Sub Schemes |
Significant Activities
Research and Development in Eart System Sciences (RDESS) |
- Project Appraisal and Monitoring Committees (PAMCs) in atmospheric sciences, oceanography, seismology, geoscience, hydrology and cryosphere, and atmospheric chemistry.
- Earth Science and Technology Cell (ESTC) with identified themes at select universities and academic institutes of the country.
- Technical Research Board (TRB)-Earth Sciences.
- Development of potential drugs from the sea—Marine National Products Inspired Drug Leads (MNPIDL): erstwhile Drugs from Sea (DFS).
- Understand palaeoclimate, sea-level changes, CO2 sequestration, reactive Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Carbon cycles, coral reefs, and ocean acidification concerning climate change.
- International collaborative projects.
- National Program on radar meteorology for supporting a training and research centre of excellence at an academic institution for interpretation and use of radar data
Outreach and awareness programme |
- Generate public awareness of MoES activities through media, including print and audio-visual modes, exhibitions,fairs, seminars etc.
- Conduct Indian National Earth Science Olympiad (INESO) and International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO).
Knowledge Resource Center Network (KRCNet) |
- Aims to integrate all knowledge and intellectual resources of MoES and its institutes on a single, dynamic, web portal. Under the Digital India Initiative of the Government of India, the portal is a one-of-its-kind digital knowledge system to collect, collate, catalogue, store and retrieve the knowledge products and services emanating from MoES projects.
BIMSTEC Centre for Weather and Climate (BCWC) |
- Build capacity in the field of weather and climate through training programs, workshop, conference, scientific personnel exchange in the BIMSTEC region through research fellowships for the scientists.
- Enhance observing systems for the BIMSTEC region.
International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography(ITCOocean) |
- ITCOocean is an international training centre which was set-up at the Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad to promote the development and optimization of scientific base, technology and information system for operational oceanography at national, regional and global scales.
- Objectives:
- Provide advanced training in operational oceanography to young Indian scientists and technical (S&T) persons and policymakers, including industries on payment basis; Indian Ocean Rim countries and other developing nations regularly on sponsorship, and to enable creating a large pool of young trained workforce with core skills in the sub-continent.
- Provide training on data generation from oceans using in situ and satellite platforms, the transmission of data to operational centre, data reception, data processing in real-time, and using data in models and generation of forecasts and dissemination to end-users with a high lead time.
Development of skilled manpower in Earth system sciences (DESK) |
- DESK was initiated in 2018 to create a large pool of trained and dedicated multidisciplinary earth system and climate research workforce in the country.
- DESK is aimed to be a centralized training facility which will pool resources, infrastructure and faculty, thereby reducing the cost than having separate training programs. It is coordinated by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune.