Q.67 Bring out the constructive programmes of Mahatma Gandhi during Non- Cooperation Movement and Civil Disobedience Movement. GS-I: HISTORY (UPSC CSE 2021) (250 words/15 Marks)




THE INTRODUCTION: Start the answer by briefly mentioning the constructive programmes.


    • Discuss the various types of constructive programmes of Gandhi during Non-cooperation movement and Civil Disobedience Movement.


THE CONCLUSION: Conclude by mentioning the effectiveness of constructive programmes in nation building and achieving independence.


Gandhi’s comprehensive strategy for reviving the socio-economic fabric of the country was presented in the form of constructive programmes during the non-cooperation and civil disobedience movements. They acted as a driving force for mass mobilization during the freedom movement. It sought to establish social order and included programs for the underprivileged sections with a focus on truth and nonviolence. Gandhi believed that our negligence towards fundamental duties as a nation needs to be corrected through constructive programmes.


Both Civil disobedience and the Non-cooperation movement were one of the biggest mass movements for Independence where Gandhi played an important role not only in fighting against British rule but by fighting social ills of the society as well. To make these movements prevalent and effective, Gandhi asked people to become self-reliant to fight for their freedom and opt for constructive programmes. These programs helped in uniting the people of India and bring momentum to the Indian freedom struggle. It restored dignity among Indians and evoked them with patriotism.

Constructive programmes of Mahatma Gandhi during Non-cooperation movement and Civil disobedience movement:

    • Communal Unity: British colonialist policy used Divided and Rule policy to keep the different Indian religions and ethnicities divided to maintain their power and control over India for centuries. Gandhiji’s primary goal in this situation was to unite different religion which he did by bringing the Khilafat movement and non-cooperation movement together.
    • Khadi and Village Industries: Khadi and village industries served as a symbol of solidarity, led to financial independence and promoted the notion of self-sustainability. It provided opportunity to women and weaker sections to support themselves by creating and selling textiles made from khadi. Thousands of spinning wheels were distributed in the villages to people from different castes and religions during these movements.
    • Emancipation of Women: Gandhi’s concept of Satyagraha liberated women across the country who participated in large numbers in both non-cooperation movement and civil disobedience movements. They engaged in khadi manufacturing, community education, and cleanliness awareness campaigns in the villages. They gained prominent positions in congress and took part in the protests in the cities.
    • Awareness of Peasants and Labourers: Gandhi aimed to raise armers political consciousness of farmers and labourers to increase the impact of political independence during non- cooperation and civil disobedience For example, his goal was to create an All India Union that would bring people together and standardize regulations for all labour organizations.
    • Removal of Untouchability: Mahatma Gandhi was deeply troubled by the Hindu practice of untouchability. He took steps to abolish untouchability, Harijans were to be incorporated in the civil disobedience and non-cooperation Gandhiji established the Harijan Sevak Sangh in 1932 with the goal of eradicating untouchability and uplifting the downtrodden sections.
    • Prohibition of Alcohol and Opium: Gandhiji focussed on the eradication of intoxicants and requested women and students to help people to overcome their addiction. Congressmen were encouraged to set up recreational It strengthened the movements as it helped in integration of the addicts in the society.


Mahatma Gandhi’s constructive programmes were crucial in expanding the definition of swaraj and laying the groundwork for the subsequent stage of freedom struggle. Gandhi persuaded every individual to participate to the fullest extent possible in movements such as the Non- Cooperation Movement and Civil Disobedience through these initiatives. It played a pivotal role in the nonviolent campaign for India’s independence and key role in Nation Building.

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