Define the term ‘public administration’ and give a description on how the meaning of public administration has undergone changes.



1. Write by introducing Public Administration.

2. Write few definitions of PA.

3. Explain the changing meaning of PA with respect to time.

4. Conclude.

INTRODUCTION: Public Administration started with the definition of action part of the state. But thereafter it started incorporating even policy making and adjudication part of the government.

BODY: Initially it was in 1887 when PA was considered as the execution of policies of the govt. Gradually, the roles played by the govt. broadened so the meaning of PA.

Traditional view (Dichotomy era): Wilson- PA is the detailed and systematic application of law. Every particular act of law is an act of administration.

L.D.White -The art of administration is direction, coordination and control of many persons to achieve some common purpose or objective.

Thinkers opined that PA is the authoritative allocation of resources. The focus of definition remained on public policy execution.

1940s: dichotomy was a rejected and PA was associated with policy and politics. Paul Appleby, “all administration means politics, was definition”.

1960s: PA became interdisciplinary. Nigro and Nigro define PA broader sense which consists of

1. Main focus is policy implementation.

2. Is different from business administration.

3. Helps in policy implementation.

4. Is an independent but interdisciplinary subject.

Nicholas Henry referred PA as amorphous thereby consisting of efficiency, effectiveness, economy, policy making, implementation and evaluation. Thus, here onward, PA became very much dynamic in nature. It was citizen oriented and enhanced the role of state in welfare of the people.

In Minnowbrook Conference III the definition of PA was given as the “socially embedded process of collective relationship, dialogue, and actions to promote human flourishing for all.” PA became more inclusive, broader and comprehensive in approach.

However, there is also a view that it should not be defined. Waldo states that it is difficult to define PA in two lines which is challenging and will lead to mental paralysis indicating that PA has become more interdisciplinary and ever expanding.

It is said that Administaration is a dependent variable and context-driven. And the environment is never static so administration is also never static rathe ‘ever changing and evolving’.

CONCLUSION: Neverthless, Waldo also correctly defined some core which do not change wrt time and periphery which keep changing. It means eveen if the maning has undergon changes still there is core aspect which largeely remians stable.The dynamic nature of meaning should be seen in this context.

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