THE CONTEXT: The diplomatic relations between India and the Maldives have historically been cordial, marked by collaboration in various spheres. However, recent developments, including Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu’s visit to China, have led to strains in these ties.


  • President of Maldives’ official visit to China, upon invitation by President of China, highlights a significant shift in Maldives’ diplomatic priorities.
  • This visit occurs in the backdrop of a diplomatic row between Maldives and India, triggered by comments made by a Maldivian minister against Indian Prime Minister during his visit to Lakshadweep.
  • Indian celebrities joined calls for boycotting the Maldives, leading to reported cancellations of trips by Indian tourists.
  • The hashtag #BoycottMaldives gained traction on social media platforms, indicating public sentiments regarding the diplomatic dispute.
  • The strained relations between the two countries have been compounded by the Maldivian government’s decision to terminate a hydrography agreement signed with India and its call for the withdrawal of Indian troops from the archipelago.

Maldives-China Relations:

  • Maldives president’s visit to China signifies an apparent deepening of ties between the Maldives and China.
  • The timing of this visit, amidst strained relations with India, underscores a potential strategic realignment in the Maldives’ foreign policy.
  • This move could signal a shift away from India’s influence towards closer engagement with China.


  • Historical Context of Relations:
    • India and the Maldives share deep-rooted ties spanning ethnic, linguistic, cultural, religious, and commercial aspects.
    • Since Maldives’ independence in 1965, India played a significant role by being among the first countries to establish diplomatic relations.
    • The mission escalation from CDA level in 1972 to a resident High Commissioner in 1980 underlines the strengthening bilateral rapport.
  • Political Interactions:
    • Bilateral relations have been bolstered through consistent high-level engagements.
    • Notably, several Indian Prime Ministers visited the Maldives, while President Mohamed Nasheed’s early foreign visit was to India in 2008.
    • Support extended by Maldives to India in various international forums like the UN, Commonwealth, NAM, and SAARC depicts their alignment on global issues.
  • Bilateral Assistance and Projects:
    • India’s developmental support to Maldives includes significant projects like the establishment of the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in Male, reflecting a crucial part of India’s aid.
    • Technical education initiatives such as the Maldives Institute of Technical Education (now Faculty of Engineering Technology) and tsunami relief efforts underline India’s commitment to aiding Maldives’ growth and recovery.
  • Tsunami and Humanitarian Assistance:
    • Following the devastating tsunami in 2004, India emerged as a primary supporter, providing immediate relief through aid, medical facilities, and rehabilitation support.
    • Additionally, India extended budget support in response to Maldives’ financial challenges post-tsunami and other natural calamities.
  • Financial Assistance and Credit Facilities:
    • India has provided substantial financial assistance to Maldives, including standby credit facilities, subscription to treasury bills, and a line of credit for the housing sector.
    • These aids aimed to bolster Maldives’ economic stability and infrastructural development, contributing to various sectors like housing, finance, and technical education.
  • Bilateral Trade and Investment:
    • While bilateral trade potential exists, the current trade figures, although in India’s favor, show room for growth.
    • Imports from the Maldives primarily comprise scrap metals, whereas India exports diverse goods like agricultural produce, textiles, medicines, and engineering products.
    • Indian investments in Maldives span diverse sectors, including hospitality, infrastructure, energy, and education.
  • Cultural Exchanges and Collaboration:
    • Efforts to enhance cultural ties are evident through collaborative projects like the restoration of historical mosques, cultural exchange programs, music festivals, and theatrical performances.
    • The inauguration of the Indian Cultural Center in Male further signifies a commitment to fostering cultural affinity.
  • Indian Community in Maldives:
    • The Indian expatriate community constitutes a significant segment in Maldives, contributing to various sectors such as healthcare, education, construction, and other professions.
    • Their contributions are vital to the socio-economic fabric of the Maldives.
  • Conclusion:
    • The evolving dynamics between India and the Maldives portray a shifting geopolitical landscape in the Indian Ocean.
    • Maldives President’s visit to China, the strained relations with India, and the altering foreign policy stance of the Maldives underscore the complex interplay of strategic interests, regional dynamics, and evolving alliances in the region.

SOURCE: https://www.livemint.com/news/world/earthquake-of-6-0-magnitude-strikes-off-central-japan-no-tsunami-warning-issued-11704792648427.html

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