THE CONTEXT: The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) members reaffirmed their dedication to advancing human-centric and trustworthy AI.


  • During the sixth GPAI Ministerial Council meeting, held on the first day of the Global India AI summit in Delhi, participants emphasized strengthening synergies to harness AI’s potential for the benefit of all.
  • The members celebrated Serbia’s election as the lead chair of GPAI for 2024-25.
  • The annual summit of the 29-member GPAI group is scheduled to take place in Serbia later this year.

Key Points of the Consensus Agenda

  • Acknowledging AI Risks and Challenges
    • The members recognized the emerging risks and challenges associated with AI systems.
    • This acknowledgment underscores the need for careful and ethical management of AI technologies to ensure they are developed and deployed responsibly.
  • Commitment to Trustworthy and Human-Centric AI
    • A central theme of the meeting was the collective commitment to fostering AI that is both trustworthy and human-centric.
    • This approach aims to ensure that AI technologies are designed and used in ways that prioritize human well-being and ethical considerations.
  • Adherence to International Recommendations
    • The GPAI members committed to following the OECD recommendation on AI and the UNESCO recommendation on the ethics of AI.
    • These guidelines provide a framework for developing AI that aligns with global ethical standards and promotes the responsible use of AI technologies.
  • New Delhi 2023 GPAI Ministerial Declaration
    • The members agreed to adhere to the New Delhi 2023 GPAI Ministerial declaration.
    • This declaration outlines the shared vision and goals of the GPAI members, emphasizing the importance of ethical and inclusive AI development.

Future Vision for GPAI

  • Integrated Partnership with OECD
    • A significant outcome of the meeting was the agreement to renew the vision for GPAI through an integrated partnership with the OECD.
    • This partnership aims to bring together all current OECD members and GPAI countries on an equal footing under the GPAI brand, based on the OECD recommendation on AI.
  • Promoting Synergies with Other AI Initiatives
    • The GPAI forum stressed the importance of promoting synergies with AI initiatives launched in other international groupings such as the G20, G7 (including the Hiroshima AI Process), the Council of Europe, and the 2023 Bletchley Park AI Safety Summit.
    • By aligning with these initiatives, GPAI aims to foster a more coordinated and effective global approach to AI governance.

India’s Role in the Global AI Discourse

  • The 2024 GPAI New Delhi meeting and the consensus reached highlight India’s leadership in the global AI discourse.
  • India’s pivotal role in steering the ethical and inclusive development of AI is expected to pave the way for achieving GPAI’s objectives of harnessing AI’s potential for good.
  • The renewed integrated partnership in achieving GPAI’s goals is crucial and highlighted India’s contributions to the global AI community.

Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI)

  • The Global Partnership in Artificial Intelligence was launched on June 15, 2020.
  • It is a multi-stakeholder initiative that was developed by the G7 alliance.
  • Its objective is to fill the gap between theory and practice on artificial intelligence by promoting cutting-edge research and related activities.
  • This initiative promotes global cooperation on artificial intelligence technology by bringing together experts from fields like science, industry, civil society, governments, international bodies and academia on a single platform.
  • 29 international partners have joined together to guide the responsible development and use of artifical intelligence, grounded in human rights, inclusion, diversity, innovation and economic growth:
  • Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India (Lead Chair 2024), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan (Outgoing Chair 2024), Republic of Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Senegal, Serbia (Incoming Chair 2024), Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Türkiye, United Kingdom, United States, European Union.


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