June 1, 2024

Lukmaan IAS

A Blog for IAS Examination



THE CONTEXT: In the dynamic political landscape of urban India, the Chandigarh mayoral elections underscore the urgent need for fortifying the integrity of local governance – where alliances shift, power plays outpace policy, and every vote becomes a battleground for democratic principles.


Pls write about the alleged tampering of votes.

  • Political Alignments and Power Struggles: The collaboration of two major political parties (AAP and Congress) against the BJP to secure the mayoral positions indicates a strategic move that reflects the intense power struggles within urban local governance. Such maneuvers can overshadow the civic issues the urban local government is meant to address.
  • Transparency of Electoral Processes: When the presiding officer’s sudden illness postponed the elections, questions arose about the transparency and robustness of the election procedures within urban local bodies. This incident signals the vulnerability of the election process to individual circumstances, which should not ideally affect the administration’s ability to conduct elections.
  • Legal Interventions and Authority: The need for the intervention of the Punjab and Haryana High Court to reschedule the elections indicates a failure of the local administrative machinery to adhere to or enforce the election schedule. The urban local government’s dependency on higher courts for direction can indicate systemic inefficiencies, and power plays at the local level.
  • Restricted Media Access: Barring media personnel from entering the Municipal House raises concerns about the lack of media freedom and transparency during critical political events, which is essential to ensure that elected bodies are held accountable.
  • Security and Fear Tactics: Speculation about alliance councillors being hidden away before the elections suggest using fear and security as tools in local governance. Such a situation can create an environment of intimidation and can be detrimental to the free exercise of democratic rights by elected representatives.
  • Impact on Larger Democratic Processes: The highlighted issues in the municipal mayoral polls raise broader questions about the functioning of democratic institutions at higher levels. When local elections can be compromised, it raises concerns about how higher-stake elections might be similarly affected.


  • Strengthening Election Protocols: Develop robust and transparent protocols immune to individual circumstances, such as the unavailability of a presiding officer. Have a trained pool of backup officials ready to step in and conduct the election to prevent undue delays.
  • Legal Framework Amendments: Consider amending municipal laws to allow for swift judicial intervention or alternative dispute resolution mechanisms when election procedures are compromised. Implement stricter laws to curb electoral malpractices such as vote invalidation without due process and alleged horse-trading.
  • Enhancing Media Access and Transparency: Establish guidelines that uphold the freedom of the press to report on local government proceedings without undue restrictions. Use technology to stream municipal proceedings live to ensure public visibility and transparency.
  • Election Observers and Monitoring: Deploy independent election observers to monitor the electoral process and maintain fair play. Involve civil society organizations to act as watchdogs, enhancing the credibility of elections.
  • Clear Lines of Authority: Clearly delineate the lines of authority and officials’ responsibilities in election administration to prevent confusion and misuse of power.
  • Citizen Participation and Oversight: Enable platforms that allow for increased citizen oversight of the electoral process, such as public hearings post-elections to address grievances. Use digital tools and social media for engagement, allowing constituents to report concerns and provide feedback.


The Chandigarh Municipal Corporation mayoral elections have spotlighted the imperative need for electoral reforms in urban local governance in India. Establishing transparent, robust, and impartial election protocols, bolstered by judicial oversight, is crucial to nurturing the democratic ethos and upholding the integrity of civic institutions.


Q.1) The local self-government system in India has not proved to be an effective instrument of governance”. Critically examine the statement and give your views to improve the situation. (2017)

Q.2) Without a well-educated and organized local-level government system, `Panchayats’ and ‘Samitis’ have remained mainly political institutions and ineffective governance instruments. Critically discuss. (2015)


Q.1) Examine the challenges in ensuring fairness and transparency in the electoral processes of urban local governance in India, drawing on the recent Chandigarh Municipal Corporation mayoral polls. Discuss the potential measures that could mitigate these challenges and enhance the democratic functioning of urban local bodies.



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