July 1, 2024

Lukmaan IAS

A Blog for IAS Examination



THE CONTEXT: Israel’s war on Gaza has raised several ethical, political, and diplomatic questions. One diplomatic development that has attracted much interest is Palestine’s renewed application for membership in the United Nations (U.N.). Ironically, its quest is stuck at the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) due mainly to the geopolitical calculations of the U.S., which argued that membership should follow and not precede a negotiated solution to the long-standing conflict.


  • Geopolitical Calculations and U.S. Veto: The S. has consistently vetoed Palestine’s application for full U.N. membership, arguing that membership should follow a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict rather than precede it. This veto power has been a significant barrier to Palestine’s quest for full membership.
  • Historical Context and Previous Attempts: Palestine’s quest for U.N. membership is not a new one. A similar attempt in 2011 was also blocked by a U.S. veto. Since then, Palestine has held non-member observer status, allowing participation in U.N. proceedings without voting rights.
  • UNGA’s Support and Resolution: In May 2024, the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) overwhelmingly adopted a resolution affirming Palestine’s eligibility for full membership and urged the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) to reconsider the matter favorably. This resolution, however, does not grant full membership but enhances Palestine’s participatory rights within the U.N.
  • Norms and Procedural Thresholds for Membership: The U.N. requires that membership seekers be “peace-loving” states capable of fulfilling the obligations of the U.N. Charter. The procedural threshold for admission is high, requiring a recommendation from the UNSC without any veto from its five permanent members (P5). This procedural requirement has been a significant hurdle for Palestine.
  • India’s Support and Historical Stance: India has supported Palestine’s bid for full U.N. membership, aligning with its historical stance of supporting state applicants without discrimination. India’s support is part of its commitment to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  • Potential Future Scenarios and Diplomatic Implications: While exploring various theoretical options for Palestine’s membership, including the possibility of the U.S. abstaining from a veto or the UNGA taking bold tactical moves to enhance Palestine’s status. There may be a potential diplomatic fallout, such as Israel’s possible reaction and the broader implications for international diplomacy.


  • Resumption of Direct Negotiations: One of the most realistic and feasible solutions is the resumption of direct peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine. This approach aligns with the U.S. stance that Palestinian statehood should result from direct talks addressing critical issues such as security, boundaries, and the future of Jerusalem. The international community, including the UN, could facilitate and mediate these negotiations to ensure they are productive and lead to a two-state solution.
  • Incremental Enhancement of Palestine’s UN Status: While full membership may be blocked by the U.S. veto, the UN General Assembly can continue to enhance Palestine’s participatory rights within the organization. This includes granting additional privileges such as the right to introduce proposals, participate in debates, and be elected to committees. These incremental steps can strengthen Palestine’s position and influence within the UN, even without full membership.
  • International Diplomatic Pressure: The international community can pressure the U.S. to reconsider its veto stance. This could involve coordinated efforts by countries that support Palestinian membership, leveraging their bilateral relations with the U.S. to advocate for a more favorable position. Additionally, public opinion and advocacy by international organizations can play a role in influencing U.S. policy.
  • Humanitarian and Development Assistance: Addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the West Bank can create a more stable environment conducive to peace negotiations. The international community can increase humanitarian aid and development assistance to Palestine, improving living conditions and fostering a sense of hope and stability among the Palestinian population. This approach can also build goodwill and support for future political solutions.
  • UNGA Resolution for Conditional Membership: The UN General Assembly could pass a resolution that sets clear conditions for Palestine’s total membership, contingent on specific milestones achieved in the peace process. This conditional approach can provide a structured pathway to membership, incentivizing both parties to engage in meaningful negotiations and adhere to agreed-upon terms. Such a resolution must outline the steps and criteria for achieving full membership, ensuring transparency and accountability.


Palestine’s quest for full UN membership remains stuck due to geopolitical calculations, particularly the veto power wielded by the U.S. in the Security Council. While the General Assembly has strongly supported Palestine’s application, a way forward remains unclear, given the complex procedural and political hurdles involved. Granting Palestine enhanced privileges short of full membership could be an interim step to signal that the international community stands against the use of force to deny a people’s legitimate aspirations.


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Q.2 International aid’ is an accepted form of helping ‘resource-challenged’ nations. Comment on ‘ethics in contemporary international aid’. Support your answer with suitable examples. 2023

Q.3 Refugees should not be returned to the country where they would face prosecution or human rights violation.” Examine the statement concerning the ethical dimension violated by the nation claiming to be democratic with an open society. 2021

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Discuss the challenges and implications of Palestine’s quest for full membership in the United Nations. How do geopolitical considerations, particularly the role of the United States, influence this process? How does India’s stance reflect its historical and diplomatic principles?



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