THE CONTEXT: The Chandrayaan-3 mission, marked by India’s historic lunar landing, has delivered groundbreaking scientific findings through its Pragyan rover.


  • Operating on the lunar surface for two weeks, Pragyan exceeded expectations by providing valuable data before succumbing to the extreme subzero temperatures of the moon.
  • Among its significant contributions is the discovery of ferroan anorthosite, a type of rock that offers critical insights into the moon’s origins, particularly the ancient magma ocean theory.

The Journey and Achievements of the Pragyan Rover

  • After its deployment from the Vikram lander, Pragyan covered approximately 100 meters on the lunar surface over two weeks, navigating with caution to avoid obstacles that could jeopardize its mission.
  • Throughout this journey, the rover periodically paused to examine the lunar soil using its onboard instruments, such as the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) and the Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS).
  • These instruments were vital in analyzing the composition of lunar dust and rocks.
  • Pragyan’s slow, deliberate movement allowed for precise measurements, crucial for gathering reliable data.
  • The rover’s investigation confirmed the presence of several elements, including sulfur, and detected small rock fragments near crater rims, adding to our understanding of the moon’s geology.

Discovery of Ferroan Anorthosite: A Window into the Moon’s Past

  • The most remarkable discovery from Pragyan’s mission is the detection of ferroan anorthosite in the lunar soil.
  • This rock type, common on Earth, is particularly significant on the moon as it serves as evidence supporting the theory of a primordial magma ocean.
  • The presence of ferroan anorthosite aligns with findings from earlier U.S. Apollo missions and the Soviet Union’s Luna missions in the 1960s, which explored the lunar equator.
  • However, Pragyan’s operation in the lunar south pole region broadens the geographical scope of this evidence, reinforcing the hypothesis that a vast, molten ocean once enveloped the moon’s surface billions of years ago.

The Magma Ocean Hypothesis: Understanding the Moon’s Formation

  • The discovery of ferroan anorthosite by Pragyan provides critical evidence supporting the magma ocean hypothesis, a widely accepted theory explaining the moon’s formation.
  • According to this theory, the moon originated from the debris of a colossal impact between early Earth and a rogue planetary body.
  • This collision left the moon with a molten surface, which gradually cooled and crystallized into various rock types, including ferroan anorthosite.
  • Over time, meteorite impacts pulverized these rocks into fine dust, which now covers the lunar surface.
  • Unlike Earth, where geological processes such as volcanism and plate tectonics continuously renew the surface, the moon’s thin atmosphere and lack of volcanic activity mean that its surface remains relatively unchanged.
  • This makes the moon a unique record of its ancient history, preserved in the dust and rocks that Pragyan has analyzed.

The Role of Meteorite Impacts: The South Pole-Aitken Basin Connection

  • Pragyan’s landing site, named Statio Shiv Shakti, is located near the South Pole-Aitken Basin, the largest known impact crater in the solar system.
  • This basin, approximately 8 kilometers deep and 2,500 kilometers wide, was likely formed by a massive meteorite impact that excavated material from deep within the moon, possibly from its upper mantle.
  • The debris from this impact, mixed with anorthosite dust, was scattered across the lunar surface, including the area explored by Pragyan.
  • Pragyan’s instruments detected an unusually high concentration of magnesium in the lunar soil, a finding consistent with the impact theory.
  • This discovery adds another layer of evidence to the hypothesis that the moon’s surface has been shaped by both its internal geological processes and external impacts over billions of years.

The Importance of In-Situ Analysis: Beyond Orbital Observations

  • Pragyan’s close-up analysis of the lunar surface highlights the limitations of orbital missions.
  • While orbiters can identify elements on the lunar surface, they lack the precision to determine their abundance or to conduct detailed mineralogical studies.
  • Pragyan’s ability to directly interact with the soil and rocks provided a level of detail that orbiters cannot match, enabling scientists to confirm the presence of specific minerals like ferroan anorthosite and to infer their origins.
  • This in-situ analysis also establishes “ground truths” that can be used to validate data collected by previous missions, including Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2.
  • By comparing Pragyan’s findings with orbital data, scientists can refine their models of the moon’s geological history and better understand its evolution.

Ongoing Research and Future Prospects

  • Although the Pragyan rover has completed its mission, the data it collected continues to fuel scientific research.
  • The APXS and LIBS instruments provided a wealth of information that scientists are still analyzing.
  • Future studies will focus on the concentrations of minor elements in the lunar soil, which could reveal further details about the moon’s geological history and the processes that shaped its surface.
  • The Chandrayaan-3 mission has not only achieved its immediate scientific goals but has also laid the groundwork for future lunar exploration.
  • The data from Pragyan will be used to guide upcoming missions, both by ISRO and international space agencies, as they continue to explore the moon’s surface and unravel its mysteries.


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