THE CONTEXT: The recent adoption of a declaration on forest protection during the 19th United Nations Forum for Forests (UNFF) underscores the global commitment to addressing pressing environmental challenges such as deforestation, climate change, and biodiversity loss.


  • The recent adoption of a declaration on forest protection by countries at the 19th United Nations Forum for Forests (UNFF) signifies a collective commitment towards preserving and safeguarding the world’s forests.

Deforestation Concerns and Collective Action

  • UNFF19 Chair asserted that deforestation constitutes a crime against nature underscores the gravity of the issue and the urgency for collective action.
  • The recent report “International Forest Governance for the Future: From Criticism to Alternatives” released on May 9 showed that between 2010 and 2023, the rate of deforestation has reduced from 13 million hectares to 10 million hectares per year.
  • Director general of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) stated that some progress has been achieved since the UN Strategic Plan on Forests was adopted. But he stressed that the members have only six years left to increase the forest cover by 3 per cent by 2023.

Sustainable Forest Management and Community Engagement

  • Importance of Sustainable Practices: There has been significant significance on sustainable forest management and community engagement in mitigating forest fragmentation and promoting conservation efforts.
  • Scientific Efforts and International Cooperation: The need for scientific research, strengthened international cooperation, and addressing unsustainable consumption patterns to combat deforestation effectively has been emphasized.

National Initiatives and Policy Measures

  • National Policies and Initiatives:
    • Ministers from countries like Ivory Coast, Qatar, and Democratic Republic of Congo highlight national policies and initiatives aimed at reversing deforestation trends, promoting reforestation, and protecting forested areas.
  • Reforestation Efforts:
    • Qatar’s reforestation initiatives, including tree planting and water recycling, exemplify proactive measures towards environmental conservation and sustainable resource management.
  • Protected Areas and Agroforestry:
    • The Democratic Republic of Congo’s commitment to protecting forested areas and promoting agroforestry demonstrates a multifaceted approach to conservation and resilience against climate-related events.
  • Financial Support and Investment:
    • Romania’s investment in supporting small forest owners and improving monitoring systems underscores the importance of financial support and technological infrastructure in forest management.

Embracing Technology for Forest Monitoring

  • Technological Innovations: Paraguay and India’s initiatives in utilizing technology for forest monitoring and decision-making highlight the pivotal role of innovative mechanisms in enhancing forest supervision and management.
  • Data-Driven Approaches: Thailand’s emphasis on increasing forest cover through data-driven strategies underscores the importance of leveraging technology for evidence-based conservation efforts.

United Nations Forum for Forests (UNFF):

  • The UN Forum on Forests is a functional commission of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) with universal membership.
  • Since its establishment in 2000, the Forum has set many milestones including the first UN Forest Instrument in 2007, the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network (GFFFN) in 2015, and adoption of the first UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2030 and its six Global Forest Goals in 2017.
  • 2024 marks the 19th session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF19).
  • UNFF19 is a historic session, as the Forum undertakes its midterm review of the International Arrangement on Forests.
  • By assessing progress made and identifying gaps, the review will chart the course towards 2030 – to ensure achievement of the Global Forest Goals and accelerate progress towards the SDGs.
  • The key outcomes of the session will be a High-Level Segment declaration and an omnibus resolution, which will include the outcome of the midterm review as well as the new Quadrennial Programme of Work of the Forum for 2025-2028.

SOURCE: https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/forests/unff-countries-adopt-declaration-on-forest-protection-emphasise-on-adopting-technology-for-monitoring-96096

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