THE CONTEXT:  On September 18, 2024, the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) published a draft notification proposing to notify the 3,328 sq km area around Gujarat’s Gir forest as an Eco-Sensitive Zone (ESZ).


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Local communities, politicians, and other stakeholders have recently criticised successive proposals to notify an Eco-Sensitive Zone (ESZ) around the Gir Protected Area (PA). Gir Forest, as a National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary, already enjoys a high level of protection for the conservation of Asiatic lions.

What is the Concern?

    • Agricultural and Grazing Restrictions: The local populations, who rely heavily on agriculture and livestock grazing around the forest area, fear that the notification of an ESZ will bring restrictions on these activities. This could directly impact their livelihoods, leading to economic hardship for many families.
    • Limitations on Traditional Occupations: Many local communities depend on the forest resources for their day-to-day life, such as collecting firewood and forest products. An ESZ might prohibit or regulate such activities, leading to the loss of traditional livelihood options.
    • Concerns of Displacement: One of the major concerns raised by locals is the potential for displacement or land acquisition under the ESZ guidelines. Though the ESZ does not always lead to relocation, there is widespread fear that the local population could be forced to move, disrupting their way of life.
    • Political Resistance: Local politicians have often raised concerns that the ESZ notifications do not consider the region’s socio-economic realities. They argue that the restrictions imposed by an ESZ could alienate local voters and harm the economy, especially in areas dependent on agriculture and tourism.
    • Impact on Tourism Industry: Gir National Park is a key tourism destination due to the presence of the endangered Asiatic lions. Local businesses, such as hotels, tour operators, and guides, are concerned that the ESZ could restrict tourist activities and infrastructure development. This might reduce tourism revenue, a vital part of the local economy.
    • Developmental Concerns: The ESZ proposal rainesth the conservation vs. development debate. Critics argue that while conservation is crucial, it should not come at the cost of the region’s development, particularly when it threatens local livelihoods and economic activities. They advocate for a balanced approach thao considson both the conservation of the Asiatic lion and the needs of the local communities.

About Gir National Park

    • The Gir National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the Junagadh district of Gujarat.
    • The Gir Forests is the only natural habitat of Asiatic lions.
    • It was declared as a sanctuary in 1965 and a national park in 1975.
    • The Gir Forests is the largest compact tract of dry deciduous forests in the semi-arid western part of India.
    • The Gir Forests forms a unique habitat for many mammals, reptiles, birds and insect species along with a rich variety of flora.
    • Gir is often linked with “Maldharis” who have survived through the ages by having symbiotic relationship with the lion.
    • Maldharis are religious pastoral communities living in Gir. Their settlements are called “nesses”.

Other National Parks in Gujarat

    • Black buck National Park
    • Vansda National Park
    • Marine National Park



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