April 29, 2024

Lukmaan IAS

A Blog for IAS Examination




THE CONTEXT: Exploring the intricate relationship between biodiversity and geography has been a longstanding inquiry, with naturalists like Alexander von Humboldt contributing key insights. Humboldt’s observations, particularly on mountains, have sparked curiosity and set the stage for modern investigations into what is now known as Humboldt’s enigma.


  • This enigma challenges conventional expectations by highlighting the exceptional biodiversity found in mountainous regions, contrary to the anticipated decrease in diversity away from the tropics.

Humboldt’s Insights:

  • Alexander von Humboldt, a polymath, proposed a connection between temperature, altitude, humidity, and the occurrence patterns of species.
  • His observations on the Chimborazo mountain in Ecuador served as a cornerstone for understanding the relationship between environmental factors and biodiversity.
  • Humboldt’s work laid the groundwork for future scientists to delve deeper into the drivers of biodiversity.

The Enigma Unveiled:

  • Humboldt’s enigma challenges the notion that the Earth’s tropical areas alone house the most biodiverse regions.
  • Mountains emerge as exceptions to this rule, exhibiting high biodiversity despite their non-tropical locations.
  • The enigma prompts a reevaluation of traditional biodiversity patterns and underscores the importance of mountains in shaping ecological richness.

Drivers of Mountain Biodiversity:

  • Geological Processes:
    • Mountains act as ‘cradles’ and ‘museums’ for biodiversity.
    • Geological processes, including uplifts, create new habitats where new species emerge (‘cradles’).
    • Additionally, climatologically stable mountains serve as ‘museums,’ harboring species for extended periods.
    • The Northern Andes, including Chimborazo, exemplifies this with a diverse range of biomes over short distances.
  • Geological Heterogeneity:
    • Mountains with high geological heterogeneity exhibit greater biodiversity.
    • The diverse composition of rocks provides varied habitats, fostering the diversification of species.
    • This phenomenon is particularly prominent in tropical mountains, contributing to their unique ecological tapestry.

Humboldt’s Enigma in India:

  • In India, the Western Ghats plus Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot, located in the tropical zone, is renowned for its biodiversity.
  • However, the eastern Himalaya surpasses it in diversity, challenging conventional expectations.
  • Climate dissimilarity, geological heterogeneity, and ecological niches contribute to the rich biodiversity observed in the eastern Himalaya.

Ongoing Mysteries and Research Gaps:

  • The enigma remains a complex puzzle, and scientists grapple with numerous hypotheses to explain biodiversity variations globally.
  • However, the lack of fine data on species occurrences poses a significant limitation.
  • Birds, among the best-studied groups globally, offer insights into mountain biodiversity patterns.
  • Further research, especially incorporating modern tools like genetics, is essential to unraveling these mysteries.

India’s Research Initiatives:

  • National programs, including the National Mission on Himalayan Studies, the National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem, and the National Mission on Biodiversity and Human Wellbeing, aim to address research gaps in India.
  • Strengthening these initiatives is crucial for advancing basic research on diversity, especially in less-explored regions like the Eastern Ghats.


  • Humboldt’s enigma serves as a captivating lens through which scientists explore the intricacies of mountain biodiversity.
  • As we unravel the mysteries, our local environments become invaluable laboratories for understanding global challenges related to climate change and landscape transformations.
  • The quest for answers continues, urging us to delve into our backyards and contribute to the collective understanding of our planet’s ecological complexities.

SOURCE: https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/energy-and-environment/humboldts-enigma-shola-sky-islands-explained/article67730052.ece

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