●        Introduction: Define social norms and moral standards in brief.

●        The Body:

○        Differentiate between social norms and moral standards.

○        Write about how social norms determine moral standards.

○        Give examples of social norms of India like, peace, harmony, pluralism etc.

●        Conclusion: End by writing about the importance of coexistence of social norms and moral standards.

Ans. Social norms are unwritten codes of behaviour which emerge through customs, traditions and rituals of the society.  They often reflect shared values, beliefs, and customs, and play a significant role in shaping individuals’ moral perceptions and behaviors.

Some Indian social norms are:

1. Pluralism

2. Tolerance

3. Respect to elders

4. Collective society like ‘we’, our, us

Moral standards, on the other hand, are standards of conduct determined by individuals’ knowledge, belief and values. They have moral elements like rightness and wrongness. They are values like honesty, compassion, tolerance, respect, responsibility, etc.

Social Norms Moral Standards
●        They are unwritten codes accepted by society.

●        They may not deal with rightness or wrongness.

●        They can also be social evils and social taboos which may not be morally right.

●        They are individually accepted codes.

●        They always deal with rightness or wrongness.

●        Social norms can become the basis for determining moral standards.

Even if they have differences still since individuals are part of society, social norms would also influence their individual moral standards. For instance, general Indian social norms can be considered as peace, harmony, pluralism, and tolerance etc., which can also be considered individual moral standards. In fact, social norms strongly determine moral standards and both are inseparable.

However, there is also a complex relation which are as follows:

  • Social norms will not always determine the moral standards as moral standards are more knowledge-oriented, based on rationality and critical thinking of individuals.
  • Some social norms may be inappropriate like gender and caste related social norms are not progressive. (once sati practice in Indian society)
  • Some individuals can have different moral standards which may not match with society like Live-in and LGBT rights.
  • The issues of social morality vs. constitutional morality
  • All social norms don’t have moral elements rather they are like rituals, traditions and practices.

More elaborately, Live-in can be incorporated under the moral standards of individuals who pursue life from the liberal perspective, but it is not in consonance with the social norms of Indian society, which believes in the institution of marriage. Same-sex marriage finds a place in the moral standards of a liberal individual, but the same is not accepted in the social norms of Indian culture.

Conclusion: While society has both social norms and moral standards, it becomes important for both of them to fall in consonance with a peaceful society. The coexistence of different social norms and moral standards can create friction and conflict, but both have their own space, importance and relevance, hence both of them should be given acceptance in the society as a whole for a better upliftment society and individual.

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