THE CONTEXT: The 10th edition of the annual bilateral military exercise ‘Mitra Shakti’ between India and Sri Lanka has successfully concluded, as announced by the Indian High Commission on August 24, 2024.


  • This exercise, aimed at strengthening military cooperation and enhancing interoperability between the armed forces of both countries, underscores the growing defence partnership between India and Sri Lanka.

Objectives of the ‘Mitra Shakti’ Exercise

  • The primary objective of ‘Mitra Shakti’ is to enhance interoperability and mutual understanding between the armed forces of India and Sri Lanka.
  • The exercise serves as a platform for both countries to deepen their defence relationship, which is built on professional respect, personal bonds, and extensive training interactions.
  • By participating in these exercises, the armed forces from both nations are able to learn from each other’s best practices, share experiences, and improve their joint operational skills.

Location and Duration of the Exercise

  • The 2024 edition of ‘Mitra Shakti’ took place at the Army Training School in Maduru Oya, Sri Lanka.
  • The exercise spanned over two weeks, commencing on August 12 and concluding on August 24.
  • The choice of location and the duration of the exercise were designed to provide ample time and the appropriate environment for comprehensive training and interaction between the military personnel of both countries.

Focus Areas of Training

  • ‘Mitra Shakti’ focuses on several critical areas of military training and cooperation.
  • Key aspects include building proficiency in tackling transnational terrorism, conducting joint tactical operations, and enhancing combat skills.
  • These focus areas are vital given the increasing challenges posed by terrorism and other security threats in the region.
  • By conducting joint tactical operations, both armies aim to develop a better understanding of each other’s operational procedures, which is crucial for coordinated responses in real-world scenarios.

Evolution of ‘Mitra Shakti’

  • The success of previous editions of ‘Mitra Shakti’ has led to the exercise being upgraded from a combined arms concept to a bi-service level engagement.
  • This upgrade reflects the commitment of both India and Sri Lanka to enhance their defence cooperation to effectively counter the threat of terrorism and address other common security concerns.
  • The evolution of the exercise signifies the strategic importance both countries place on their military collaboration and the shared objective of regional security.

Strategic Importance and Alignment with India’s Policies

  • ‘Mitra Shakti’ is aligned with India’s ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy, which emphasizes building strong and cooperative relations with neighboring countries.
  • Additionally, the exercise supports India’s vision of ‘Security and Growth for All in the Region’ (SAGAR), which aims to ensure regional security and foster economic growth.
  • By engaging in such military exercises, India and Sri Lanka demonstrate their commitment to regional stability and their readiness to collaborate on security issues.

Major Military Exercises of India 

South Asia

  • Bangladesh:           
o    SAMPRITI (Army)

o    Bongo Sagar (Navy)

  • Bhutan:                                            
o    Shakti (Army)
  • Nepal: 
o    Surya Kiran (Army)
  • Sri Lanka:
o    Mitra Shakti (Army)

o    SLINEX (Navy)

Southeast Asia

  • Indonesia:

o    Garuda Shakti (Army)

o    IND-INDO CORPAT (Navy) – Coordinated patrol

o    Samudra Shakti (Navy) – Focus on maritime security and HADR

  • Malaysia: 
o    Harimau Shakti (Army)
  • Singapore:           
o    SIMBEX (Navy) – One of India’s longest-running naval exercises

o    Bold Kurukshetra (Army)

  • Thailand:
o    Maitree (Army)
  • Vietnam
o    VINBAX (Army)

Central Asia

  • Kazakhstan:
o    Prabal Dostyk (Army)
  • Kyrgyzstan: 
o    Khanjar (Army)

East Asia

  • China: 
o    Exercise Hand-in-Hand
  • Japan
o    JIMEX (Navy) – Maritime exercise

o    Dharma Guardian (Army) – Counter-terrorism and urban warfare

o    Shinyuu Maitri (Air Force) – Air combat training

o    Exercise Veer Guardian (Air Force)

  • Mongolia           
o    Nomadic Elephant (Army)

Indian Ocean Region

  • Comoros
o    Exercise Kalam (Coast Guard) – Capacity building
  • France (Reunion Island)
o    Varuna (Navy)
  • Maldives     
o    Ekuverin (Army)
  • Seychelles
o    LAMITIYE (Army)
  • South Africa
o    IBSAMAR (Navy) – Trilateral with Brazil

West Asia

  • Israel
o    Blue Flag (Air Force) – Multinational, occasional participation by India
  • Oman
o    Al Nagah (Army)

o    Naseem-al-Bahr (Navy)

o    Eastern Bridge (Air Force)

  • Saudi Arabia           
o    Al Mohed Al Hindi (Air Force)

o    Sada Tanseeq (Land Forces)

  • UAE
  • Desert Eagle (Air Force)
  • Desert Cyclone (Land Forces)


  • France

o    Varuna (Navy)

o    Garuda (Air Force): Fighter Tactics

o    Shakti (Army)

  • Russia
o    INDRA (Tri-service – Army, Navy, Air Force)
  • UK

o    Konkan (Navy)


North America

  • USA

o    Yudh Abhyas (Army)

o    Vajra Prahar (Special Forces)

o    Cope India (Air Force)

o    Red Flag (Air Force) – Multinational, occasional Indian participation

o    Malabar (Navy) – Quadrilateral with US, Japan, and Australia


  • QUAD
    • Malabar: This naval exercise involving India, the US, Japan, and Australia is a key element of QUAD cooperation, promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific.

SOURCE: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-and-sri-lanka-conclude-regional-military-exercise-mitra-shakti/article68561891.ece

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