Q.27) The interlinking of rivers can provide viable solutions to the multi-dimensional inter-related problems of droughts, floods and interrupted navigation. Critically examine.(GS-1: GEOGRAPHY, UPSC CSE 2020)(Answer in 150 words,10-marks)


Introduction: Explain basics about river linking project in India.


    • Mention the positives of interlinking of rivers for multi-dimensional inter-related problems.
    • Mention the negatives of interlinking of rivers for multi-dimensional inter-related problems.

Conclusion: Conclude by taking a balanced path. Suggest improvements in the project along with alternatives of efficient water use in India.

The National Perspective Plan (NPP) presented the development of water resources through the inter-basin transfer of water and the transferring of water from water-surplus basins to water-deficit basins. The interlinking of rivers is a large-scale civil engineering project that aims to effectively manage water resources in India under the NPP.

Positives of interlinking of rivers for multi-dimensional inter-related problems:

  • The drought prone regions like Vidharbha faces perennial droughts. The interlinking of seasonal peninsular rivers with the Himalayan counterparts may be a gamechanger for agriculture and food security prospects of this region.
  • Interlinking of rivers will contribute to flood and drought hazard mitigation for India. It will most likely eradicate the flooding problems which recur in the northeast and the north every year. For example, flood waters of Kosi river could be diverted to other east flowing rivers.
Improve the inland navigation
  • Interlinking of rivers will create a network of navigation channels. Water transport is cheaper, less-polluting compare to the road and railways.
  • Further, the interlinking of rivers can ease the pressure on railways and roads also.
  • More importantly, India has huge untapped potential of inland water transport which once actualized can be a game changer in the logistics aspect and thus overall costs of goods & services.

Negatives of interlinking of rivers for multi-dimensional inter-related problems:

  • Ecological challenges: The ambitious project will induce diversion of forest areas and submergence of fertile land leading to deforestation and soil- erosion. For example, the Ken- Betwa link projects has reduced 8% of forest land of Panna National Park. Also, river diversion may bring significant changes in the physical and chemical compositions of the sediment load, river morphology and the shape of the delta formed at the river basin.
  • Social challenges: Reconstruction and rehabilitation of millions of people in and around the river catchments could face significant psychological damage which could result in social unrest and protests in the initial stages itself.
  • Political challenges: The inter-state river doesn’t have a bright history in India (for example,Cauvery River dispute). Further, water being a state subject demands cooperation which may be a challenge given the diversity India offers.

Way forward:

  • The interlinking of rivers in India has both pros and cons. Implementing the project in its entirety may be a challenge in present times.Therefore, government must opt a decentralized method of implementation instead of a centralized one.
  • Inter-linking projects should receive the nod only after appropriate EIA and environmental clearances.
  • Further, we must look for alternatives of efficient water use in India. For instance, measures like efficient water use in agriculture (per drop more crop), resourceful rain water harvesting in drought prone areas and so on can be looked upon to liberate India from the persistent water stress.
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