

1.  Write an introduction.

2. Write some basics about governance and good governance.

3. Then write how government was transformed into governance.

4. Then write why governance is a prerequisite for GG.

5. Conclude.

NOTE: Elucidate command means there shouldn’t be criticism or counter arguments.

INTRODUCTION: Public Administration experiences governance in its 6th paradigm which is also known as governance paradigm. It also profoundly influences the emergence of good governance.

BODY: World Bank defines “In the manner authority is exercised for the management of social and economic resources to promote development”. It is also considered as collectively solving the problems of the society. Good Governance is governance plus. It is value laden governance. It is about the citizens and being responsive to their problems by providing solutions and ensuring satisfaction. Good governance as a term and concept is new, but as a practice, it is not new.

Context: Government to Governance

Until 1989, the state was largely having characteristics of Traditional PA that is big government wherein government was solely responsible for welfare of its citizens. Therefore, it was marred by problems of excessive responsibility and paved the way for governance and good governance.

Governance and Good governance were conceptualised gradually in a series of reports given by World Bank beginning with its report on Sub-Saharan Africa in 1989, 1992 and 1997.

Now shift from government to governance was to improve the methods and quality of service delivery to its citizens. There was an emphasis on replacement of poor govt. with effective governance.

Then LPG/New Rights Philosophy/NPM opined that there is no need for big government but effective governance.

How governance provides ecology for Good governance?

Government is regarded as dominant but governance leads to destatisation or reducing the role of the state. Overall, governance starts other stakeholders like private and third sectors to deliver services. This results into limited government and such processes help in good governance type of environment.

Governance is the paradigm wherein state starts shedding itself giving more roles to the third sector. This is the prerequisite for GG to flourish. It is necessary that the state is decentralized, democratized and Rule of Law is present and state has recognition to other stakeholders as well. In this way, GG will further the characteristics of 3Es, participation and consensus-oriented governance.

It’s evident from the fact that in western countries there is governance environment, all stakeholders play dominant role so there is prevalence of good governance. On the other hand, in developing countries, there is lack of governance environment so is the deficit of GG.

In the context of India, we can see how since 1991, the state has followed disaggregation and created an ecosystem for better governance. Like, most of the programs and schemes today are effectively implemented vis-à-vis in past including SBM, MGNREGA, BBBP, etc.

CONCLUSION: However, it can be used interchangeably that good governance is required as an ecology for effective governance. Also, it can be said that under the influence of LPG, Washington Consensus, the new right philosophy and NPM, the Traditional PA started vanishing and these phenomena provided both governance and good governance to come in vogue.

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