THE CONTEXT: The academic year of 2022-23 witnessed significant disruptions in university admissions across India due to implementing the National Testing Agency (NTA)-run Common University Entrance Test (CUET) for undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), a prominent institution, exemplified the challenges central universities face under the NTA regime, highlighting issues of autonomy, administrative inefficiencies, and the controversial decision to abandon its traditional entrance exams.


  • Delays in Admissions: The introduction of the CUET regime led to unprecedented delays in admissions for the academic year 2022-23. PhD admissions, for instance, were delayed by eight months, completing only by mid-March 2023. This disrupted the academic calendar and caused significant inconvenience to students and universities alike.
  • Loss of University Autonomy: The CUET regime represented a significant shift in control over admissions from individual universities to the NTA. Universities like Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), which had a long tradition of conducting their entrance exams, were forced to adopt the NTA’s multiple-choice question format despite internal opposition from faculty and students. This shift was seen as an erosion of university autonomy.
  • Critique of Exam Format: University administrations, including the vice chancellor of JNU, critiqued the multiple-choice question format imposed by the NTA. The format was considered inadequate for assessing the diverse competencies required for various academic programs, particularly at the postgraduate and doctoral levels.
  • Inconsistencies and Lack of Transparency: The decision-making process regarding adopting the CUET and the role of the NTA lacked transparency. For example, the JNU Vice Chancellor’s claim that the Ministry of Education mandated using the NTA for entrance exams contradicted the UGC Regulations, 2022, which allowed universities to conduct their entrance exams. Additionally, no clear contract or mandate was found through Right to Information queries.
  • Impact on Academic Calendar: The delays caused by the CUET regime had a cascading effect on universities’ academic calendars. The timely completion of admissions and the start of the academic session were disrupted, affecting the overall academic planning and scheduling for the year.
  • Nexus Between UGC, NTA, and University Administrations: There is an apprehension of collusion between the UGC, NTA, and the Vice Chancellors of central universities in promoting the CUET regime. This nexus suppresses internal critique and concerns about the exams’ mode, format, and security, undermining the universities’ autonomy and functioning.


  • Decentralization of Entrance Exams: Allow universities to conduct their entrance exams for PhD and other programs, as per the University Grants Commission (UGC) Regulations, 2022. Decentralization can lead to more tailored and relevant assessments that are better aligned with the specific requirements of individual programs and institutions. Before the NTA regime, JNU conducted its entrance exams for nearly 50 years without significant issues, ensuring timely admissions and maintaining high academic standards.
  • Strengthening Exam Security and Transparency: Implement robust security measures and transparent processes to prevent paper leaks and other malpractices in NTA-conducted exams. The US Educational Testing Service (ETS) employs advanced security measures, including biometric verification and AI-based proctoring, to maintain the integrity of standardized tests like the SAT.
  • Timely Declaration of Results: Establish clear timelines and accountability mechanisms to ensure the timely declaration of exam results, minimizing disruptions to the academic calendar. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in India has implemented a system of phased result declaration, ensuring that results are announced within a specified timeframe.
  • Enhanced Collaboration with Universities: Foster closer collaboration between the NTA and universities to align exam formats and schedules with the specific needs of different institutions. Where universities have a say in the design and implementation of entrance exams, ensuring that they meet academic standards and institutional requirements. The collaboration between the NTA and the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) has been cited as a model for effective partnership in conducting standardized tests.
  • Comprehensive Review and Reform of the NTA: Conduct a thorough review of the NTA’s functioning and implement necessary reforms to address identified issues, including governance, operational efficiency, and stakeholder engagement. Periodic reviews and reforms to ensure that testing agencies remain efficient, transparent, and responsive to the needs of students and institutions. The recent high-level committee chaired by former ISRO chairman K. Radhakrishnan to review the NTA’s processes and seek stakeholder feedback is a step in the right direction


The delays and irregularities experienced during the 2022-23 academic year underscore the need for a thorough review and potential reform of the NTA’s role in higher education admissions. To restore confidence in the system, it is imperative that universities are allowed to conduct their entrance exams by the UGC Regulations, 2022, and that any future directives from the NTA are implemented transparently and with adequate oversight.


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Q.2 National Education Policy 2020 conforms with the Sustainable Development Goal-4 (2030). It intends to restructure and reorient the education system in India. Critically examine the statement. 2020

Q.3 Should premier institutes like IITs/IIMs be allowed to retain premier status, allow more academic independence in designing courses, and decide the mode/criteria of selection of students? Discuss considering the growing challenges. 2014


Q.1 Critically analyze the implications of the NTA’s role in university admissions, focusing on the challenges universities face and the broader impact on India’s higher education system. Suggest measures to address these challenges and restore the autonomy and efficiency of university admissions.


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