THE CONTEXT: The Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) stands as a cornerstone in international trade architecture, offering developed countries a mechanism to incentivize economic reform in developing nations through reduced tariffs. For nearly fifty years, this approach has served as the oldest and most extensive method of “aid for trade” within the framework of the World Trade Organization, embodying a commitment to fostering global economic development and cooperation.


  • Expiration and Renewal of GSP: The S. GSP program expired on December 31, 2020, and its renewal is pending Congressional action. The program’s periodic expiration and the need for legislative renewal create uncertainty and challenges in maintaining stable trade benefits for developing countries.
  • Economic Impact of GSP: GSP is vital in providing market access for developing countries, supporting small businesses, and reducing tariff costs for American companies. It promotes economic development by eliminating duties on thousands of products from designated beneficiary countries.
  • Bipartisan Support for GSP: The U.S. strongly supports renewing the GSP program. This support is driven by the program’s benefits in diversifying supply chains away from China, reducing tariff bills, and promoting economic reforms in beneficiary countries.
  • S.-India Trade Relations: The U.S.-India trade relationship has grown significantly, with bilateral trade reaching around $200 billion. However, there is potential for further growth, and GSP renewal could facilitate broader trade negotiations between the two countries.
  • Negotiation Challenges: Despite progress in trade dialogues, the U.S. has refrained from negotiating new Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). This limits the tools available to achieve ambitious trade results with India. GSP renewal could be an effective alternative to FTAs, providing a platform for negotiating trade benefits and regulatory reforms.
  • Strategic Partnership and Trade Ambitions: The U.S. and India are strategic partners in the Indo-Pacific region, and they desire to enhance their trade relationship. GSP renewal could be a significant step in this direction, supporting higher trade ambitions and reinforcing their strategic partnership.


  • Legislative Renewal Challenges: Strengthen bipartisan coalitions to advocate for GSP renewal, emphasizing its economic and strategic benefits. Launch campaigns to educate the public and stakeholders about GSP’s benefits, thereby increasing pressure on Congress to act.
  • Market Access for Developing Countries: Implement temporary trade facilitation measures to support affected businesses until GSP is renewed. Encourage diversification of export markets and products to reduce dependency on GSP benefits.
  • Alternatives to Chinese Imports: Foster strategic trade partnerships with other developing countries to create a robust network of alternative suppliers. Provide incentives for local production and sourcing to reduce dependency on imports.
  • Promoting Labour and Environmental Reforms: Link other aid and trade benefits to implementing labor and environmental reforms. Invest in capacity-building initiatives to help developing countries meet GSP criteria independently.
  • S.-India Trade Relationship: Pursue interim trade agreements focusing on key sectors like technology, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture. Increase high-level trade dialogues to maintain momentum and prepare for comprehensive negotiations once GSP is renewed.
  • Regulatory Certainty and Ease of Doing Business: Implement regulatory reforms to simplify business processes and enhance transparency. Establish bilateral working groups to address specific regulatory and business environment issues.


As the U.S.-India strategic partnership deepens, leveraging the GSP could significantly enhance their trade relationship, offering a pathway to more ambitious trade negotiations and economic collaboration. While GSP alone may not resolve all trade challenges, its renewal and effective utilization could symbolize a shared commitment to achieving greater economic integration and mutual prosperity, underscoring the importance of this time-tested trade tool in the modern era of global commerce.


Q. What introduces friction between India and the United States is that Washington can still not find a position in India’s global strategy that would satisfy India’s national self-esteem and ambitions.” Explain with suitable examples. 2019


Q. Discuss the significance of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) in the context of the U.S.-India trade relationship. Evaluate the potential impacts of renewing the GSP on bilateral trade dynamics and the broader strategic partnership between the two countries.


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