CONTEXT: Quantum computing has recently gained a significant interest in the past decade for its applications in several fields.


What is Quantum Computing?

  • Quantum computing is a process that uses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too large or complex for traditional computers. Quantum computers rely on qubits to run and solve multidimensional quantum algorithms.
    • A qubit is a basic unit of quantum information that can be in a coherent superposition of both states.
      • Qubits are the quantum analog of classical bits, which can only be either 0 or 1 but unlike a normal bit, which can only be 0 or 1, a qubit can also be in a state where it is both at the same time.
      • Qubits can be implemented using various physical systems, such as trapped ions, photons, or superconducting circuits.
  • Quantum computers can perform some calculations exponentially faster than any modern “classical” computer, by taking advantage of quantum phenomena such as superposition and entanglement.
    • In particular, a large-scale quantum computer could break widely used encryption schemes and aid physicists in performing physical simulations.


Key Principles of Quantum Computing:

Quantum Interference:  Quantum Entanglement is where quantum particles interact physically in ways such that the quantum state of each cannot be described independently.

  • Measuring one particle instantaneously affects the others even over long distances. This enables quantum systems to exhibit correlations stronger than any possible classical behaviour.

Superposition: The fundamental principle that enables the power of quantum computing is ‘quantum superposition’.

  • Unlike traditional bits used in classical computers that can exist in only one state (either 0 or 1), quantum bits or ‘qubits’ can exist in a superposition of 0 and 1 simultaneously.

Quantum Interference: The wave-like characteristics of quantum particles cause interference effects between different probability states that can result in constructive or destructive interference analogous to the interference effects seen in waves.

  • This effect is harnessed in quantum algorithms.

Quantum Tunneling: Quantum tunnelling refers to the ability of particles to tunnel through barriers when according to classical physics they do not have enough energy to do so.

  • This principle is critical for the functioning of quantum computer hardware like quantum dots.



  • Drug discovery: Simulating complex molecules to develop new drugs and materials, leading to accelerated medical innovation.
  • Financial modelling: Optimizing economic portfolios and managing risk with unparalleled accuracy and speed.
  • Cryptography: Breaking present encryption strategies and growing new, quantum-resistant ones.
  • Machine learning: Revolutionizing AI via education algorithms on large datasets tons faster, leading to breakthroughs in natural language processing, computer vision, and more.
  • Materials science: Designing novel materials with advanced homes like excessive-temperature superconductors or efficient solar cells.



  • Hardware obstacles: Qubits are fragile and prone to errors, making it difficult to build large, stable quantum computers.
  • Software development: Quantum algorithms are fundamentally unique from classical algorithms, requiring specialised programming languages and techniques.
  • Cost and accessibility: Current quantum computers are expensive and often not accessible to the general public or even smaller research institutions.
  • Security worries: The power of quantum computers poses potential threats to present encryption techniques, necessitating improvement of quantum-resistant cryptography.




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