BACKGROUND: Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homoeopathy (AYUSH), offer a wide range of holistic treatments covering preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative and rejuvunatary needs. These systems of medicine are generally cost effective and valuable and attracting increasing attention globally. AYUSH systems of medicine are being used for centuries and have continuous traditions of acceptance and practice.

There is a need for spreading the knowledge; benefits of AYUSH system of medicines to the large section of the peoples across the globe. The “AYURGYAN Scheme” by the Ministry of AAYUSH is to support Education, Research & Innovation in AYUSH by providing academic activities, training, capacity building etc.

    • Central Sector Scheme of AYURGYAN has been approved for the period from FY 2021-22 to FY 2025-26.


Objective of the Scheme: The AYURGYAN Scheme has two main components and the objectives for both the components are mentioned as under:

Capacity Building and Continuing Medical Education (CME) in AYUSH

1. To create, enhance and develop constituent’s capacity at country level in the AYUSH health care sector.

2. To improve health practices through AYUSH which are sustainable.

3. To encourage AYUSH professionals to undergo need-based professional orientation and professional skill development in an organized manner.

4. To update the professional knowledge of teachers and doctors to adopt good teaching practices and good clinical practices respectively.

5. To encourage the use of Information technology and web-based education programmes for widespread dissemination of AYUSH developments and updates.

6. To train doctors in emerging trends of healthcare and scientific outcomes for keeping up the standards to health care delivery.

7. To provide information to doctors on professional journals to keep them professionally updated. AYUSH-CME Guidelines.

8. To encourage AYUSH paramedics and health workers to undergo periodical training for improving healthcare services in hospitals and dispensaries.

9. To arrange need-based management training programmes to administrators of AYUSH institutions and hospitals on health aspects for delivering quality services.

10. To update regarding current trends in R & D activities for development of AYUSH systems and highlight the areas of research and avenues for collaborative activates.

11. To apprise regarding new Acts/Notifications and other information addressing regulatory issues in AYUSH systems etc.

12. To Standardize/validate and develop scientific evidence for AYUSH’ s research and Education;

13. To make scientific exploration of AYUSH system with interdisciplinary approaches; to achieve need based outcome in priority areas;

Research and Innovation in AYUSH Component

1. Development of Research and Development (R & D) based AYUSH Drugs for prioritized diseases;

2. To generate data on safety, standardization and quality control for AYUSH products and practices;

3. To develop evidence based support on the efficacy of AYUSH drugs and therapies;

4. To encourage research on classical texts and investigate fundamental principles of AYUSH Systems;

5. To generate data on heavy metals, pesticide residues, microbial load, safety/toxicity etc. in the raw drugs and finished Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathy drugs;

6. To develop AYUSH products having Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) potential for increasing AYUSH exports.

7. To develop the potential Human Resource in AYUSH systems, especially to inculcate scientific aptitude and expertise relating to AYUSH systems;

8.  To develop joint research venture among the AYUSH Department and other Organizations/Institutes.

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