The evolution of public administration in six overlapping paradigms fails to provide a clear emerging perspective of the discipline. Examine.



1. Write an introduction on PA.

2. Write six paradigms of Henry.

3. Then write how these paradigms fail to clearly show emerging perspectives.

4. Still, they provide some perspectives.

5. Conclude.

INTRODUCTION Public Administration is a highly dynamic discipline which continues to evolve since its inception after Wilson’s essay in 1887 resulting in the development of six overlapping paradigms.

BODY: The concept of ‘paradigms’ is basically associated with social sciences wherein it works as a framework for analysis for similar developments or approaches.  Each paradigm represent a set of similar developments such classical era was marked with formal approach by thinkers. Evolution of public administration has been explained through paradigms or stages or phases. The six overlapping paradigms experienced by Public Administration as per Nicholas Henry are as follows –

How these paradigms fail to provide a clear emerging perspective of the discipline:

Each succeeding paradigm is the rejection of the preceding paradigm.

For establishment of a discipline, each succeeding paradigm should support the preceding one and should provide a base for the next. But, We can see that instead of consolidating the discipline one after another a theory or approach, the concept is rejected by other and it becomes less relevent. It thus lacks a strong footing to establish itself and give concrete overview that where it is heading towards.

Although paradigm6 should’ve given a clear perspective but it is itself multiparadigmatic.

Examine part: But it will be too harsh to say that paradigms fail to provide clarity. Rather they give some clarity in following  ways:

  • Each paradigm connotes theory building and empirical aspects.
  • PA has stable core as opined by Dwight Waldo that is Organisation theory, public policy, financial administration, personnel administration etc.
  • PA has Methodological Pluralisms.
  • Several new concepts are emerging like Neo Weberian State, New Public Service etc. which are motivated by these paradigms.

CONCLUSION: Although it has given some defining contributions but at the same time we can say that there are some contemporary developments in PA which make it highly dynamic. Therefore, due to dynamic nature it faces criticism. Although PA is still an emerging discipline, the MBC-III has given a clear trajectory of the discipline in terms of its subject-matter, method of inquiry and comparative apprroach with the theme of TPA, NPM & NPS.

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