Public Administration is idealism in action. Comment.



1. Write an introduction on PA.

2. Write few definitions of PA.

3. Then talk about what is idealism.

4. How PA makes it into reality.

5. Comment part: still PA has some weaknesses which hinder it from making idealism into reality.

6. Conclude.

INTRODUCTION: Donald F. Kettl and James W. Fesler define PA as implementation of politics into reality what citizens see in their everyday life. PA deals with action side of the government to translate policy into action.

BODY: Luther Gulick defines PA as that part of the science of administration which has to do with the government.

To Wilson PA is the detailed and systematic application of law. Every particular application of law is an act of administration.

To Waldo public means government and administration means getting the things done.

PA has to implement ideals/goals which are guided by the policies of the govt. Government makes promises which are supposed to be implemeted. Thereby, implementation means promises in action.

What are ideals: values depicted in the preamble of the constitution. These ideals influence govt. to make policies and implementation by PA which results as idealism into action. The administration has to follow a set of ideal principles which are related to public service motive, public interest, integrity, accountability, respect and dignity of the citizens.

So, basically we find that when state is in action, that action is manifestation of idealism of state. If value and ideals are not implemented into action, they will remain just values which are not found in action.


Idealism has given rise to development of emphasis on liberty by Wilson which bureaucracy was expected to protect through merit, efficiency, impartiality and non-partisanship. The state cannot achieve ideals unless the conduct of civil servants are also ideal matching the values of citizens. 

Comment part: However, when administration tries to implement such ideals, sometimes it results into arbitrary exercise of power, corruption, lack of integrity. Therefore, often administration is criticised because it is expected that administration would adhere to high standards of idealism. Even Wilson didn’t want the complete separation between politics and administration. Therefore,  Normative values under NPA should guide the conduct of civil servants.

CONCLUSION: PA acts as an instrument for authoritative allocation of values which bridges the gap between idealism and realism. Michael Spicer characterised that administration should act as discretionist branch rather than instrumental branch to be more welfare oriented.

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