July 2, 2024

Lukmaan IAS

A Blog for IAS Examination




THE CONTEXT: Union Minister inaugurated two significant Geoportals developed by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO): ‘Bhuvan Panchayat (Ver. 4.0)’ for rural land records and the ‘National Database for Emergency Management (NDEM Ver. 5.0)’ for disaster management.


  • These portals aim to leverage space technology for practical applications in rural development and disaster management, reflecting the ongoing reforms under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration.

Bhuvan Panchayat Portal (Version 4.0)

  • The Bhuvan Panchayat portal supports the “Space-based Information Support for Decentralized Planning (SISDP)” initiative.
  • This portal is designed to empower citizens at the grassroots level, particularly within Panchayats, by providing high-resolution satellite imagery at a 1:10,000 scale across the country.
  • It is a tool for visualizing and planning rural land records.


  • Decentralized Planning: Facilitates decentralized planning by providing accurate and up-to-date spatial information to local governance bodies.
  • Empowerment: Empowers citizens by making land records accessible digitally, reducing dependency on local administrative bodies.
  • Corruption Reduction: Enhances transparency in land record management, which can help reduce corruption at the grassroots level.
  • Ease of Living: Promotes ease of living by streamlining land record access and management through digital means.

National Database for Emergency Management (NDEM Version 5.0)

  • NDEM Ver. 5.0 is aimed at providing space-based inputs on natural disasters to aid in disaster risk reduction in India and neighboring countries.
  • This portal integrates space technology to monitor, predict, and manage disaster-related information.
  • Benefits
    • Disaster Risk Reduction: Provides crucial information for disaster risk reduction, enabling proactive measures to mitigate impacts.
    • Early Warning System: Enhances early warning systems for natural disasters, helping administrations prepare and respond effectively.
    • Land Use Monitoring: Monitors land use and land cover changes (LULC), aiding in environmental and urban planning.
    • Continuous Monitoring: Establishes a command center for continuous monitoring and management of disaster-related data.

Background and Vision

  • Historical Context
    • Union Minister highlighted that the launch of these geoportals is part of the broader reforms introduced by Prime Minister over the past decade.
    • The efforts began with a brainstorming session in 2015-16, focusing on the applications of space technology for infrastructure development, planning, disaster risk reduction, land record management, weather forecasting, and agricultural development.
  • ISRO’s Role and Achievements
    • The organization’s advancements have made space technology a household name.
    • ISRO’s initiatives align with the vision of Vikram Sarabhai, the founding father of India’s space program, who believed in the multifaceted impact of space technology on everyday life, including telemedicine, digital connectivity, and safety measures like identifying unmanned railway crossings.
  • Government Policies and Private Sector Participation
    • Government’s commitment to integrating various services for the benefit of common citizens have been emphasized.
    • The significant increase in private sector participation in the space industry, growing from one startup in 2022 to over 200 in 2024, with nearly 1000 crore rupees of private investment has been highlighted.
  • Public Engagement
    • The government’s decision to open Sriharikota’s gates during the Chandrayaan launch for public viewing exemplifies its efforts to engage the masses and showcase India’s prowess in the space sector.

SOURCE: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=2029385

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