S.No |
Sub-Scheme |
Implementing Institution
1. |
Commissioning of Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radars (PDWR) |
- Installation & commissioning of C-Band Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radars at various locations across the country.
- Benefits such as effective nowcasting of severe weather events, improved data collection, better monitoring and tracking of tropical cyclones etc.
2. |
Commissioning of Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radars (PDWR) |
- Augmentation and sustenance of Communication Systems including upgradation of decision support systems.
- Development of an advanced Operational Forecast System (including Monsoon Mission-IMD), MultiHazard Early Warning System, Automation of Nowcast, Thunderstorm Testbed, Urban Meteorological Services and Positional Astronomy services.
- Upgradation of Hydrometeorological Services, Tourism Forecast Services & development of Mobile/web based applications for customized weather and climatic advisories.
- Integrated Himalayan Meteorological Programme for Western & Central Himalayas (IHMP).
3. |
Weather and Climate Services (WCS) |
- Setting up of District Agro-Met Units (DAMUs) at all the districts complimentarily with existing AMFUs in the country for extension of Agromet Advisory Services (AAS).
- Major upgradation of Meteorological facilities at all airports through commissioning of State-of-art Integrated Aviation Weather Observing Systems.
- Establishment of a state-of the-art Climate Data Centre with integrated advanced Climate Data Services portal for rendering national and regional climate services.
4. |
Atmospheric Observations Network (AON) |
- Integrated Meteorological Services for the NorthEast (NE) region through commissioning of DWRs, AWOS/ HAWOS, AWSs/ARGs/ SGs, Microwave Radiometers, Wind LiDARsetc.
- Metro Air Quality and Weather Service (MAQWS) through establishment of Air pollution prediction and monitoring systems in the country –SAFAR (System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research).
5. |
Numerical Modelling of Weather and Climate (NMWC) |
- Improvement of seamless weather and climate prediction system with high reliability over India and neighbouring regions.
- Development of novel applications based on dynamical model outputs for various sectors (viz. Defence, Energy, Water Resource, Transport, GeoHazards etc.)
6. |
Monsoon Mission -III |
- Development of Next Generation seamless prediction system for short, medium, extended and long-range predictions including improved assimilation systems with improved lead times for better decision making in applications in the various climate sensitive sectors.
- Development of climate applications in Agriculture, hydrology, energy and Health sectors.
- Use of AI/ML and Physics Guided Data Mining in improving forecasts at shorter spatial scales and long leads including development of better parametrization.
7. |
Monsoon Convection, Clouds and Climate Change (MC4) |
This scheme has five targeted project components focusing on the scientific deliverables, and also allowing for cross-fertilization of innovative research ideas through interconnections among the individual project components. The five sub-components are:
1. Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR)
- Modeling of global and regional climate variability and change using Earth System Models and High Resolution (27 km grid) Climate Models.
- Conduct ground based measurements of greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations and fluxes, chemical trace gases, meteorological & land surface parameters.
2. Physics & Dynamics of Tropical Clouds (PDTC)
- Conduct scientific investigations of aerosol-cloud precipitation interactions in warm and mixed phase clouds, characterize cloud condensation nuclei and ice nuclei particles etc.
- Develop weather modification research strategies on artificial rainmaking, hail suppression, fog dispersal and reduction of air pollution.
3. Atmospheric Research Testbeds (ARTs)
- To establish an Atmospheric Research Testbed in Central India for better understanding on processes governing monsoon convection including its diurnal variation and land-atmosphere interactions in core monsoon zone with state of the art instrumentation and UAVs.
- To establish a small radar network in the Mumbai metropolitan region to provide high-resolution rainfall (both temporal and spatial) flood warning and nowcasting.
4. Metro Air Quality and Weather Service (MAQWS)
- Research on science of air pollution and forecasting, relevant atmospheric chemistry processes and impact assessment on health and ecosystem through observational campaigns and modelling.
5. Climate Variability and decadal Prediction (CVP)
- To develop a decadal prediction system based on the in-house Earth System Model for enabling the capability to predict the Indian monsoon and Indian Ocean temperature, sea level etc. about 1-10 years ahead of time.
8. |
High Performance Computing System |
- Establishing a multi-petaflops scale computing facility for the MoES institutes to meet requirement of numerical modeling for weather and climate forecasting, basic research, and observations.