THE CONTEXT: The Kerala Legislative Assembly has passed a resolution to rename the state from ‘Kerala’ to ‘Keralam’.


  • The state is referred to as ‘Keralam’ in Malayalam, the native language. Despite this, it continues to be officially recorded as ‘Kerala’.
  • The resolution aims to align the official name with the local pronunciation, thereby honoring the linguistic and cultural identity of the state.
  • This move seeks to amend the First Schedule of the Indian Constitution to reflect the state’s name as it is pronounced in Malayalam.
  • This resolution follows a similar attempt made in 2023, which was returned by the Central government due to procedural issues.

Background and Context

  • In 2023, the Kerala Assembly passed a resolution to change the state’s name to ‘Keralam’ across all languages listed in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.
  • However, the Central government returned the resolution, citing procedural errors.
  • The state was advised by the Union Home Ministry to focus solely on amending the First Schedule of the Constitution.
  • Consequently, the revised resolution passed on June 24, 2024, adheres to this guidance.
  • The proposed name change invokes Article 3 of the Indian Constitution, which empowers the Parliament to create new states or alter the boundaries, names, or other characteristics of existing states.
  • This requires a Constitutional amendment, specifically modifying the First Schedule, which lists all the states and union territories of India along with their territorial extent.

Procedure to change the name of a state

  • The Parliament has the power to change the name of a state.
  • The Constitution of India gives the parliament power to alter the name of a state under Article 3.
  • Article 3 of the Constitution explicitly lays down a procedure to alter the area, boundaries, or name of a state.
  • The procedure to be followed for changing the name of a state is:

1. The Parliament or State Legislative Assembly may present a bill for such alterations. In Parliament, the bill cannot be presented without a recommendation from the President.

2. States which are going to get affected by such changes, the legislation of that state must be presented with the bill. The State Legislature may present its views on the bill within the prescribed time period. The views or suggestions of the State Legislature are not enforceable against the President or The Parliament.

3. Although it may seem the step of no value, it is essential to maintain the spirit of federalism. It is necessary to consult the state as it will be affecting it.

4. After receiving the suggestions of the State Legislative Assembly or after the expiration of the limited time period the bill goes back to the Parliament. Then the bill gets further deliberated upon in the Parliament.

5. The bill like any ordinary bill must be passed with a simple majority of 50%+1 vote.

6. The bill is next sent for ratification to the President.

7. After the approval is given by the President. He shall sign the bill and the bill will become an Act. The Act will be enforced and the name of the state will be changed for good.


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