THE CONTEXT: The United Nations has officially designated 2025 as the ‘International Year of Quantum Science and Technology’.


  • This significant declaration aims to raise global awareness of the importance and potential applications of quantum science.
  • The year-long, worldwide initiative will involve activities at various levels to educate the public about this cutting-edge field.

Background and Proclamation

  • The timing of this proclamation is particularly meaningful as 2025 marks the centennial of a pivotal moment in quantum mechanics.
  • In 1925, German physicist Werner Heisenberg published a groundbreaking paper that redefined classical mechanics to accommodate the emerging quantum phenomena of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  • This work laid the foundation for modern quantum mechanics, earning Heisenberg the Nobel Prize in Physics seven years later and leading to his formulation of the famous uncertainty principle.
  • The initiative for this international year began with a resolution led by Mexico in May 2023, which rapidly gained support from other nations.
  • By November 2023, nearly 60 countries had co-sponsored the resolution, leading to its adoption by the UNESCO General Conference.
  • In May 2024, Ghana, with the backing of over 70 countries, submitted a draft resolution to the U.N. General Assembly, which was officially approved on June 7, 2024.
  • The proclamation has garnered endorsements from several prominent scientific organizations, including:
    • International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
    • International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
    • International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
    • International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST)

Significance and Goals

  • Quantum Science in Public Discourse
    • Quantum science and technology have increasingly featured in public conversations, particularly due to the advancements and potential of quantum computers.
    • While fully operational quantum computers are not yet a reality, experts believe their development is inevitable.
    • These machines are expected to revolutionize various fields, including electronics, clean energy, and drug development, due to their unparalleled computational capabilities.
  • National and International Initiatives
    • In line with the global momentum, the Government of India launched a ‘National Quantum Mission’ in April 2023.
    • This mission, with a budget of Rs 6,000 crore, is set to run from 2023 to 2031 under the Department of Science & Technology (DST).
    • A senior advisor at DST and head of the mission, outlined its four main verticals:
      • Quantum Computing
      • Quantum Communication
      • Quantum Sensing and Metrology
      • Quantum Materials and Devices

Objectives and Activities for 2025

  • The UN’s proclamation serves as a call to action for individuals, groups, schools, institutions, and governments to leverage 2025 as a pivotal year to enhance awareness and understanding of quantum science and technology.
  • A dedicated steering committee is organizing global initiatives and events aimed at reaching diverse audiences, particularly those who may be unaware of the significance of quantum advancements.


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