●        Introduction: Introduce with the current social conditions and their relation with practicality.

●        The Body:

○        Categorize different human actions like Ideal, Practical and Unexpected/wrong and basics about it.

○        Explain how different human situations influence human actions.

○        Then write about the human nature and its relation with emotions-the examine part of the answer

○        Relate with any philosophy like Buddha’s philosophy and Ashoka’s dhamma.

●        Conclusion: End with a positive note by saying that life is based on practical and emotional basis.

Ans. With increasing social constraints and challenges in life, the perception of humans seems to have transitioned from ideal to practical. Humans have become more situation-driven then driven by morality and ethics. A practical approach to human life has become the new yardstick.

In general, human actions can be divided into two heads:

●        Ideal: Ideal human action means what ought to be done also known as normative standards

●        Practical: Practical human action means what one lives or does as per the situation

The way of life a human will follow depends on the situation, which can be normal or challenging and, in both cases, the decisions and actions will differ. For instance, when a family faces financial hardship, their spending pattern will not be like the one during regular time. Again, during the Covid-19 pandemic, numerous social gatherings and activities were forbidden; people were required to wear masks.

It means people had to behave as per situation. Even in ethics, there are determinants which include:

1. Intention and purpose

2. Circumstances

3. Consequences

However, practical action may not necessarily be ethical. Practical action also has negative connotation that -be practical means take bribe also.

Nevertheless, human, by its very nature, is also rhetorical and emotional. Emotions are something which distinguishes humans from animals. Aristotle says, human is social, political and ethical animal. The concept of emotional intelligence also says that human cannot act without emotions and feelings. Human doesn’t want to be merely practical but also reactionary, impactful and expressive. Like, during festivals humans show more rhetoric and emotions than in normal times.

Humans also face emotional problems. For instance, during the lockdown, numerous people faced emotional crises instead of practicality which suggests being emotionally strong during such circumstances.

As can be seen in the life of Buddha that how the suffering of people changed the way and virtue of his life. Again, during the war of Kalinga, King Ashoka changed his approach towards his rule and followed the principles of Dhammaghosa rather than Bherighosha.

Conclusion: Therefore, living life based on situations is one aspect of human conduct. Emotions bring basis and motive for life because emotions also result in building bonds rather than only living life based on practicality and utility. Emotional intelligence can teach a better way of life than living life based on just utility.

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