CONTEXT: Recent research reveals how Mars lost its atmosphere.


Key points of the study:

Water-Olivine-Smectite Reaction:

  • Mars’ surface contains significant amounts of olivine, which interacted with water and atmospheric CO2. Through a process where oxygen from water bonded with iron in olivine, hydrogen was freed and combined with CO2 to form methane.
    • This reaction ultimately converted olivine into smectite, which continued to absorb methane, further depleting the atmosphere of CO2 and cooling the planet.

Role of Smectite Clay in Atmospheric Depletion:

  • The study by geologists Joshua Murray and Oliver Jagoutz from MIT focuses on the role of specific Martian rocks, particularly smectite clay, in removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the planet’s atmosphere.
  • The researchers found that smectite clay can act as a carbon trap. When water on Mars interacted with olivine, a type of ferrous rock abundant on the planet, it set off a slow chemical reaction that drew CO2 out of the atmosphere and converted it into methane (CH4).
  • Over billions of years, the methane produced by this reaction was absorbed by smectite clay and trapped within the Martian surface.

Mars’ Early Environment:

  • Evidence suggests that Mars once had a thick, carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere that allowed liquid water to exist on its surface. This environment made the planet warmer and wetter, potentially more hospitable for life.
  • However, approximately 3.5 billion years ago, Mars’ atmosphere dramatically thinned, and the surface water dried up, leading to the cold, desert-like conditions we see today.

Comparison with Earth:

  • The study draws a parallel between Earth’s carbon cycle and Mars’. On Earth, smectite clay is known to trap carbon dioxide over millions of years, gradually cooling the planet.
    • However, unlike Earth, Mars lacks tectonic activity, so the formation of smectite clay happened differently. This gives insight into unique planetary processes and the critical role of geology in atmospheric changes.

Implications for Mars Colonization:

  • Methane trapped in the Martian surface could serve as a valuable resource for future missions. Methane can be used as a fuel source or for heating and energy production, making Mars more viable for long-term human habitation.
  • Understanding this geological process can help scientists develop technologies to extract methane from the Martian surface, reducing the dependency on Earth-based resources during future colonization efforts.

About Mars?

  • Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in our solar system.
  • Its soil contains iron oxide, which gives the planet its reddish appearance and thus the name Red Planet.
  • Its surface is covered with craters, valleys, volcanoes, and canyons.
  • Mars’ atmosphere is very thin, consisting primarily of carbon dioxide. Due to this and the lack of a magnetic field, the surface of Mars is exposed to high levels of radiation from the Sun and space.
  • Mars has the tallest mountain in the solar system, Olympus Mons.
  • Liquid water may have existed on Mars, and there’s evidence of ice caps on its poles.
  • Mars has two small, irregularly shaped moons called Phobos and Deimos. They are thought to be captured asteroids.

Mars missions launched by different countries?

  • NASA has a lander (Mars Insight), two rovers (Curiosity and Perseverance), and three orbiters (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Odyssey, MAVEN).
  • ExoMars rover (2021) (European Space Agency)
  • Tianwen-1: China’s Mars Mission (2021)
  • UAE’s Hope Mars Mission (UAE’s first-ever interplanetary mission) (2021)
  • India’s Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) or Mangalyaan (2013)
  • Mars 2 and Mars 3 (1971) (Soviet Union)



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