June 29, 2024

Lukmaan IAS

A Blog for IAS Examination




THE CONTEXT: Srinagar has earned the prestigious ‘World Craft City’ designation from the World Crafts Council (WCC), a significant recognition of the region’s rich craft heritage.


  • This achievement is expected to revitalize Kashmir’s centuries-old connections with craft centers in Central Asia and Iran, bolstering the local economy and promoting its artisans globally.

Recognition by the World Crafts Council

  • The World Crafts Council, a non-governmental organization dedicated to empowering artisans and preserving craft heritage worldwide, awarded Srinagar the World Craft City (WCC) tag.
  • This recognition follows a detailed assessment of Srinagar’s craft centers by the WCC’s sub-committee earlier this year.

Historical Significance of Kashmir’s Craft Heritage

  • Srinagar’s designation as a World Craft City spotlights a region with a documented history of over 4,000 years.
  • The city’s craft scene, particularly renowned for shawls, carpets, and papier-mâché, underwent significant transformation in the 14th century with the arrival of Persian and Central Asian artisans.
  • These influences have shaped Kashmir’s craft traditions, making them unique and highly valued.

The Impact of Persian Influence

  • Kashmir’s shawl and carpet industry has been profoundly influenced by Persian artisans.
  • Many carpet designs are named after Iranian cities such as Kashan and Tabriz, reflecting the deep-rooted connection between these cultures.
  • This historical exchange has enriched Kashmir’s craft repertoire, making its products highly sought after globally.

Benefits of the World Craft City Tag

Economic and Cultural Revival

  • This recognition brings much-needed attention to Kashmir’s craftsmen, who have been creating masterpieces for generations.
  • The tag will promote genuine crafts and craftsmen, aiding in the sector’s revival through Geographical Indication tags, craft tours, and supportive policies from the handicrafts and handloom department.

Economic Impact on Kashmir’s Handicraft Sector

  • The recognition has already begun to show positive effects on Kashmir’s handicraft sector.
  • In the past five years, the sector has seen a significant increase in exports, doubling from Rs. 1,000 to 2,000 crores.
  • This upward mobility is benefiting artisans by providing sustainable income opportunities and enhancing global demand for their products.

Enhancing Global Recognition and Opportunities

  • WCC tag will offer long-term benefits to artisans by boosting global recognition and demand for Kashmir’s handicrafts.
  • It will provide opportunities for sustainable income through increased sales and tourism, support skill preservation, and facilitate access to networks for collaboration and growth.

Previous Recognitions and Future Prospects

  • In 2021, Srinagar also earned the title of UNESCO Creative City under Crafts and Folk Art.
  • This previous recognition, combined with the recent WCC tag, has infused new energy into Kashmir’s craft scene, which had been in obscurity for several decades.
  • These accolades are pivotal in promoting Kashmir’s rich cultural heritage on the global stage.

World Crafts Council

  • The World Crafts Council AISBL (WCC-AISBL) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 1964.
  • It aims to promote fellowship, foster economic development through income generating craft related activities, organize exchange programs, workshops, conferences, seminars, and exhibitions—and in general, to offer encouragement, help, and advice to the craftspersons of the world.
  • The organization is now formally registered in Belgium as an international organization and AISBL is there the French shortcut for an international association without lucrative purpose.
  • The WCC is organised into five regions: Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and North America.
  • The organization is affiliated to UNESCO.
  • The WCC was founded in 1964 by Kamaladevi Chattopadhay and Aileen Osborn Webb (who had founded the American Craft Council in 1943.
  • The WCC (Europe) meets once a year and the 2011 meeting was held in Dublin, Ireland.

SOURCE: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/jammu-and-kashmir/srinagars-world-craft-city-tag-allows-kashmir-to-re-connect-globally/article68328550.ece#:~:text=Srinagar%20has%20earned%20the%20World,in%20Central%20Asia%20and%20Iran

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