April 30, 2024

Lukmaan IAS

A Blog for IAS Examination




THE CONTEXT: Political parties, particularly the BJP, have attempted to appropriate Thiruvalluvar’s legacy for their agendas, aiming to establish cultural centers and promote Indian traditions globally. However, such attempts have sparked controversies, including debates over Thiruvalluvar’s religious identity and the portrayal of his iconic image.


  • Competing claims over Thiruvalluvar’s legacy have fueled political tensions in Tamil Nadu.
  • Controversies erupted when the BJP depicted Thiruvalluvar in saffron robes, triggering backlash from opposing factions who accused the party of distorting the saint’s image.
  • The BJP’s assertions of Thiruvalluvar’s Hindu identity have been met with skepticism, with scholars pointing to historical ambiguity and the saint’s transcendence beyond religious labels.
  • The tug-of-war over Thiruvalluvar’s legacy reflects deeper political dynamics in Tamil Nadu, where identity and cultural heritage are fiercely guarded.
  • Both Dravidian and Hindutva groups have sought to co-opt Thiruvalluvar to bolster their narratives, underscoring the significance of cultural symbols in shaping political discourse.


  • Thiruvalluvar, the legendary saint-poet attributed to the timeless verses of Thirukkural, holds a revered status among Tamils, transcending barriers of caste and religion.
  • In recent years, political factions, notably the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), have sought to leverage his legacy for their agendas, sparking debates and controversies in Tamil Nadu’s political landscape.
  • Thiruvalluvar’s historical identity remains shrouded in uncertainty, with debates over his period of existence and religious affiliation.
  • While some accounts place him in the 3rd or 4th century CE, others suggest a later timeline, around the 8th or 9th century.
  • Additionally, interpretations of his religious background vary, with claims of Hindu, Jain, or Dravidian affiliations.
  • Regardless of historical uncertainties, Thiruvalluvar holds an esteemed position in Tamil culture as a moral icon and philosopher-poet.
  • The Thirukkural, a collection of 1,330 couplets, serves as a guiding light for Tamil households, emphasizing moral values and ethical principles in daily life.
  • Thiruvalluvar’s teachings resonate deeply with Tamils, providing a cultural anchor and fostering a sense of identity.

SOURCE: https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-history/thiruvalluvar-bjp-manifesto-tamil-nadu-9271690/

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