A recent study has revealed a significant link between high temperatures in the final week of pregnancy and an increased risk of perinatal death in sub-Saharan Africa.

What are Heatwaves:

Heatwaves are prolonged periods of excessively hot weather, which may be accompanied by high humidity. These conditions can last for several days to weeks and often occur during the summer months. The specific definition of a heatwave can vary depending on geographical regions, but it generally refers to temperatures that are significantly higher than the historical averages for that location during a particular season.

What are the factors behind the increase in Heatwaves:

  • High Atmospheric Pressure Systems-Heatwaves occur when high-pressure systems stall over a region. These systems trap warm air near the Earth’s surface and prevent the normal movement of air masses, leading to prolonged periods of hot weather.
  • Climate Variability-Natural climate variations, such as El Nino and La Nina events, influence weather patterns and increase the likelihood of heatwaves. For ex- During El Nino events, warmer ocean waters in the tropical Pacific lead to changes in atmospheric circulation and weather patterns.
  • Drought and Dry Conditions-Prolonged periods of drought and lack of precipitation reduces the overall moisture of the soil, causing the land to heat up more quickly during heat waves.
  • Changes in Wind Patterns-Shifts in wind pattern transports hot air from one region to another which intensifies heat waves in areas that are not typically prone to such extreme temperatures.
  • Geography and Topography-Geographic features and topographical conditions also contribute to the development of heat waves. For ex- Landlocked valleys and regions surrounded by mountains trap hot air and lead to temperature spikes.

What are the impacts of Heatwaves:

  • Human Health: Rapid rises in heat compromises the body’s ability to regulate temperature resulting in a cascade of illnesses, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and hyperthermia.
  • food security: The rise in heat waves increase the probability of droughts, enhance demand of irrigation water, which impacts agricultural production and increases food insecurity.
  • Energy resource: Heatwaves increase the electricity demand for cooling purposes, leading to strain on power grids and potential blackouts.
  • Water Resources: Heatwaves exacerbate water scarcity issues in India due to drying up of water bodies and decrease in the groundwater table. This exacerbates the inter-state conflict over water. For ex- Cauvery water Dispute.
  • Economy: Heatwaves disrupt economic activities, affecting productivity of workers and labourers, lacking the access to reliable electricity for cooling during heatwaves. According to an ILO study at 34°C, workers can lose up to 50% of their work capacity.



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