Q.11) How will the melting of Himalayan glaciers have a far-reaching impact on the water resources of India? (UPSC CSE 2020)(150 words,10-marks)


Introduction: Give context of climate change and global warming and its impact on glaciers.


    • Explain the impact of Himalayan glacier melt on water resources of India.
    • Giver reference to findings of The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment Report.


    • Conclude with need of reducing global warming and climate change.

Increased rate of melting of Himalayan glaciers in recent years is a manifestation of global warming and climate change. Increase in global atmospheric temperatures is resulting into melting ice caps and glaciers are receding year by year.

Rivers of north India originating from Himalayas are fed by melting of these glaciers. Therefore, any changes in glaciers with have far-reaching impact on water resources of India.

Impact on the water resources of India in following way:

    • Major river systems of North India e. Brahmaputra, Ganges, Indus river systems receive water from glacial melt from Himalayas along with rainfall during monsoon.
    • Glacier melt will result into changes in river regimes (changes in volume of water at particular time of the year).
    • Immediate impact: Increasing amount of water flow due to glacial melt will result into floods in there rivers and their tributaries.
    • Long term impact: Receding glaciers will reduce volume of water flow in these rivers and thus there will be draught situation in long term in north Indian plains.
    • Ultimately, it will also reduce the ground water table of north Indian plains region as sufficient ground water recharge will not happen.
    •  Changes in water levels in rivers will affect the hydro-power projects and irrigation projects too. Water availability through irrigation canals will also reduce.


Receding Himalayan glaciers will have far-reaching impact on Himalayan river and overall water resources of north Indian plains region. Therefore, it is very important for us to take efforts towards reducing global warming and climate change.

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