded its social base?
Conclusion: The decade of 1920 and onwards was definitely a land mark period in which different ideologies and sections joined the national movement which made the movement a people movement.
The decade of 1920 was a decade of assertions. Different ideological streams, different marginal groups and even totally alternative forces came out with their organizations and different demands. One thing was common; all of them united in their voice, the British should give more concessions to Indians. All of them thought and considered the Britishers as foreigners.
1. One organization which split from Congress was Congress Khilafat Swaraj Party; though it was part of the Congress but represented a different ideology and support base, they were the liberals in the Congress and they represented the more sophisticated upper middle class and western oriented Indians.
2. An entirely different organization which had many representatives in the Congress like Madan Mohan Malaviya, Moonje, but a more dedicated person to the ideology of Hindutva was V D Savarkar, he formed in 1924 Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Sabha, he also formed Sarvadeshik Hindu Sabha. This ideology was continuing from a long time which was given an organizational form by Savarkar.
3. Ambedkar was trained in economics in USA and later he went to England to pursue law and became a successful lawyer. He started an organization depressed classes federation, later he formed Bahiskrit Bharat and also published a journal of this name. Even Gandhi praised Ambedkar, who in Gandhi’s view could have achieved any thing in life but he dedicated his life to the cause of untouchables. There were Dalits in the Congress like M C Raja but they were not influential. Ambedkar brought the Dalits to the national movement.
4. Communist party was formed in Kanpur in 1925 with Satya Bhakta as the president. They were already working in the railways and tea garden labours. Netajee’s work among workers encouraged the communists but they were cruelly repressed by the British even then they ensured the participation of labour to the nationalist movement.
5. The Akali party was formed in 1920 itself with the purpose of giving a voice to the Sikhs and acquire the necessary privileges which were supposed to be their natural right. The Sikhs in in their history has been trying to maintain a separate identity.
The nationalist movement was led by the middleclass intellectuals but it was supported by all. The entry of Gandhi to the nationalist movement, made it a people movement. The decade of 1920 and onwards was definitely a land mark period in which different ideologies and sections joined the national movement which made the movement a people movement.
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