THE CONTEXT: Recent intensive modeling studies have challenged conventional wisdom regarding methane emissions, suggesting that microbes, rather than fossil fuels, have been the primary contributors to the increase in atmospheric methane concentrations in recent years.


  • This shift in understanding has significant implications for climate policy and underscores the need for accurate data and modeling approaches to address methane emissions effectively.
  • A team at the Research Institute for Global Change in Japan have been conducting extensive simulations to understand the dynamics of methane emissions over the past 50 years.
  • Their research aims to identify the sources of methane in the atmosphere and analyze how these sources have evolved over time.
  • The team’s findings have highlighted a significant increase in methane concentrations, with microbial sources emerging as the primary contributors in recent decades.

Methane: A Potent Greenhouse Gas

  • Methane is the second most abundant anthropogenic greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide, with a much higher warming potential over shorter periods.
  • While methane emissions from fossil fuel extraction and burning have long been recognized as significant contributors to atmospheric methane, recent research suggests that microbial sources, particularly methanogens, play a crucial role in methane production.
  • Methane emissions can be broadly categorized into biogenic and thermogenic sources.
    • Biogenic methane originates from microbial action, particularly from methanogens thriving in oxygen-deficient environments such as wetlands, rice paddies, and animal digestive tracts.
    • In contrast, thermogenic methane is released during the extraction and processing of fossil fuels.
  • To differentiate between biogenic and thermogenic methane sources, researchers track the isotopic composition of methane molecules.
  • Methane from biological sources tends to have fewer carbon-13 atoms, while methane from thermogenic sources contains more carbon-13.
  • By analyzing methane isotopes, researchers can discern the relative contributions of biogenic and thermogenic methane to atmospheric concentrations.

Supercomputer Simulations

  • The team utilized supercomputer simulations to analyze methane isotopes collected from monitoring sites worldwide since the 1990s.
  • By reconstructing atmospheric conditions from 1980 to 2020, they sought to identify trends in methane emissions and assess the relative contributions of biogenic and thermogenic sources.

Discrepancies in Emissions Inventories

  • The team’s findings diverged from existing emissions inventories, such as EDGAR and GAINS, which reported conflicting trends in methane emissions from fossil fuel sources.
  • While these inventories indicated an increase in fossil fuel-related methane emissions, the researchers’ models suggested a decline since the 2000s, with microbial sources becoming increasingly dominant.

Implications for Climate Policy

  • The study highlights the importance of accurate data and modeling approaches in understanding methane emissions and formulating effective climate policies.
  • While efforts to reduce methane emissions from anthropogenic sources remain crucial, the prominence of microbial methane production underscores the need for targeted interventions in agriculture, waste management, and other biogenic methane sources.


  • EDGAR and GAINS are both significant databases related to emissions and environmental research.
  • EDGAR, which stands for Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, is a comprehensive global database that provides independent estimates of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollution.
  • It offers emission estimates at national and global levels, with detailed sectorial resolution and long time series, following IPCC guidelines.
  • EDGAR is a valuable resource cited in reports like the Emissions Gap Report and the EU Climate Action Progress Report, contributing to the understanding of global emissions and supporting initiatives like the Paris Agreement.
  • On the other hand, GAINS refers to the Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies
  • GAINS provides estimates and data on emissions, particularly focusing on greenhouse gases and air pollutants.
  • It is used for modeling and analysis, offering insights into emission sources, activity data, emission factors, and emission disaggregation in space and time.
  • GAINS is utilized by researchers and policymakers to understand emission trends, evaluate abatement technologies, and inform strategies for reducing emissions and improving air quality.

SOURCE: https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/study-says-microbes-not-fossil-fuels-produced-most-new-methane/article68124627.ece#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20the%20models%20said,more%20methane%20than%20fossil%20fuels

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